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HOT SPRINGS WORK-OUTS. Hot Spring-. Ark.. March St. — Work at Oaklawn this morning was over a Cast track and the following were the best moves reported, with the weather lear and the track fast: li. A. Jones Thre -eighths in 37-e,. Besrertfll Three-quarters in 1:1s. Benjamin — Five-eighths in 1;W%. Bird Lor Three-quarters in 1:17%. Black Deauty--Five-eighths in 1:04. Bogy Johnson Three-quarters in 1:17. Broom Corn Three eighths in 37. lirumley-Mile in 1:48. Crankie Berea-eightha in 1:31. Dyson Fire -eighths u i: . Fair Mac -.Mile in 1:41%. Chillier — Three-eighths in 3d. Cratitudi — Five-eighths in 1:04. Harry L. — Half mile in B2. Innocent Inez— Three-quarters in 1:17%. Jefferson— Five-eighths in 1:04-.-.. Jessie Louisi Seven eighths in 1:32. Kalitan — Three-eighths in M%. Keziah — Five -eighths in 1.0g%. Kilday — Five -eighths in 1 :." . Korfhage -Half mile in no. Laura James — .Mile in 1:49. Little Ford Half mile in BS. i.ittle Jane -Three -quarters in 1:18%. Malheur Five-eighths in 1 :l.i. Miss Kruter- Three-quarters in 1:39%. Nettie Walcutt Half mile in 51%. Ieachie- Half mile in all. Irime Mover Three-quarters in LIS. Kifle shooter Three-quartern in Lis. Bio Brasoa Thret eighths in M%. Bobrrt Mantrll Five-eighths iii Lor,. Signorette- Mile in 1:4... Souvenir Five eighths in 1:03. Stclclill Three quarters in 1 :J2. Tactics* -Mile in 1 :40. Talebearer Three-quarters in 1:19.-.. Thursday Nightcr Three -quarters in lis- Tony McCafferty Half mile in 57%. 1nele .liminie i-ive eighths in 1 :04S. /.in Del- Three eighths in 37.