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JUVENILE STAKES WELL PATRONIZED. Eighty-One Youngsters Named for this Two-Year-Old Fixture at Churchill Downs. Louisville. Ky.. April 30. — Eighty-one nominations have been made to the Juvenile Stakes, one of tin-two yeai -old fixtures of the Churchill Downs spring meeting. The race is for youngsters of both sexes, and it has attracted a notable array of this years two-year-Old division. The club adds SLOOO to the stake-; and the conditions contain the selling clause. Following are the entries: W. F. Applegatcs l.„,|e star. ch. c. by Magneto — The Lady: Jack Hare Jr.. b. c. by Marathon— Mooaetl Hamilton A., br. g. bv Toddiiigton— Hollv-biish. K. D. Alexanders Escoba. br. c. by Hroomstick— Christmas Star; Little Hollo, b. c, by Rurgomaster -Qaagmlr* ; Flounce, b. f. by Plaudit -Ruglets. W. H. Rakers Tex Formaii. b. c. by Master Robert- Marbles; Don PsagB, b. c. bv Toddiiigton Miss Oertei; Dr. Bhafer, b. c, by Toddiiigton— Martha Palmer; Carl Kllwaii"er. b. c. by Master Robert -High Degree; Walter Hrady. b. c. bv Marathon Miladi Love; Pretty Baby, ch. f. bv Sir John Johnson— Irish Girl II.; Charley Neite, b. c, by Sweep -Alio. .1. W. Hells Miss Agnes, ch. f. bv Marathon-Natalie D. HcMi-wyck Stables F. J. Nolan Lady Longfellow, b. f. by Zeua -Olivia Miekle; Nolawii, b. c. by Sir John Johnson Onaga. 0. A. Rianohis Williamson, b. c, by Jim Caff-ney Aimer C. : John Wiggins, br. c, bv Out of Reach -Pcpita. F. R. Bradleys Hit of Bhrraey, b. f. by Cunard— Melton Mowbray: Bbje Paradise, b. f. by Helmet -BaadeUo; Bashfal Boob, eh. e, by Cunard — Winning Widow: Rotcha Million, b. c, by Helmet— Ella Smith. t. c. Bradley and Co.s Eraest R., eh. -, by stalwart — Indolent. Gnat Hugh Bmwaea Simon Pure, b. g. by Simon Squan — Catherine 15. ; Roy RIuc, gr. c, by Gray Leg — Cissy Rrown. 1. E. Clarks Panette. ch. g. by Everett — Panlita. C. W. Passers Telluric, b. c, by Sir John Johnson or Frog Legs— AaasteL W. P. Johnsons Big Knoiigh. b. c. by Transvaal -Grace Dixon; Eager Kate. ch. f, bv Transvaal -Foundling. H. A. Jones Walter Dant. ch. c. by Harrigan — Willie P.: Carrie Margaret, br. f. bv Harrigan -Hetty Fuller: Alphia Kay, b. f. bv Waldo— Seven-full. Flank J. Kelhys Saza Namy. ch. f. by Traprock — Fizgig: Rest Dean, ch. g. by Rourbou Rcau— Francisca. Latonia Stables Winters and C«. Glasa, b. f, by Pent. -cost— Sparkle BshCV. Jefierson Livingstons Imported Youngsters. Jefferson Livingstons Lolic. br. c. by Senseless — Anne Holcyn; Jibby. br. c. by Llangibby — Roundelay; Allium, b. c. by Mushroom — Royal Anne; Regal Lodge, b. c. by Bcppo Oriana. George J. Longs Chalco, b. g, by Sempronius — BeBe Scott. Andrew Millers Recount, b. c. by Rallot— Censure; .Malvolio. ch. c, by Superman Rasia. C. R. .Millers Clarice Ruth, b. f. by Sempronius — Variora: Katherine Francis, b. f. bv Sempronius — Onadere. D. L. Mu.hollamls Rosalind, ch. f, bv Dick Fin-ncll Peace. Pastime Stables Mhhllcton and Jones. Mary Johnson, ch. f. by Harrigan Sharp. W. F. Patsoaa Dragon Rock, b. c. bv Traprock— Cousuello II. W. P. Reeds V.n y.u. ch. f. by Dick Welles— WoodllWII I.llle. .1. B. Bespess bay filly, by Marathon — Zinfan-del: brown geldhsg, by Dick Welles Animosity; Arizona, b. !. by Dick Welles Outwai. A. L. Rogers W. W. Hastings, eh. g. by H.-ir-rigaa Royal Lady. Hog. ch. g. bv Hlues Roval Nettie II. : Robert L. Owen. eh. g. by Rlues — Li mou Girl; George Damcaa, b. c, bv Blues— Errant Lidy. J. Claude Rogers Croat Cull, b. c, by Rryn MaWT Flaming Flamingo. .1. Vv. Schorrs Cathedral, ch. c. by Dick Welles-Flash of Lightning: The Hefty Whirl, ch. f. by English Lad— Bessie Weil..; Pnak Barhe, eh, ■. by The Commoner Ice Water; Jay Bird, b. . . by Peep oDay Red P.ird IL; Qaartette, h. c. by-King Olympian Lyrist: Ordanng, b. c. by Peep oDay Prinzessin: Pinehurst. ch. c, by King Olympian -Dinemock; James T. Clark, br. c, by Dick Finnell Paradise Won. T. R. Sharps Jean K., br. f, by Helmet-Whats Left. J. Fmeiiset tors Beautiful Miss, b. f. by Mctiee -Mag... John S. Wards Fox Ridge, ch. e. by Toddiiigton - Idle May; Bsalfsrc. b. e. by Transvaal — Cerina. Wiekiiffe Stables Corrigan and McKimiey Com -panic, blk. c, by Colin -Playmate; Herder, br. g. by Colin — Relgravia: I.auwine, b. g, by Sweep Debacle; Poor Joe, br. g, by Sweep— Kiurosc; South Fork, br. g. by Elkhoru — Rosegarland. Williams Pros. Korbly. b. c, by Martinet Lady tram; KUag, eh. -, by Hilarious-Anna L. Daley; Koran, b. f. by Hilarious Common Sue; Keruan, eh. c, by Hilarious Morning dory. William Woodards Dickie W., br. c, hy Dick Finnell Hellegarde II. C. T. Worthingtons Miss Fussy, b. f, by Master Robert— Sunfi; Katie Canal, br. f, by Rapid Water -Roses. W. J. Youngs Stevenson, b. c, by Hilarious — Responseful.