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MAY CHANGE WINDSOR DATES. Montiial. «.iie-.. June- ■!.- It i- rumored that there-would be a hang- made iu some of the dates for tiie Caaadiaa Pacing Associations for this season. Kenilwoith. :.t Windsor, will be the- lik. Iy one to change dates. They will advance tham so that th -y will drop in after Devonshire, which opens iii Rate-day, June !t. and continues until Saturday. Jaae 1C K.-nilworth will, according to tin- ranieer. open on tin- following M..nelay and race cent the sevea days, six of which will be against CoaaaagM Park at tit! iwa. This is evidently being done in case- other racing is called "IT after th- bat of Aagast this season. This will divide- up the horses. Til-- Mount Royal track w.ll follow Ottawa . lth a more elaborate book than at previous meetings.