General News Notes of the Day., Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-25


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Ani-ri-.-is part la the war. when once she eaten nana Maud conflict, baa beta summarized as Bat- li ■ : Preaideat and cabinet lay plans for aggressive war aragraai by [Tatted State* if country is lavolved. Army to b • kept at home and raised to strength of 228.080. Navy to patrol American eo.iM and f i lit submarines, releasing Allied warships from duty on this side of Atlantic. Militia to be ordered mobilized by Secretary of War Baker. Food Bad war munition-- to Ik furnished Entente. Loans to be made Entente. Building of new war akin* malted. .Mobilization of all industrial and a, i i ut in- il rcaearcea ordered as rapidly as poaalMe. tabinct absolutely 1 yal to president, pushes all preparedness aieaiai m. Financial luppert of the army anil navy in war by the banks of America was pledged today by Peter W. • • bel. president of the American Hankers Aaaociatiea, as spokesman for 17. out banks with Maoan •■■. of nan- than ,s20 MH.lMIO.KMI. "I know the American bankers and the American people will f ini i •■ adei natcly oa short notice any movenienf to defend tin- nation." said Mr. Jaebel. "! know the Patted States can outlast any nation in the world. for I know that the itmut; is of the nation ragfct now are organized as they never were before. Throughout .tin- railed States preparedness for eventualities with li-rmany were betas rushed Saturday. War is so certain, that no qnestioa about the ac!vis:ibility of waiting was heard on any side. It was dee and best to allow Waaatagtoa to direct the ate ante ■ for national defease, but societies, cities and bodies organized f specially for the purpose were noting up in the government their desire to Kite aid to t!i" country. E -pecially aoticeable v.a-. hundreds of oilers coining from womens or -ganiaation* tnroagaoat the country. Leaden In the new revolation la It—a la and tli eanse nw nt change of government resaltiag then-from, have ligaifled their willingness to take part in the formation of a coalition republican form of go., raaneat b the states which form the Russia as known in Europe. Irofessor laul N. Milukoff. the face It a miaister la tin new government, is tne le:;der and spokesman of the party for the repub-Be. The n :nn that is likely to be soon ;s-... iiid aritfa the for« most poworsjof the world will Ik- the I nited. States of Russia. The sup* rdreadaaaght New Mexico, believed by naval ragiaeen to be the greatest sea fighter of .-.;; liaaes, will be launched by the raited states gOreraaaent at the New York nival yard Belt month. It is armed with a battery of twelve 14-ia ii -:ans and twenty -two fire-inch rifles. As compared with lie- In. liana, which took such a prominent part in the battle of Santiago, sin- will be twice as long, and half again as wide and in armament ■ far ■uperhw.1 as to be hardly compar- :;l i , Retired nav.,1 fleers have been ordered by Be retary ol the Navy Daniels to report for duty assigned them, according to word from Waahiag-ton. i i appaintment of the retired aaBcera to st. tin. is a/here tiny will become of use in speeding ap the work en getting the new vessels of the n.i. ready, his been i ipetled, the Kara! Board having tin- pow.-r. in case of emergency, to assign i i oaTicen ta duty of the nature in which they are now engaged. War i vi ata of the past twenty four boars are as follows: Preach troops push back Qeratans north of ■Hcntii: anal: take more grOBBMl northeast of TVrglnler. British c;it off Genaaa attacks and make further gains aaatheaat of Arras. Three Bussiaa aiatlei make advances ngaiast Tarka in Aaia Mtaer. aTaaataas regaia trenches lost io German* la vicinity of Uda. Baaslaa resume offensive la the Hraili -•. t.on ef Koumanian front. n aval dip.iitiiK nl is finding great difficulty in obtaining iprcdlni respaaaes to the demands for iKkHttonx to the naval forces of the country in the aray af smaller craft, such ns torpedo boat dratroyers and subsidiariea. Ahaat fifty reset Is 1. .. been aeaired to aagaaaeat the eestreyer fleet, la. t the shlphallding roaspaali s. in apraiag bidding. : ..• con itmctlaa of only twenty-four. Organised agencies of tin- Methodist Episcopal chur.h in Washington will not push the demands for a vote of temperance questions now before the House of Bepreatatattvea in Waahiagtaa for patri-otic reasons, it is announced. Inwilliugness to "nag" the government with ipiestions of that kind in the event of the country becoailag engulfed in a war. is the reason given. Following upon the heels of Germanys sinking of Ami -riciiii vessels carrying supplies to the allies. ami- the news from Washington. Saturday, that Ambassador Brand Whltloch and the relief aids in Bill IBBH hail been recalled. Since o-rmany has re-, used, by her ruthless actions to allow supplies to reach ihe Belgiaaa, the aravk cut out for the commission appointed for relief is at an end. The United States has formally denied German;.: request to modernize and extend the eld Prussian -Ann rican treaties of 17i ! and 1828. The state de- partaaeat has replied through Dr. Fatal Bitter, Swiss miaister in chaise of flu area interests, refusing to accept the protocol seal throagh him to this gavera- merit on February 11. Harvard will dismiss if-; andergradaatea immediately ;n case war is declared and will turn over its immense equipment to the goveraaM at for use as an officers trainiag camp. The aadergradaates who are members of the college military ergaaiaatiaa will be gtvea special examinations as soon as war is declared and then the caUege will c!o e its doors. Efforts upon the part of several members of the Illinois National Qaard :. leave the state were refaaed by tic gaveraaseat, upon the graaada that the mobilization of the gwatd was impending and that their services would be needed from then on. Aaaerieaa ambassadors in Austria, together with their staffs are preparim; to leave that country, ac-rordlag to aieasagea broaght to America by two American miliaria Ihe Aastllsai expect war with the Inited States and that it will come soon. Large sums of money continued to be paid to Recmaas in El Paso on drafts from New York received by the local banks and this money in the form of American gaai, is heiag taken to Juarez. aeeatdhag to goreraaaeat ageata. The inited states aaveraaaeat was the first to II I llglllH the new aTnsilaa government set up after the deaoaiag of the Caar. The revatatJaa has been fully saccessfaL it is asserted iu contiei tion with the wispateh. Tape near cotton yarn is replaeiag the American product, which formerly dominated the Haagfcaag, China, market. Bxportera m this -ountry, however, are stii! Mtpplyiag hia grade yarns to thiua. That the reports of revolution in Jormany are without foundation, and that the reports so far received are very much exaggerated is the substance of a message to London via Copenhagen. Campaigns to extend the aae of grayfisli. tile-fish and s.-iblefish in this country have met with success, Caaners on Paget Sound are interested in the marketing of these fish..

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Local Identifier: drf1917032501_8_2
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