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LOOKING AHEAD TO LAT0NIA RACING. Cudgel Becoming Favorite for the Latonia Derby — Midway, Rickety ar.d Skentio Also Favored. Louisville. Ky.. June 4. — Racing Secretary J. I.. ampin 11 announced last Sunday that the I.jloi.i.i program In.ol.s for the first seven day* of the me ft bag, which begiaa at the Milhlale ioui-se on .hue- 11. will lie ready for distribution among the aoraem«*a tomorrow. The secretary and his office force spent :• luisv day registering horses intended for raciag at lilt— !■ and there are few here which will not take part in the snort up the line. Track superintendent John Keegaa and Larry Bagi aiarhati retaraed !•• La tmia with more applications for stabling room than they cm ;• received here before. This week winds up the local racing aeaaaa arith one more stake to be run. the Spring Trial Stakes for two year-olds at live eighths, to be run net Saturday. It has an added value of .V2.." 0. and will bring out the beat juveniles in these pari -. many of which have not started this year as yet. Ii was in this stale that Old Beat bud act a record for ■ two -..v old. five eighths of a mil ■ in :S8%, ami he aft went to l.atonia and won tin- Cincinnati Trophy. At the present time IS. .ba i. tin- legieal choice for the Spring Trial and i.e his form he should be. but tin re are several report.-,! high class ones in it. which will make their initial start in goiag after hi-, prize. Cudgels Good Race Impresses. By his pe;f., in the Kentucky Handicap In:-1 Bstarday, Cadgel jumped into favoritism for In- Latoaia Derby ami showed that be is a reaUj high class thne year oh!. Main ho: •men are o, lie- opinion that he should ha ■ w. n i]u- big slake but for gelling off so slowly and lacing aride the greater part of tin- way ami. as it was. he arat oalj beaten a aeck. To fini-h in fnuil .f such older horses as Boaaaer, Boatt, Hodge, c.d.i.l Vcaaic and tiie like is no small fiat and the sou of !!r..onist ck Iugi i.ia F.urch was going fastest of all at the end. However, he was not the inly Derby eligible to make tie- turfmen sit up nnd lake nnliee Saturday. Rickety, Harry Payae Whitneys most probable repros.i.tat ive in the big race, was beaten onlj a half lengtii by such a crack horse as lionrh ss in the Withers Stakes at Betmoat Park, nnd Bkeptic, ■vhi h is certain to apart the aUka of II. H. Hewitt in the l.atonia Derby, was beaten only a head by Rickety The Withers was at one mile and it was nm uir! a slow" track in 1:3:1. In this race Rickety sin wed vast improvement over his effort in the Kentucky In rby and Skeptic did the same. Traiaer John 1. Smith, wim trains Skeptic, said befon leaving Kentucky last week that if the celt ahowed the form expected of him in the cast, he would be shipped back lor the Derby. Trailer J. YV. May will in all probability arrive at l.atonia with AI M. Dick, his Di rby candidate, aboill tie middle part of this week, as he w..nts in give aim his final pieparal ion for the big race on tie- track aver which it will be run. His son. . John W. Hay, J i-.. arrived here yesterday from New York and aak] thai the black colt had been slowing the easterner* a thing or two this spring in the amy of speed. A long route is within his capacity ami he has been beating high class older horses as well as three year aids, in his races around Haiti more and New York. Midv/ay Working in Excellent Style. Midway. J. W. Iarrishs Derby eligible, which finished third in the Kentucky Derby, worked a mile in 1:419| in easy fashion and was under a strong pull al the end. Inlil Cudgel came to the fatal as a really good threi -year-old so fast. Midway was Ike choice for the l.atonia Derby, bill now there are any number of shrewd turfmen who are of the opinion that Cadgel can take his measure. However, his owner and trainer are confident that he will beat Cudgel over the one and a half miles route of the big [mtenJa race. Weights for the l.atonia Inaugural Handicap, to be run on the opening day. will be aaawamced Thursday by Raciag Secretary Campbell. ,n ,,r tin caadidatea for this race, which went to the past ill the Keatacky Handicap, came out of that race in good styh*. King Corin. which won the big race at Douglas Park, Ml a sure starter, as is 1if. Jr.. winner of tin- l.atonia Cup last fall. Trainer Frank Weir, while disappointed at the showing of old Bosebud iii the Keatacky Hanoi ca|i. said that he is confident hat the son of Incle Ivory r.ells will give a good acco.u-.l of himself in th" l.atonia Inaugural, as the distance of one and one sixteenth mil"s will be more to his liking. Despite his gruelling race. Old Half hail pulled up sound as a lxdl ami he did not favor his mended leg a bit. Owners of Latonia Derby MigiMea this early are scouting for the best riling material available, sack jockeys as Frank Robinson. John Lafttts, Mack Carner. Roscoe loose. John AIcTaggart and ether leading riders of the eouniry are almost certain to have mounts in th" big race.