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GEORGE ODOM HAS ONLY THREE IN STRING. . George Odea is wintering but three thoroughbreds " this year, and of tie -e not more than two will be aTalailrr* far early raciag. hfarae Hasty, tie- t*mt four year -old so* of I.en Brush- Nuns loth, is looking wonderfully well bodily, hut he was badly lowed in his last 1. ui- ia Maryland anil althoagh he haa been fired by Dr. M -Cully, it is improbable that be wil be ready to race until the racing seaaoa shall hare been wall adraneed. Trainer Mam also has lory It- ID- and Pelucca, three-year old filliis. ,,, ate charge and they look as if they might come ta hand early. Doth of these fillies made good ahatwiaga .Ills! about the end of their racing careers in DIM, and as they bare w inter ad well, there is every lea aa* to hope that they may make good three rear-olds.