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TIJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA, MIX.. SATURDAY. MARCH 24, 1917. One hundred and seventeenth day. Lower California Jocfcej lab. Winter Meeting of 12.*. gays. 1! books on. "Weather clear. Presiding Judge, C. II. Pettingill. Starter. Ld vard Tribe. Racing Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racing ■ tarts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 1:00 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. QO QQA FIRST RACE— 41 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1910— 1 :05%— 3— IIS. Purse 00. OO O __f 3 year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third. 5. J ndox Horses AWtSt , ■ j r-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 32158 LYCIA wis 305 i 1- 1*1 1*1 1*1 A Johnson Hancock A Cuabin i 4 3-2 3-5 1,2272 TREOWEN wwll2 1 :- :, .- : W Taylor J Burks. 6 6 2 1 Stt7t3ENGLISH LADY- w Ho 2 8*1 1] 8* 8» A Pickens R M Hollenbeck 8-5 2 4 5 2-5 32182 SOLVEIG W 16C 7 7, 6- 5* 4, E Marin R G Martin 1 2 8-5 S-i Stt72 MEEGONE w 110 5 4.. 41 41 5a F Fuller T J Grant S 10 4 2 Stt«2 FANCY FEATHERS wu 100 j 6*1 5*1 8* 6* A AlexdraG Alexandra 4 6 2 1 32300 FANNIE HS I : sJ 7" 7 R Harton G AYentworth 30 40 15 8 32245 MISS KNIGHT w 102 4 81 7M 8*1 s1 F Btevena Burg .- Blough 10 12 5 2". JULY FLY w 101 9 9 I 9 I C YanDur.i W Fuller 10 15 6 3 Time. 23%. 48, 1:01%, 1:07%. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Beaipconina — EmbeUish trained by J. Hamilton: bred by Mr. George J. Long. Weal to poet at 2:08. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow Won easily: second and third driv-hag. LYCIA, away with a Hying -tart, sot a fast pace and won easing up. TREOWEN raced prominently and oatgaated ENGLISH LADY for serosal place. The latter tired from chasing the winner in closest pur-nit b the la-t eighth. SOLVEIG closed ;t gap, but rand disappointingly. MEEGONE tired. Overweight- Fannie. : pound-: Mis Knight. 2: July Fly. 1. Q O 1 BBCOND RACE— 8 1-2 Furlongs. June SB, ltM 1:05 Vt- 3— UK. Purse 00. 8-year-_5 3U O O A. idds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner S225; second. 0: third. X25. Index Horses AWtSt ■. j % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners OOP S_ 32171 *ZIDA TOHER WB 4 168 1 81 Bkptli T Nohui H Reynolds 3 81 6-6 3-5 ;;227l ZENOTEK w 7 161 2 1 1 1 1 1 f A JohnaonT S Phillips 4 5 2 1 KtSlSLADY MINT use. sib -, 5 5* 6* :.3 W Kelaaj Pirker A Koch 8 10 4 8 Stt71*JUAN. FREDRICK WB 3 166 7 4*14* 4*1 4*1 E Martin I w Hoaug 3 8* 6-6 3-6 :2301 1 R SMOOT wsMllI 1 2 2 l" : - - Ormea .1 L Wade I :; 1 i-l M J58 D00N w 4 110 6 71 7 6- «.. R Harton F D Howard TO 86 S 12 81859 JOE BUSHER WB 7 113 I 6* 6* 7- 7 Q AlexaJrE A Dempsey 89 85 10 5 .•••.2178 RUTH POWERS wb 6 116 1 8* M 8* 8* W Taylor C E Reed 86 40 15 8 30733 I.ADY LEE ROSE wb 3 63 I I I I 9 A Alex dra Bradford ft Lee 56 66 25 12 32211 THIStLE BELLE w is 11 ill Refused. j Met., 11 w j Dunn 5 6 ■ . 65 lime. 23%. 48%. 1:01%. 1:07%. Track fast. Winner Itr. f. by Mint-Stella Campbell trained by ;. W. RHlerman: bred by Mr. C. B. Campbell. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and tliird dri -ing. ZIDA TOHER raced close up for the first half and easily drew out in the stretch. ZENOTEK set a lasi pace to the last eighth and hung on gamely for second place. LADY MINT closed up ground and finished fast. Jl ANITA FREDRICK and DR. SMOOT tired after being prominent contenders to the stretch. Scratched -31034 Yip-Hy-Ya, 110; 28158 Irish Cook, MS. Oveiweights /.ida Toher. 1 pound: .luanita Fredrick, 5: Joe Rusher. 5; I.adv Lee Rose. 3: Thistle Belle. 1. 1QQO THIRD RACE 1 Mile. Jaae 17. IBM- 1:88—8 95. Furs,. oo. 8-year-olds and Stiff _| upward. Sellin- Net a|iie i,, winner *L25; second. S-l: third. S2... Index Horsew AWtSt 4 ■■, Str Fin Jockeys OusT I O C |- S~ SttM FRED T wis 5 iH 1 1- 1- V S 1» W Ormea J Hiunbrecht 6 8 8-1 ; -27l IDA P1NACK w 5 llo 1 I f 8*1 8* 8*1 C Riddle J Woodar.l 4 5 2 1 32262 CAMIA WB 7 110 6 71 B P 1- SJ Yv Braze] K L Knifong 10 12 8 8 o2274 BNGBAVER wtu 11 UU 6 S| V 33 3i V W Taylor J I AlcBride 5 6 a 1 j | SttM JOHN WALTERS wb 5 108 5 41 6* 6"k 6= M H GriffithsB J Creighton 10 12 6 3 3228! MA NBA DIB IO w 8 115 6 6 4 5i 5S 63 T Nolan A Greenleve 6 7 3 3 2 31449 ALM1NO W 4 MB IS 11* 11* 11* 03 71 R Harton Napa Stock Farm 10 6 8 8-8 32293 ROOSTER w 7 110 8 9 8*1 6 8* 8= W Lillev Scott - Mighill 5 7 2 8-8 32289 RARBARITA w 5 105 4 5 10" 7i 7» 93 A Johnson! McCollum S 8 4 2 32133 MAID SMITH ws 3 88 7 10« 73 8= H" 10s A AlexdraL D Gentry 8 10 4 2 32005 Ml Y BUENA w 6 118 11 8nu 8 10 11" 11= M MthewsC A Davies 8 10 4 2 Stt58 CARBURETOR wb 6 115 in 12 12 12 12 12 J Wells Tucker and Murphy 15 25 8 4 Time. 25%, 49%, 1:15. 1:42%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g. by Atkins — Chickadee trained by L. Cody: bred by Mr. W. L. MeLemore. Went to post at 2:57. At post 11 minute-. Start bad aad slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FRF.P T.. showing the most speed, set the pace all the way and won under the best ride. IDA PINACK seemed a sure winner to the head of the Stretch, but lost because of a weakly ridden finish. CAMIA oatgamed ENGRAVER for third place. The latter tired in the stretch drive. MlY BUENA and ALMINO were practically left at the post. Overweights — Ida Pinack. 2 pounds. QOQQQ FOPRTII RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dee. 20. ISM— 1:11%-*— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds O d_j tj €j€ and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 00: second. 1917.sh5: third. S35. Index Horses AW t St % ,~ "-.. Str F in Jockeys Owners 5 C P S T;224B BATCHLER WB5M8 7 tP 6 fi 1] F Btevena H T Batchler 10 8 :". 8-1 32201 IIOCNIR wb 6 112 1 8] P ■- - E Martin K Bjpatoe 4 4 8-5 7-10 1 32292 GENERAL 7 102 4 16 1*111 8*1 R Harton W Kisher 6 7 2 1 32291 -ESTIMABLE w 5 108 2 8*1 31 8* 4" M Mtlnwsl.os Angeles Stable 8-6 31 4-5 1-3 SSttlBARSAC wit 7 122 6 r.»» 4" 6- 5k A Pick ns F Mallory 8-6 8-6 1-S out 32291 CUT. MARCHMONT w 6 168 8 4; 5 51 6 C VanDun.I V Fuller 10 12 4 2 32198 STRIKER wis 7 101 6 7 7 7 7 W Taylor L Becker 6 10 4 3-2 Time. 23%, 47%-, 1:12%. Track fast. Winner — R. g. by Marchmont II. — Fay House trained by L. L Mason: bred by Mr. II. T. Batchler. Weal to post at 3:2S At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: seeond and third the same. BATCHLER began slowly and was outrun to the stretch, but saved ground on the turns and. finishing fast, wore the leaders down to win drawing dear.. IIOCNIR outstayed GENERAL in the last stride. The lart r set a great pace and held on resolutely in the linal drive. BAR8AC tired under his weight. ESTIMABLE ran a good race, but tired near the end. Overweights Batchler, 2 pounds; Striker. 2. QOQQ/I FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. June 17. 191ft— 1:38— 3— 95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and O £i O O rJb upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 25; second. 11; third. 5. Index Horses ■ _j Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 32320 YIREO is 7 1 13 1 2 2:i 2 J 2.. 1" R Cart r Smith and- Dority 4 5 2 1 32302 McLELLAND wn 4 108 8 J*l 1*1 1= 1* 8*1 A Pickens C Mulholland 6 3 7-5 7-10 32274 - MAR.JORIE D. W 5 186 7 7"- 4» 8* 8*1 3*1 W Taylor N F Dortch 8-5 6-5 3-5 1-3 32293 STARANISE wis 4 110 4 4 51 6* 4J 4- W Keisay S M Henderson 4 8 3 3-2 StMSSWENSON wis 5 IIP 9 8: 8* 7- 7- H A JohnsonM S Trimble 6 10 4 2 32055 ZANOAREE W 5 118 8 8* 8*16* 6*1 6*1 ■ Smith Oakland Stable 5 8 3 3-2 32293 JENNIE SMALL w 4 110 8 5* 7" 8; 8* Fl C Riddle T Dealy 10 15 6 8 32293 -LANDSLIDE w 4 113 6 8] 31 6* 6| 83 R Harton Bronx Stable 6 8 3 2-2 32197 MY FIRST WB 8 186 5 9 9 9 9 9 E Martin H Field 15 10 4 2 Time. 25, 49%, 1:14%, 1:41%. Track fast. Wit— Mr — Ch. m. by Mazagan — Nuns Cloth trained by .1. Briley; bred by Mr. J. N. Camden. Went to post at 3:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; aeeead and tliird the same. YIREO raced in closest pursuit of the leaders from the start and. in a hard drive, barely got up in time to win. McLELLAND showed high speed in pa emaking. but tired in the hist few strides. MARJORUt I. ran a fairly good race only, failing to finish with her usual burst of speed. STARANISE ran well. LANDSLIDE tired ami qnit after being a forward contender to the homestretch. Scratched- a2302-Y.illaha. IPS; 32203 Matches. 103. Q £ Q O fJT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Nov. 15. 1910—1:45—9—100. Purse 00. 0_500l 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, _2_ _ Index Horses AWtSt _j _j _ Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 32305 BIB. CULBERTSON WB4103 4 5" 6 61 3 1- E Martin S Bonefield 3 4 7-5 :: E 32305-PR1NCE S. w 6 107 6 6= 51 4 51 8*» W Bill, v Sunnyside Stable 3 3 1 1-2 ES805*AUGUSTUS HEINZE w 6 112 5 7 7 7 6*181 R Harton W Flatter 8 4 7-6 8-6 33S4t*ANN TILLY W7106 2 2 2" 21 2 4- A Johnson Heavener and SouthallH-5 9-5 4-5 2 5 32304 BIDDY w 4 10:; 8 1- 1* 11 U 6* M MthewaJ Shilling 6 10 4 1 32249 MISS FIELDER WB 5 166 1 8* 89 81 41 6*1 A Pickens L Stone 6 8 8 6-5 32323 COOSTER w 6 112 7 4- 4- 51 7 7 C Riddle P. F Reeves 20 40 12 1 Time. 24, 48%, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:45%. Track fast. Winner -Rr. g. by Migraim — Danceress trained by W. Dealy: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Weal to post at 1:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BILLY CULBERTSON was saved to the stretch, where he closed up fast on the outside and won easing nil. PRINCE S. was bumped while going around the liist turn and pocketed in the stretch, bat ran a good rate. AUGU8TU8 HEINZE closed s big gap and finished with a rush. ANN TILLY raced well, but tired in the final drive. RIDDY set a fast pace to the last eighth and quit. Overweights Biddy, 3 pounds.