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JAMAICA FORM CHART. NEW YORK. SATURDAY. MAY 26. 1817.— Jamaica. Eighth uf. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Flrt Meetlagot days. Weather clear. Steward to Represent Jockey Club. W. S. Vosburgh. Judges. C. II. Pettingill and E. C. Smith. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. W. C. Edwards. Racing -t.-ul a t 2:31 1 p. m. ichi.-ago time 1:311 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. ~~ OO I tJ£* FIRST BACB 5-8 Mile. May If, 1917 59 % 2 KK. 00 Added. 2 year-olds. O O -i OU Selling. Net value to winner 30: sec I. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt t K "t Str Fin J_ keys Owners 0 11 C r JT- 3»995 DAWN STAR will 1 1 2i 1". P P W .1 OP.nJ Butler 4 5 5 1 2l" S«»34STARWORT wn 112 t 2 li P P P J McTas*tR T Wilson 7-104-5 7 1014 out 33081 LOW DEGREE w 107 I 8 P P* S»l P L McAtee G II Btowm I 7 6 I 5 1-2 •AILEEN O. WB Ml I I 4" P :".-• 4 M Rowan J J Moran 20 30 30 I 3 32BM**JOSIE A. w* M I .". 3 I1 4J P R TrohM A A Reilly 5 7 7 X-5 I 5 LABURNUM III. w 112 5 6 6 6 6 6 J Butwll W Heyman 20 20 20 6 2 Time. 23«i, 48y5. 1:01%. Track fast. Winner- Br. f. by Star Shoot Miss Canale trained by J. McGoi—Mk; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to peel at 2:30. At peat 2 minutes Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DAWN STAR passed STARWORT while rounding the hist turn and. taking a long lead, was eased up at the tini-h. STARWORT set a fast early pace, was hard ridden for the entire wav and had no mishaps. LOW DECREE dosed up ground steadily and outstayed AILEEN O. in the final drive. The latter ran well and tired in the last eighth. Scratched 33007 All Bright. 107. O O 1 O ry SECOND RACK 3-4 Mile. May 19. 1MB— 1:12— 4— 118.] Purse M. 4 -year-olds 0 O JL O I and up-.vard. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0; third. X Index Horses AWtPPSt jj ... % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ll C P S " 3I!70Unn;l.|.; EAGLE wr. 5 124 3 2 1" 1« 1« V J Butwell E T~Lang 3~5~4-5 4 5 lTout 32*78 IMPERATOR vi: r, l:;t 1 l p p p q T Davies 8 T Toira N-5 ! 5 3-2 1 3 out 27558 H. BRU8H w 1 123 4 S P P 8] 3 J Mctoalf A Stafford 30 30 30 6 1 :.2887 ROYALTY w 5 124 2 8 4i P 4» 4-1 W J OBnP J Fox 30 50 50 10 2 8*1 It" •PRESTON LYNN 6 129 5 4 E 5 E 5 J If uleahv.I M Simmer 6 10 8 7-5 out Time. 231/,. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. Y inner P.. h. by Watercress Captivity trained bv ti. M. odoni ; bred bv Mr. James B. H.iggin. Went to poet at 2:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DOUBLE EAGLE raced into a long lead at his riders leisure and won under restraint. IMPERATOR gained steadily and outstayed II. BRUSH in the final drive. The latter displayed much speed for a half mile and tired as if short. ROYALTY ran well. PRESTON LYNN was outpaced and ran a dull race. Scratched- 83781 Stellarina. US; 33071 -Rroomvale, 133; 32935 Dancer, 123; 32935 Mr. Slices, 134; 33122 P.ilw.t. 121. 001 IJ O THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June _, ms 1 :M5 7-122. California Handicap. 0 O X O O 1917.sh00 Added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt _ _j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Q~ II P S 32098 KORN TASSEL will 2 1 l V V ll J McTagtR T Wilson 7-5 2 13-101 Zoot 827BS LUCIUS wis MB 7 7 6 «_ 4: 2J M Garner A Johnson 15 15 _ 5 2 30238 PICKWICK wis 113 4 3 3- 2" 2J 8 | F Keogh J E Widener 2 13 -513-57-101-4 38987 JOCK SCOT wn 113 1 I 5 P 31 4 I, McAtee G A Cochran 2t I 2i 7-101-4 3S4MGREEK LEGEND wis 112 S 5 fl 7 6- P F RobsonC K G Killings 10 12 12 4 8-5 V»25! GI.ADlol.A w 107 6 4 P 3 P PI A Pickens NevadaStockFm 50 50 50 15 6 32887 CACHET wis MB 3 6 7 4- 7 7 E CampbUE B Cassatt 50 50 50 15 6 Time. 2325. 4823, 1:00, 1:06"=5. Track fast. Winner — P.r. g. by Santoi — Cornfield trained by T. J. Healey: bred in England by Sir T. ireenall. Went to peel at 3:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CORN TASSEL s.-t a fast pace, withstood repeated challenges and drew clear in the last sixteenth under pressure. LlCIIS was outpaced in the early running, but closed up rapidly in the homestretch on the outside of the leaders and outlasted PICKWICK. The latter was alwsiys a lose up contender and made a game efTort at the eighth post, but tired as ir short. JOCK SCOT was shuttled back shortly after the start and saved ground on the turns, but was in close quarters at the finish. OLADIOLA showed loed. QO FOIRTII RACE 1 1-8 Miles. June 19. 1915- 1:52— 5— 9S. Sixth Running Long 3»J1 O JL C? Xj Beach Handicap. . MM Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner .125; second. 50; third. 50. Index Horses A Wt PPSt -, L- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 S_ 3297«-THE~KINN wn 5 12S 5 1 4 Ill- P I3 A~PiokonslI V Hallenbeck 4-5 9-101-5 1-4 out :-7455 GEORGE SMITH w 4 122 I 4 3"" 2 23 2- 2- F RobsonJ Sanford 21 3J M 4 5 out 32507 DADDYS CHOlCEwis 4 104 1 2 1 P V P P J McTagtE Herz 20 20 20 5 3-2 33120 GILLIES wn 4 108 4 I 2 4 41 5 4- R Troise J E Madden 20 20 20 I 3-2 32095 -FERN ROCK w 4 104 2 5 E 5 5 4J I M Garner A Belmont 3i 3J 13-53-5 out Time. 2425, 49, 1:14%, l:39«i, 1:52 cpials track record. Track fast. Winner— Blk. h. by Ogdon Livonia trained by K. W. llefTner: bred by Mr. John K. Madden. Went to post at 8:5ft. At post 1 minute. Start go«Ml and slow. Won easily; seconil and third driving. THE FINN took the lead on the backstretch under restraint and, drawing away in the homestretch, won with speed in reserve. GEORGE SMITH was well ridden and made a game effort after entering the homestretch, but could never get to the leader. DADDYS CHOICE raced prominently from the stsirt and finished fast and resolutely. FERNROCK was under pressure through the last half, but could never get up. GILLIES ran well. Scratched- -32970" Spur. US. 001 Of ■ *,IrTiI RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 20. 1904— l:43"-f,— 3— 10S. 1917.sh00 Added. 1 Jt _, jJ 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 80; second, 00; third, 0; Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II P S 33119ED ROCHE w It 3 109 3 2 2h 2 2* P 1- L McAtee E S Just 2* 3J 16 51 2-5 32911* JEM w 5 11! Ill- lJ 1" 25 2° R Troise B Matheny 8-5 2 9-5 3-5 1-4 32592 -WOODEN SHOES w 6 111 6 4 5 3= 3- 3s 3" F Robson Marror.e Stable 2 2i 9-5 3-5 1-4 82891 GARBAGE ws is 5 121 2 6 6 5 4s 45 P E CampbUE B Cassatt 10 10 I 8-5 3-5 32735-PLEVSURVILLE wis 5 119 4 I P 6 5 5° 5:0 J Butwell . I Lowe 8 12 10 3 8-5 32938 KALMIA PARK w 3 101? 5 5 3 4 6 6 6 M Garner R D Earle 20 30 30 10 3 Time. _%, 49%, 1:14%, 1:39%, 1:44. Track fast. Winner — B. c, by The Commoner — Niaxus trained by J. J. Mulrenan; bred by Messrs. Parmer, Stone and Co.. Went to post at 4:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ED ROCHE followed JEM under stout restraint until in the final eighth, where he drew clear • liiiokly and won going away. JEM showed his usual early speed and hung on gamely when challenged. WOODEN SHOES moved up menacingly on the lower turn, but tired when the final drive came. GAR, BAGS lacked early weed, but finished resolutely under punishment. Scratched— 32997 iBockna. IIS. Overweights — Kalinia Park. 13. l ounds. ____ QTfO 1 SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 19. 1917— 59%— 2— 109. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. UUJ 4/ 1 Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 0; third, 0. Iadjn Hereto AWtPPSt Vx % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 5 P I 33020 SUN ROSE W 112 10 2 1* 1« 1" 1" J McTagtRT Wilson 2J 2J 2i 4-5 2-5 GOLD TASSEL w 106 11 7 4 4l 2 2- M Garner J E Madden t« 7 5 2 1 32993s DRASTIC wb 110 2 4 7?. 71 52 3= J Butwell A Belmont 5 6 3J 6-5 3-5 33067 ALL BRIGHT » 109 7 8 P 5 4» 4» J Metcalf F Schwartz 20 20 20 8 4 33025 CORYDON w 115 5 I 5h 6 3b 5« F Robson H P Whitney 8-5 2J 2J 4-5 2-5 GYP W 112 9 6 2 » 31 6s 62 C FbtherO Lewisohn 10 15 15 5 2J 33121 PLAY TOY w 106 4 9 8 8= 8J 7l R Troise J E Madden f6 7 5 2 1 1-3067 BPUL KATHRYN wb 106 8 11 11 9 9 8 E CampbllF Davltt 30 40 40 15 7 33067 STARRY BANNER w 111 6 5 3s 2«« 7 93 C Bgame Quincy Stable tl5 20 12 5 21 32610 GEO. WASHINGTON w 109 3 10 10i 10= 102 10= L McAtee Quincy Stable J15 20 12 5 2J GAME COCK w 103 1 1 9J 11 11 11 M Rowan H L Pratt 10 20 20 8 4 t X Coupled in betting Time. 23%, 48%, 1:01%. Track fast. Winner — B. f, by Astronomer — Genesta trained by T. J. Healey bred by Mr. R. T. Wilson. Went to post at 4:54. At post 5 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SUNROSE. away fast, raced into a long lead in the first half, but was tiring badly In the last eighth and just lasted long enough to withstand GOLD TASSELS challenge. The latter raced wide for the entire way and finished with a belated rush. DRASTIC closed a gap, hung on gamely and finished fast. ALL BRIGHT ran well. CORYDON was knocked back on the far turn. GYP showed speed. Scratched— 32996Green Gold. 115; 33072ITop Coat, 109. Overweights— Drastic, 1 pound; Gyp, 3%; Starry Banner, 2. •-