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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. ___________ louisvtllt:. icy., Monday, jitne ft, 1917. Raaslaa Park. Bigktb day. paaajlaa Park Jockey ckab. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather th.-eateningj 81 -wards. Chi 1 1! ca I". Price and T. .1. Clay. Jaxfarea, W. H. Shelley and J. 1 .. Cainphell." Starter, Harry Morrisaey. Racing Secretary, J. B. CajapbelL Raeiag starts al 2:::o y. m. Cbicaso time 2:80 i . m.i. *IadJcatea apprentice allowance. * Q 1 i i 1 FIUsr RACE 1 1-2 Furlongs. May 28, 1014- 53% 2 101. 1917.sh00 Added. 2-year- O O TC __ Ms. Maiden.-. Ctafaalag. get value to winner 110; second, 30; third. 4. Index Horses AvillSt ,""■: ", Sir Win Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt SSS17 EDA HERRMANN wa MO IU 8 U l- AY MrrhanM Bowaaaa 485-1O0 33233 STRIPES w 1M I 3 2 21 2* J-: Al ,rtiu A 1, Kirbv EOO-MO 8St33aKHAREMANBH w MO I E I » 3 :.! R Gooae W 11 Baker 415-ino 33233 RED SALMON w 101 S 1 1- I| 4» C Hunt K Spence M25-1M S3317 KA1.K wi: 111 1 d 5" 5» K LatpailleWilliaraa Kroa 405-1M 33233 IKi l.i:i.E w 100 :. 7 6 4h P D ConnellyW n Lewis 4000-109 ?S2S3 BREEZY w MO :i 4 t. 7- 7 H TbarberG Arvta 2S5O-1O0 33l««; TOM PIT wa 1121C s 71 g] rs c DiafamonC C Vaa Meter tlM5-M0 3S2S5 ORDNUNG araa 112 2 2 ." 91 : v r MorplrjrJ W Schorr t PARIiOlJ MAID w 100 -Ji II1 il 10- F Ku- rst G Borkel 1 y::.2Kl DICKIE W. w II2II 9 104 M" ll« A Claver W Woodard 9SO-100 MARIE LLL1S w 109 l: 11 12 12 12 .1 Hanover M C .Moore 2505-100 Matael BcM. Time. 23»„ ftt%, 55-,. Track fast. atataela paid. Bda Hernaaaa, 1.70 straight, place, .00 show; Stripes. place, .40 shi : Khan naarh, $:!.7:i snow. | i:.|uivaient booking odds -Bda Hernaaaa, 483 to 100 atraight, 235 to 100 place, 100 to loo show; I Strip i, 205 to inn place. 120 to 100 abew; Kbaremaneb, 85 to KM» show. Wiaaer h. f. by Carry Hernaaaa Bda Riley trained by AY. II. Backaer; bred by Air. A. Y. Tboaipaoa. Vfcat to po-t at 2:32. At post 2 minutes. Start coed and slow. AYmi driviag; lecoaJ and third the same. BDA HEKRMANN begaa slowly and lost ground by racing wide, bat Oatahed with a great rash and got up to aria la the laid atrides. BTRI1 ES raced in closest pursuit from the st.-,rt and held oa well in the Baal drive. KHAREMANBH raced w.ll and ftaiahed gi Iv. BED SALMON set the pace to thiist eighth, bat tired near the end. KALE w..s in close qaartera most of the way. UKULELE and i:|i:i:/Y ran well. * * /|/k| SECOND RACE— *-4 Mile, .lime 5. 1915 1:10% 8— MO. 04 Added. 4 year old. QO tt. "_/ X and upwanl. Claim iag. Net valae to wiaaer 1917.sh00; oecoad. 80; third. 4. Jfadex Horace A W_ ilSI , 1 •■, Str Win Jockeya Owners Eqaiv. Odds Strt SSS58aMARTRE w 8 101 1 2 r 1 S 1 AY MeehanR P_Dodaon 290-foo fS3288*KUZZY WUZZYwB«107 A 4 61 5* 3. L" C Todor W V Walsh 54S-100 38288; CAP wit 1107 E 7 1- 2* :s- A" Kelaay R McCoy 325-100 33251 SOUTH. LEAGUE wi: 4 Ml 2 E s C] a 4* j; TbarberF Peyton 7000-KO 88112SISTKK SUSIE w4 M 7 3 2| 21 0 : - .1 Dorack ; Kaebelkamp 785-100 88882 BLACK BEAUTY w 1 97 i s V 0» i;i iv R SimpeoaH .1 Seideaeck 3375-100 S3282S*BR1ZZ wa 4 Ml 3 i 7" 7- !■• 7 B WiagTMC I Weber 3I5-1M 88884 VENCEDOR w 4 1071 8 1 :: 8 8 8 D ConnellyPaatime Stable Vol., loo Time. 23, 47 /5. 1:18%. Track fast. mulu-ls paid, Martre, .80 atraight, .00 place, JM show; Fuzzy Wuzzy, place, .20 show: I.lne Cap, S2.H0 show. Equivalent booking odds Martre, 200 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Wuzzy AYu::z. 215 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show: I.lue Cap. 40 to KK» show. Winn r li. m. b. Anak Tn mar trained by T. P. Williams: bred by .Mr. It. P, Dodsoa. Weal to poat at 2:57. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. MARTRE, away well, act a fast pace and. holding ea well in the final drive, outstayed PUZZY WU22ZY. The bitter, under weak riding, made up ground, but tired near the end. BLUB CAP raced ferwardly, bat nlao tired In the atretek drive. SOUTHERN LEAGUE finished fast. SISTER SUSIE tired. BRIEZ had scant chance from the start. Scratch-i 33234Liadty, 104; 27008 The Norman. 100: 3323! Prhaero, 112: 33234 Llkton, 104. Orerweighta Fuggy 0/naay, 1 pound: Sister Susie. 1: Veacedor, l;.. Q •_ /I fW THIRD RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 5. 1915 1:43* I 957 Iur.e 00. 3 -year -0041/ olds, ciniiniiiir. Net varae to winn-r 60; acroad, 00; tkird. 850. _ _iv.i.i HOT tem AAVt 11St %. % % Str Win Jockeys Owners ggaiv. Odds Strt 88255 SQUARE DEALER w 105 E 1 8 V I1" 1" 1 R Gooae W H Baker 85-IO0 3S321:CLAiRE w K0 i ! ft i- o 21 2 H Shillings K Haajkea OO-WO 33821 KINGFISHER w Ml 2 I V 2] 3* 3- ::■• J CallabautW T Martin 730-100 83287 .iiii. GATHWOOD w MO :; z lak m 2» 1 . 4* A Claver PJ Mttea E30-MW 8332l*FIGHT PAIR wa 97 10 0 . •". V 5* II LunsfnlK Spence 3740-100 33321*! N«» WB MO .. 5 1- 5* . i I N Barrett A i: Cordon 6590-100 Time. 24/-.. 48"s, 1:14,, 140%, l:47/5. Track fast. mutueis paid, Sqaare Dealer, .70 atraight, .00 place, .10 show; Clare, .20 place, .80 show: Kingfiaber, S3. 20 show. Bqaivaleat bookiag odds Sqaare Dealer, 88 to Khi atrahrkt, 30 to loo place, 20 to 100 show; Clare, 00 to 100 place. 40 t„ KM show: Klagfiaher, 00 to KK show. Winner —Ok. g, by Maratkaa Seaora Maria traiaed by W. II. Baker; bred by Air. R. E. Me-MJUaa. W nt to post at 3:2S. At post 1 minute. Start gaad Bad slow. AAon drivinj;; second and third the same. SQUARE DEALER was saved under restraint until in the last ipiarter. then passi d SOPHIA UATBWOOD, but had to be ridden hard to outstay CLARE. The latter was cut off sharply on the flral turn and gaiaed steadily afterward. KINCPI8HEB tired in the last eighth, but ran a gaad race. SOPHIA GATBWOOD s-t a fast early pace, but quit in the stretch. Overweights Clare. 1 ponnd: 1111-0. 3. •_ Q /_ i t WOlUlll RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5. 1915 -1:10-.-.— 3 105». Bardatoa 11 Handicap. OOivJO lurse .008. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second. 50; third. 5. Index Horses AWt ITSt/i j % Str Win Jockeys Owners Rquiv. Odds Strt £38M*VOGUE wa ft 1M E 1 V 5 1 | 11 ay AndreaaGa.Baker Broa " 1SE-1M 888M .1. .1. MTJRDOCK WB 4 110 1 E 4 4A 2»| V P Lowder .1 F Schorr 275-100 33300 MARN GOOSBT wa ft IU 2 I 2A u 4- 2* J HanoverM C Moore 850-100 3325H:,.niHX JR. w 4 MB 4 I I 0J $• 43 A Claver D E Malholland 175-100 33237 -MAKIL .MILLER w 3 10S I 1 lak _k 5 E V Kelaay Alarahall Uroa 320 100 Tim-. 22%. 46, 1:12. Track fast. mutiuls paid, Vane, .10 straight, .S0 place, .30 show; J. J. Murdock, .10 place, .50 show: Marion Goosby, .10 abew. Bqaivaleat baoalag odda — Vagae, 155 to loo straight. 40 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; J. J. Murdock. 55 to KHI place, 25 to 100 show; Alarion Gnaby, 55 to KK show. Winner — -1.. m, by Peep aDay— Clare Russell trained by J. C. Jallaher; bred hy Mr. J. S. I.arhee. Went to post at 8:48. At post 1 minuto. Start good and slow. AAon driving: second and third the same. VOGUE was saved close up in the early running and. after racing into the lead, held J. J. MURDOCK safe in the final drive. The latter was forced back in the first quarter, but moved up fast and iinishod fasi and gamely. MARION GOOSBY closed ■ big gap in the last quarter. JOHN JR. tin il in the last sixteenth. MARIE MILLER set an extremely fast pace, hut quit in the last ipiarter. ITFTII RACK— 1 Mile. Sept 20, 1913— 1:37%— 3— 101. Okalona Purse. Purse tJ tj X.Jt- ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Met value to winner 75; second, 50; third ,_S 75 . lade x Haraea AWtiiSt lA V-. % St r Fin Jockeys Owners Kguiv. Odds S it rj t 88880 MANAGER WAITEw f IU E 2 11 lii H. 1= l ■ ATartin T C McDowell 126-MO 88880,BRAD. CHOICE w G 112? 4 1 21 2 2- 23 f L ientry J R Respess 155-100 SS2A4DE8MNDS DATwB 4 100 2 J 6° C5 5= 4« 3h P Lowder F R Bradley MS-MI 333181KA1ER. COCHRANw 5 113 6 and 53 4U 3 3- 4« C DishmonR L Haker 2505-100 88880*DOROTHY DEAN w 8 1M 16 7 7 7 G- ft* C VanDunj AV Fuller MM MO 33065 FLECRO w 4 109 3 4 # M 41 5J G15 M AndsonJ Livingston G970 100 33195 3AVATERFORD w 3 102 7 7 3J 5= 62 7 7 M Garner Ross and Looney 2305-100 Time. 24*i, 48%, 1:13, 1:38%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Manager Waite. .50 straight. .40 place, .40 show; Bradleys Choice, .40 place, .20 show: Desmonds Day. . SO show. Equivalent hooking odds — Manager AAaite, 125 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Bradleys Choice. 30 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Desmonds Day. 40 to KK show. Winner — Ch. li. hy Watercress — La Aenganza trained by Q. Denny; bred bv Mr. James B. Hoggin. Went to post at 4:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all hut WATERKORD. Won easily; second and third driving. MANAGER WAITE was taken into the lead in the first eighth and. allowing the most speed under restraint, was drawing away in the stretch and won in a canter. BRADLEYS CHOICE, while in closest pursuit, was saved under restraint, but tired when called on for a final effort. DESMONDS DAY stood a hard drive through the stretch and outstayed EMERSON COCHRAN in the final tstrides. WATERFORD began slowly and showed a good order of speed for the first half, hut tired badly. Scratched— 33259 Daddy Holbert, 102. Overweights — Bradleys Choice, 2% pounds. "05 OO/f/PT SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 7, 1913— 53%— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. I J *-* *JT _J_ *-J Allowances. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; Becoad, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSttj Vjj "Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 333.17 TEX FORM AN w 109 6 8 V 4 J 3* li R Goose AY H Baker 570-100 33014 FREKCUTTER w 109 3 3 21 2- 1 2» D Connellyti J Long 275-100 AMERICAN EAGLE w 109 11 2 1= lh 21 3i E Martin T C McDowell 1440-100 33319 BUTCHER ROY wn 109 9 1 3 Gi 41 4= C DkshmonRoss and Looney 3130-100 33285* BROOM PEDDLER w 114 10 4 4 3" 5i 5h H Shilling E R Bradley 655-100 33253*W. P. DABNY WaaMe 1M 11 Xi 7i G1 J Hanover M C Moore 1670-100 383 88 SILK LADY w 112? 4 5 Gh 71 G1 U L Gentry AV L Lewis 640-100 .,2982 BOA BLUE w 114 2 ■ 9» M P S»k A Claver G H Browne 1095-100 83338 PRINCE IGOR w 10G 5 11 5U V 91 91 M Garner AAr W Darden t S3285* ROBERT L. OWEN w 106 7 6 M* 10ilO- M* Z BkaaaoaA L Rogers 2395-100 88008 king TROVATO w 109 I 7 M 11 11 11 AY Kelaay C C Van Meter 4060-100 LMutud Icftt. Time. 23%. 48%, 1:00%. Track fast. *2 BMtaeht paid. |cx Fernian. 3.40 straight, place, .00 show; Freecutter, .50 place, .S0 show: American Eagle. .30 show. ■qaivaleat booking odds -Tex Forman. 570 to 100 straight. 235 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Free-cutler. 125 to 100 place. !» to Kc» show: American E agio. 315 to 100 shew. Wiaaer— B. c. by Master Robert Marbtea trained by AY. IL Maker: bred bv Air. Thomas Piatt. Weal to pest at 1:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AV011 driving: second and third the same. TBS PORMAN, forced back anea after the start, had to race wide and. finishing with a rush, got up to win in the last stride. PREBCUTTEB raced in closest pursuit from the start and took the lead 111 the Btretck, but tired in the last seventy yards. AMERICAN EAGLE slirnvd the most speed for a halt mile, but tired in the stretch. BUTCHER ROY ran well. AY. P. DARNY closed a big gap. BBOOftl PEDDLEB had a rough race. Beratrbed 33887 V. 11. Batiii. 109. Overweights Silk Lady. I1-.. pounds. _ *-£ __4i-_ BBVBNTH BACB— 1 1-8 Miles. Aiay 27. 1911 1:51-4-104. Pane 8800. 4-year- __ * y _ _ ___ old- and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 0; second, 00; third, 0. Ln 1 • x 1 1 o rse s A Wt IiSt. i j . % SI r Fin Jockeys Q vuiers Equiv. Odd~S t r t J3280* WATERPROOF w5 |o:; ; 1 6- r.A 4i 1» 1* M Garner C E HaaUltoa 420-MI 1 33323 PRINCE S. w 6 109 7 I 8» 7:; * 4 9 VV Lillev J L Paul OB-MO 33239 CLIFF FIELD W I 106 4 7 4" M V 2h 1« K LapailleKInk A Belling 565 100 38230 JOHN HITR1E wa 7 1M ft 1 :.: 3» 1* i 4l W Kelaay Marshall Bros T20-MO S3880IR. GENTLEMANWB 9 109 1 2 2| 4i P 5 V I ConneilvJ H Baker 6:10 100 3S108*FAIR ORIENT wa 4 Ml 6 9 9 9 B« P c.h C DkdnaoaR L Baker MS-MI 33380 WILLDO m I Ml 3 I 7" ft* 71 1 I» P Lowder Wright iV- Maloney 129ft-KO »SU8*DAY DAY WB ft lot I 2 1 I1 3| Uh ss R WragTldJ B Goodman " 4315-100 53323 BRIAN BORU waa ft MS I i 6* ft* I 9 9 R Fuerst F P Ix-tellier 2015 100 Time. 24%, 49, 1:14%. 1:40%, 1:53%. Track fast. 82 mutuels paid. Waterproof, 0.10 atraight, .50 place, .20 show; Prince S., .40 place, .50 show: Cliff Field. .50 show. Bqaivaleat I king ...ids -Waterpraof, 420 to loo straight, 175 la 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Prince 8., 121 to 100 place. 75 to 111 show: ClifT Field, i 7.5 to 100 show. Wiaaer— Ck. g, by Caaard- Tinker trained by J. McKiaaey; bred by Messrs. Stone and Rucker. Avtnt to post at 5:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driviag; second anil third the same. WATER PROOP gained steadily and. standing a hard stretch drive, just lasted long enough to win. PRINCE 8. was badly outpaced for tkree-naartera, but came with a rush in the stretch. CI. IFF FIELD waa hud ridden and ran a g 1 race. JOHN III KIK raced gamely, but tired in the stretch. IRISH UENTLEMAN quit after going three-quarters. FAIR ORIENT was always outpaced. DAY DAY get the early pace and quit.