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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. FY.. FRIDAY. JUKE 1, 1917. DoCflU Park. Sixth day. Douglas Park Jo, key Club. Sjn incMectias of 13 days. Wca;lier cloudy. Btewaras, Charlea r. Price Ul T. J. Ctajr. Judges, W. II. Shelby and J. R. Campbell. Starter, Harry Morrisae/. Baciag Se.1et.11y. .1. R. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. * Q Q 1 7 PIB8T race 4 1-2 Faraaaga. May 28, 1914- SS%— 2— 104. 8000 Added. OOO 1 I elL Maidens. Claiming. Net valuj- to arlaaer 8800; second, 30: third, 4. lafcl DWM A WtPP8t yj .■ "::i Sfr Fin Jo. keys Owners Eqiiiv.~Oil"ils"strt SSI 11 PRANK WILSON w 112 S C 31 21 Is J Hanover C T "VVorthington tMO-101 33 1 TO-1 LADY G. W Ml E 5 4 3| 2] R Coos.- W f Raker SIS lO 82887 Miss AGNES «1H I 1 1" 1* 3* B Martin J W Boll M0 1M 33233 GEORGIA KELLKY wM 6 8 t ." 4 F Marpby J Y Schorr 7..0 100 32032 KALE W 112 7 I V 4. S» K Lap.iiileWillianis Bros 1480-1O1 331 11 EDA HERRMANN wa 109 3 1 7. M EJ A Claver M Bowman I 33233 7.V V.Y w RO 2 3 11" 7* 7* H Thurber W P Red 735-100 LADY LUXURY w HE 1 11 B1 S B* T Hear* G W Innes f GREAT GLLL w 112 1 :i 12 t* !»:i C DishmonJ C Rodgera 3200-101 33179 B1MEBY W l» 11 7 10 10- 103 h Shilling E R Bradley 3915-KH 33018 ORIENTAL GIRL w loo 10 10 n U* 11 D ConnellyH Neoateter 22B0-10E 8KYBORN w 109 12 12 :»■ 12 12 J Morva J N Camden 1320-1M fMataeJ held. Tiate, S4%, 49%, 56%. Trad: muddy. muliii Is paid. Frank Wilson, held. .00 straight, ...l place. .80 show ; Lady G., .00 place. .50 show: Mis Aun.s. .00 show. Equivalent licking odds Frank WiLon. tit Id. 350 to 100 straight. 145 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Lady 0., ISO to 1!i place, 75 to 100 show: Miss Agnes, so to 1 hi show. nil.. :• !i. c, by Reareateher Loretta Cab- trained by . 1. Worlhington ; bred by Messrs. Row-man A Rradlcy ». Went to petti at 2:27. At post 3 ail— If ■ Start good and slow. Won easily; second and tiiird driving. FRANK WILSON ran well in the muddy going and. umhr energetic riding, raced into the lead in the list eighth and eatstared LADY G.. The latter ran a good race and finished fast. MISS AGNB8 showed tie most carle speed, but Grid in the last sixteenth. GDOKGIA KELLEY had no mishaps. EDA HERKMANN was forced back in the lirst 1 ighth and closed an immense gap. KALE ran well. Q * O 1 SECOND BACB -1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 1. 1913— 1:42%— 4— 118. Rurse . €j £J Oj X O 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. Nit value to winner 1917.sh50; second, 00; third. SSB Li.ie_ Horaea AWtPP8t 34 % % BtrFla packer* Owneri Eguiv. odds strt SSSM EMER. COCHRAN vSIM 3 3 •:, 4 Ill* i C DUIuaonR L Baker M0-M0 :-3182 BRIBED VOTER wl 81 ! 1 3- P 2 1 2» 2s A Claver BR Bradley 2SO-M0 33250 STEPHEN R. vi 4 MO 5 2 l1 1 | la* :;"• | « F Marpby F .1 Kelley 220-MO 33259 MARGARET X. wi; 1 b7 1 4 : * 41- 4° 4" F F E Brown 17ES WO 29210 BIG FELLOW w 4 HO 4 f. 4 o -5 5 5 D onnellyG T Arnold 2t5o-loo Tim.. 24a:,, 49%, 1:15%. 1:42%, 1:474 Track muddy. mutuels paid, Baieraoa Cochraa, .20 straight, .00 ptaca, .20 show; Bribed Voter, .20 place, 82220 show; Stephen R.. 82.20 show. Equivalent booking odds -Emerson Cochran, 180 to 108 straight. 50 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Rribed Voter. 00 to 100 place, lo to 188 show: Bteaaea R., 10 to loo show. Winner -I., h, by Jim Baffin y— Viola R. trained by A. Raker: bred by .Mr. O. A. Rianchi. Went, to post at 2:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the caaae. EMERSON COCHRAN was favored by the muddy going ami. moving up steadily, gained fast under punishment in the last eighth and outstayed RRIRFD VOTER. The latter was under restraint for the first half and passed STEPHEN R. When called on. but tired a trifl- near the end. STEPHEN It. sot a good pace and tired after going three-quart eta. MARGARET N. showed speed, but quit in the last quarter. Serat raed - S323SJoaa Harie, US. Overweights —Bribed Voter, 5 pounds. * "I O THIUD BACB 5-8 Mile. June 7. 1913— 5S-V- 2—115. Rurse 00. 2-year-olds. 3* O O i t/ Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horaea AWtlPSt/, -. % Str Fin" Jockeya Owners "" Equiv. Odds Strt S3188* PRETTY BABY m ME 4 2 ll t1 lh V B •■»» W H Baker 735 phi 33233-MlSl BBSS POLLY w MO 1 1 5l B* 4 2J D I onii IB Gallah.r Bros MO-M0 35117- HON. 1 LI LL" «M «. 4 31?. 43 3» 3 M Gamer J 8 Hawkins M0-M0 SSIMDBBIRE w M7 2 3 8* 3* 2* 4:l II Stearns J S Ward lVMno 32775 BITilIEB !!OY w it 110 3 C, Vi 2* 0- 5s J Hanov.rRoss B Looney 1005-MO S4SSS,QUARTETTE w MO 0 5 8 8 0 0 F Faenrt J F Schorr 1450-MO, Time. 24%, 48%, 1:02V5. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Pretty Baby, 0.70 straight, place. .50 show; Mistress Roily, .40 place, .00 show: Honolulu. .90 show. Equivalent booking odds - Pretty R.-iby. 735 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Mistress Roily. 170 to 100 place. M to 108 show: Honolulu. 95 to 10O show. Winner — Cli. f, by Sir John Johnson — Irish Girl II. trained by W. II. Raker; bred by Mr. John E. Madd. nl. Went to post at 3:1S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PRETTY RARY set I fast pace, was hard ridden for the entire way. stood a drive resolutely and just lasted long enough to win. MISTRESS POLLY was forced back in the tirst quarter, but came fast in Hie last eighth and would have won in a few strides more. HONOLULU iiad to race wide all the way. but wore DESIRE down in the last seventy yards. DESIRE tired near the end. BUTCHER BOY showed early sjieed. Scratched— -Stevenson. 107. Overweights — Pretty Baby, 1 pound; Honolulu, 1. Qt Q6/~| FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915— 1:10%— 3— 109. Donerail Handicap. OOfV-f Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third. 5. Im lex Horses A W tlISt % , i_3 1 Str Fin Joe ke ys Ow ne rs Kquiv. Odds Strt raSliRToRRORTUMTY w 3 103 1 2 21 li P* 1* A Cbtvcr W Woodard 100-100 33182 BOB HKN8LEY wn G 102 4 4 31 21 iu P» 9 Murphy H Perkina 100 100 33105 PARAMOUNT arSSEBtl 1 4 4 3" 315 K Martin T C McDowell CMS-MO t32842SEDAN w 2 109 2 3 1= S*| 4 4 K LapaillcWilliams Bros 485-100 Time. 23/s. 47%, 1:12% Track muddy. mutuels paid. Opportunity, .80 straight. .30 place; Rob Henslcy, .30 place; no show mutuels Bold. Equivalent booking odds — Opportunity, 190 to 100 straight, 15 to 100 place; Bob Hensley, 15 to 100 place. Winner — B. g, by Toddington — Miss Oertel trained by W. Woodard; bred by Messrs. Stone and Went to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same OPPORTUNITY, favored by the going and showing ganicness. stood a terrific drive through the? last aaartar and outstayed HOB HENSLEY. The latter was also favored by the going and appeared to be the winner when he flashed into the lead in the last eighth, but gave way gradually. PARAMOUNT had no mishaps. SEDAN set the early pace and quit badly in the last quarter. BcratebM — 33250 J. J. Murdock. 114. Overweights — Paramount, 2£ pounds. O O O O 1 FIFTH RACE— 1 "Mile and 70 Yard*. Oct. 1. 1913— 1:42%— 4— 116. 00 Added. fy tn / JL 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 30; third. 0. "inTjp Horses AWt PPSt_1/4__%_StrJ,in Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ROilciLKENNY w 109 1 7 6S 3 21 ll 1= D ConnellyG Senn 1360-100 SS193 CLARE W 107 10 8 7l 6 4" 21 2 H Shilling S K Hughes 335-100 ?2014»CRUCES WSR 109 8 10 95 71 fr* 3* 31 E Martin H Field 770-100 ?S146 KINGFISHER w 109 9 5 4" 61 3» 51 4h H Stearns W T Martin 610-100 33283 WAL H PEARCE wb 109 2 1 l1 ll ll 4l 51 R Goose W H Pearce 830-100 SS254*FIGHT FAIR wb 99 3 9 10 10 10 81 e= J Gruber K Spence 4235-100 ?S117 EVELYN V wb 107 7 4 31 4l 8* Ob fa C DishmonC C Van Meter 320-100 81063 CUNEO WB 104 5 6 81 9 91 7J 81 P Lowder A B Gordon 2930-100 33151 DUCH. OF LIZWILL w 102 4 3 6 8s 8 92 9« A Claver P J Miles 1S60-100 33194 JOVIAL w 107 6 2 2= 2» 7* 10 10 K LapaillcWilliams Bros 1920-100 Time, 24V5, 48«i, 1:14«5. 1:43, 1:47%. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Kilkenny, 9.20 straight. 0.90 place, 0.20 show; Clare, .00 place, .80 show; Crimes, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Kilkenny, 1300 to 100 straight, 445 to 100 place, 410 to 100 show; Clare, ISO to 100 place. 90 to RIO show: truces. 110 to ISO show. Winner h. g. by t . R Fairy Sprite trained by K. Pitt: bred by Estate of Mr. James R. Keene. Went to post at 4:08. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KILKENNY began slowly, but moved up steadily and, after being hard ridden in the stretch, drew oat in the last eighth and won going away. CLARE was away in a tangle and dosed a big gap in the last half mile. CRUCES also made up much ground anil linished gainelv. KINGFISHER came fast at the end. WALTER II. PEAECE set the pace to the stretch and tired. JOVIAL finished lame. EVELYN V. quit. = v 0* Q£ 0 SIXTH RACE3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915— 1:10%— 3— 100. Purse ,000. 3 year-olds. O tJ*y £l jjH Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second. 50: third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 g 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3149 MIDA wn HKi S S 6 I.J 2-i 1" M Garner Wickliffe Stable 445-100 33005 PHOCION w M0 I 1 4 23 ll 2- R Goose H Perkins 370-100 S3885 GALLANT LAD w 10S 10 Id E* 71 31 3= D ConnellyPastime Stable 1055-100 andS818 OLD MISS w b 7 E 3 8* 5- 4"t 4» H Shilling T M Murphy 12445-100 2997 1 NIGHT CAP wn MS 7 2 lil" E* B* A Claver G L Blackf t 52991 AMEBICA w 110 2 9 10 10 X Sb E Martin T C McDowell 250-100 SSS54*WATERBLUB w Mi 0 5 7 6h 7"" t» H Stearns W J Young 1230-100 33230 TRAPPING wn 115 ti 11 11 11 9J 8i W AndressGallaher Bros 1140 100 32707 TOM JR. w 111 1 7 9". Bf 10 !H W Kelsav M Young 24 5-lo0 33148 BROOM SWEEP WB MO 3 6 5 8i» 11 Km p EowdcrE R Bradley 1705-100 HEBMIONE w 104 11 I 51 4 Eb 11 J Morys J N Camden t fMutuel fi.1,1. Time. 233s, 48. 1:14%. Track muddy. atutaeb paid. Mida, 0.80 straight, .20 place, .10 show; ihocion, .00 place, .10 show; OaBaat Lad. 84.40 aaov. Equivalent b.K.king imI.Is Mida. 445 to 1IHI straight. 100 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show; Phocion, 150 to loo place, 105 t . loo aaaar; GaBaat Lad. 120 to 108 show. Winner- P.. f, by Voter Midge trained by A. llolberg; bred by Mr. James R. Keene. Weal to post at 1:27. At post 13 minutes. Start gaol and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MIDA was away slowly ami had to race wide, but closed a big gap in tin- last quarter and got up to win in tiie Baa] stride. PHOCION ran a good race and only tired in the last strides. GALLANT LAD closed a big gap. OLD MISS ran well. RIGHT CAP tired after making the pace to the stretch. AMERICA was away badly and finished fast. WATERRLUE tired. Scrat.heil 00108 Highland Lad. 115. Overweights— Phocion, 3 i-ounds; old Miss, 1; Hermione, 4. OOOt 0 SEVENTH RACE- 1 1-8 Miles. May 27, 1914— 1:51— 1—104. Purse $.S0O. 3 ycar- QQQO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; second, 00; third. 0. Date* Horaea AWtlPSt i ._• %~Str Fin Jockeys Owners"- Equiv. OddiTstrt SS188 PRINCE 8. w 1 111 2 5 3- P P V 1 W Lillev J L Paul 450-100 SS184CHBCK8 w 4 MO 1 4 la R ll 2- P H Thurber W H Hogan 255-100 SSSS8*PENROD ami !S B I E 4* 0» 3" •*• F Judy J AY Schorr 155 100 32109 -Bit 1 A.N BORU Waa 5 Ul E 2 2- P 2-i 4 43 FEu.rst V F LotteBfcar 780-100 o3198 ALLEN CAIN w 5 ill 4 1 4" k E 5 5 E J Hanover F Peyton 13S0 100 Time. St%, 48. 1:18%, 1:425, 1:555. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Prince S., 1.00 straight. .50 place, .70 show; Checks, .10 place. .90 show; 1cniod. 82.80 show. Equivalent booking odds - Prince S., 450 to 100 straight, 125 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Checks, 106 to 100 place, 45 to 108 show: Penred. 30 to 100 show. Winner p.. g, by Camp us Sympathetic trained by J. L. Paul; bred by Mr. T. L. Shilling. Went to post at 5:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won hamlilv; second and third driving. PRINCE S. moved up steadily after going the lirst half and outstayed CHECKS through the last seventy Tarda. CHECKS set the pace and was forced lo his Inst in the first half to dispose of BBIAM BOBU and tired near the « ml. PEN BOD had no mishaps. BRIAN BORU quit badly. ALLEN CAIN was badly oulruu tor the last three-quarters. Ill IBll aw ll III 111 Cora Lane, 108,