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MOKE DESTRUCTION AT BELMONT PARK. Twenty-Six Valuable Tasiinna.Ma;ill1l Victims cf an Incendiary Fire at New Yorks Greatest Track. few Vor-,:. April 80.— The second af what are believed to be incendiary fires occarrad nt Belmont Park last night, destroying one complete barn, twea t. -m valaable race bernrs .iid two table 1 »-» 1 1 • « s, the pmpeitj of Bchayler I.. Paraoaa aad It. I. Knipp. Prom what can be learned, the fir- atarttal iu :i hay loft which, according to the private watch j mini. Inid been catered through :i window which was] pi led open. The her at s destroyed were I. ing trained j hj W. il. K rrick. Nat aae af them escaped, owin to the i|iiic!: advance of the flamea aad snaoke and I the fact thai the barn was enclosed with wood aad glass partitions. one filly. Patria, whs beiag brpagbl aal by rubber Willi "11 Luster, when she became frightened and jump..! on 1. usier. injuring him severely. The filly then ran hack to Ler stall aad waa allocated. one valaable fiOy, Koh-i N •. is la Kentucky l eiug traiaed for the Uaka. li.i- is th ly horse thai la i ft to carry the col,.;-- nf Mr. Par son-, sixteea, while Mr. Kaapps loss is eleven horses nad two stable poaies, the latter beiag need far training parpoaei by Mr. Karrlek. There waa ■ report current thai 1:. T. Wil -; ch.impii.n two-year-old Campfire waa aaaoag the missing, hat sach was net the case. 5.7.500 Reward for Co.i7iction of Miscreants. That tin re is evidence sufficient to shew tnrea-diarism. is gathered frani the fact that .si.r.iMi baa I ii offered for inlorm.iiioii that will lead to Con victioti of the mhwreaats. Tbia reward is offered l y the Westchester Racing Association, the Jockey Clah .in 1 Mi sera Pnraoai nad Knapp collectively. It is only abaat three weeks ago that the grandstand • . i: inioni Park waa destroyed, being net ea fire at si din Cereal paiata nl the same time. The following is the natheatic list of the hort lost: Iroperty of Sclmyler I,, r.irsons: Phosphor, Hanson. Vixea, Innlsktllea, Valdor, Prairie u-.u. Lady Creenwi 11. Golden sin. if. Sweep-stakes, nanpa. Ceaaty Jay. Bwaasdowa, Blackball, Soiou.i. Rhyaaer. Plana itj af the Oaeck MaMe K. K. Knapp: Arli-mis, Saiidal. Tragedy, In. Knocker. Piccolo, Sir Rut 11 :. I p and Doing, Sleepy Hollow. Patria, rolpaill I. Bagdad and two stable ponies. Ilie majority of the haraea were untried two y ai olds, si. me of wliich wore considered of great value and on Which there was no insurance. The alder haraea were alee nf considerable value niid inc]ii, Pho.phci and Hanson, two noted sprinters. Tragedy, Which had a bright future, nad a horse named The Knacker, Car winch Mr. Knapp had heea offend a sum reaching the five figures. Both Mr. Kaapp and Mr. Parsons arc steward.-: at the Jockey Club. The destruction of tare such valuable stables is ipiite a loss to the turf, .,s well as to two most highly respected ov- tiers.