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— — — gj""* »— — » — PIPING ROCK HAS LARGE ENTRY LIST. Eighty-four Horses Are Named for the Six Races to Be Decided on Decoration Day. New York. May 20. — Entries for the spring meeting of the Piping Rock Association, to be conducted at the lull Valley course May 30 and June 2. were closed with Secretary Frank J. Bryan Wednesday, and a total of eighty-four nominations have been made for the six races to be decided the opening day of the meeting. For a time it was intimated that the racing of the Piping Rock Association would be eaSjni off after the entrance of the United States in the European war. but after a careful consideration of all the conditions and the iM-st advice obtainable, it was decided that the meeting should go just as it had been planned lie-fore the declaration of war. It was also decided that all the profits of the meeting would be devoted to war relief. The response of the sportsmen to the races, in nominations made evident the wisdom of a continuance of the racing and it is assured that with favorable weather conditions the two days of sport will be up to the high standard that has been maintained by the association since it became a part of the Hunt Club racing circuit. While the racing at Locust Valley will conflict on lioth days with the sport at Belmont Park, the Westchester Racing Association framed programs in which no steeplechase is offered, thereby reducing the effect of the conflict. The Piping Rock Association has always made stecplechasing a most important part of its racing. Prominent Sportsmen Make Nominations. Some of the sportsmen who have made nominations are: Gifford A. Cochran. Rufus C. Finch. Captain Edward B. Cassatt. W. R. Coe, W. J. Salmon. Joseph E. Davis. Willis Shariie Kilmer. George D. Widoncr. E. F. Whitney, L. Jacob. Charles F. Hill. Miss A. N. Frayling. Herbert L. Pratt. Mortimer Sehiffs Northwood Stable. Thomas II. Whites West Hill Stable, the Grcontree Stable, Nassau Stable. 11. W. Sage. Thomas Hitchcock. E. B. Ackerman. R. L. Allies, J. .1. Flanagan. Jr.. M. L. Schwartz, Bayard Tuckerman, Jr.. and nianv others. Some of the horses engaged are Jock Scot. Mr. Specs. Cabaret. Garbage. Tipperary. Baffouilleur. Trouble Fete. Rhine Maiden. Lottery. Hathor, Wonderful. The Banshee II.. Neville II.. Solar Star, loud. Marchena. Pebeto. Martian. Al Reeves. Royal Amber. Brooks. Tetan. Tomahawk II.. Skiliercen ami others well known to the cross-country end of racing. Free Field for Nassau County Residents. The Piping Rock Baring Association will have a free field on both of its racing days at the beautiful I/Miist Valley course. This free field is for residents of Nassau County, and in order that there will be a proper distribution of the invitations for •Neighborhood Field." as it is known, the tickets I of admission may be obtained from any of the clergyman., school superintendents. boys clubs neighborhood associations and companies of the Boy Scouts. The invitation takes in the villages of Glen Cove. Oyster Bay. Sea Cliff. Roslyn. Lattingtowu. Locust Valley, Westbnry, East Norwich, Syosset, Jericho. Eayville. Brookville. Greenvalc. Glen Head and Woodbury. For the accommodations of these visitors, a considerable section at the southeast corner of the course is set ilside. where a perfect view of the races is had and the results of the races will be announced. A baud will furnish music, there will be chairs for the ladies and a refreshment tent.