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IMPROVEMENT AT JAMAICA TBACK IS FAST AGAIN BUT THE WEATHER REMAINS DISAGREEABLE. Lui.ullite Proves Hin-clf a Good Colt Bad Wins the Colorado Stakes in Ea:;y Fashion — Mr. Belmont Sror. Hi- Youngster Win. Jamaica. N. V.. May :| August BlhiwHi Trap Beck colt l.n.iillit. proved distinctly thai be la better than the ordinary two rear *M at Jamaica today, by winning the Colorado Stakes -;isil.v from Mr. Whitneys Bonnie Breeai, which araa believed t» be :i real goad filly. The twa pra« UcaBy had the rare to themselves from the first sixteenth. They ran larked Ear a fear strides, arhea Larallite began to draw away Bad the resalt was not la doubt afterward, though Bnfatesoa ararhed hard to set to the leader. Ultiau TheJe waa .i Ml Bothered after the start hy crowding, bat not aadfJcteat to thaage the result. Tha weaUm esedt rated seeaewhat hat it waa Mill cold aad disagreeable, which kept the at-teadaace daw a ■ trifle. .Mr. Behaeat arrived at the trail; just in thae ti eec kla rail win. He had retaraed from Keatacky where be had bee* to look ewer liis Nararry stud stock. Naturally be waa pteaeed with the showing made by LacalUte, which is said to be a f t !«• - best hi the stable. one of ti 1,1 s. Ii.h.i ,,f ,„i,is layers, kaawfl ms "Tiffany." waa arrested by Bherlff Matthews attar iin- fifth raee, for alleged Iwwiiiailin F.d Hewarr aaaeeaeed this afteraaaa 11. C. HaUeaheeka The Finn waald b»I make the trip to Toronto, t., race in the Cap Batarday. Be re-celved a tetegnaj from Woodbine with the weight* .iml stated that, while he did Bet think the Ml liounds placed on the black bone excessive, be bad decided to start aba la the Laag Beach a* Metro palitsa, instead of making tha trip over the harder. The Finn Works Good Mile. Tha Kinii was sent out on the track following the first race aad, begtaaiag in front of the judges a la ad. worked ■ mile in 1:42. It waa .i good Brave Vor Saturdays feature stake. Fractious, 25%, 50%, J. 1 •"•.,. 1:28%." Trainer hh-naalel rtpoito Qraat Hash Brownes tin -year-old filly rnpaniah will Im- shipped hick f.. Iolmoit Park, following the raaaiag f the Keatacky Oaks, to race in the Ladies Hand! cap. Win. shields baa parrhaeed the fareiga-bred aray rarer Nylon from .1. k. Whteaer. Walter leaalags waa aa antral from Loaisvillc during the after—a. lackey W. OBrtea was fiaed 5 this Butralag, for btorklag traffic la the Village of Qaeeas with his aataaaahUe. Baraa Bethechfld will ship to thi i aaali j tweaty-seven Pleach bred yearliaga, to be sold darbag the inontli f Aagesl nt Saratoga flpi bus This shtp-aaeat imdudes the prageay of Banttaapale aad Verdun. The rirst-aaased was the winner of over 1.000,000 fnacs in Frame in DIM and waa the beet rarer ef that year. Verdaa was ■ Bread 1rix wtaaer ami the kadi at two-year eld ef his year. There is every indication George smith will start ill the Laag Beach flaadifBP next Saturday, with Tlio Finn, BtnaabeU, Spur and other goad bene*.