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LADIES DAY EXC1TEMEM FALLEN HORSES FURNISH FAIR TATRONS A THRILL BUI 210 ONE IS HURT. Guy Fortune Fir:,t in the Feature Race of the Afternoon — Greon Jones Badly Beaten When an Mds-Oa Canada — Gipsy Queen Scores. Learisi il],-. Ky.. luee .".. -An :i .-i- n J of serioea character m em ed imminent when Baford nad Bone-Wood I" I! i:i :i h ap .aisl as the field ro— Jed til stretch linn, during the manias of the tlftk race, far ;i puis, of ,000. Bnferd waa ridden by liai net and Rosrwi id bad Bteama up. Borsea and n I-« rs were pro trate natil beta reached them, lmt t! jockeys mmm recovered and limp d if the track, none the worse ror their experience, excepting that Gamer sustained an abrasiaa oa the tare head, the resell of having raaae into mild eoaitact witk the feaee whea be fell. Gay Fortune, farorite in the race, waa directly in the path of Baford whea the latter went down, bat haekUy eacaped and ranae oa in acute a rictory over Highland Lad and Cramp :-.i:l. Baford, al the tiaae •• bia mishap, was in :i eoateading position and aroald have been a sharp contender. Jockey Garner attribated the accident to khani If far trying to take liis mount back, when be thong it be would be eat oC and iii doing ao I-. laeei I Baford to trip and falL Ladies day, an annaml eveat at each raeetlng here, v:.s marked by the preaenc of an immense attendance of Indies, who took advantage of the managements Invitation ta witneaa the racing with-oat east. They o eupied every vantage paint of the grandstand and filled the stairs and lawn. Thej took l.i ii Intereal m the racing and attending incidents. In Um big throne wore maay first time visitors to a raeiag ntaat aad they appeared to extract considerable eajoyaaeat from their eating. Heavy Rains Dull the Course. The heavy raina daring the nighl dolled the coarse aoarr. Ml it did nol militate greatly against tic raring and fairly time waa made considering the average class of the fields starting. The tea tares were two :,1. miii name racea, both at three-quarters, la the first one Green Janes, which before bia Lexington three-year-old achat waa rated by his connections us prohably the beat in the country, was an overwhelming favorite, being ac carded exteaaiTc aunport. Great was the disappoint meal a-ben be followed Old htiaa borne, :m oatsider, aad had to be forced out to his utmost to outstaj 11mm ion. The usual Miot.i of goad thinga was pmscd aroaad in tin- opeaing dish, which broagltt together .i band of two-year-aid maiden fillips, bal it resulted in an easy rictory for Gipsy Qaeea, l.-n rite, .iii running in J. IJ. Bespeaa colors. The limit namber of atartera made the roateal in the s..o,ii race and ii resaltcd in :i rictory f-r Milbny, an oatsider, which led .ill the way. Immense, the Favorite, waa never prominent. Brownie M Dawell gave :i fiee exhibition f gaate-aesa i-t the third race to eatstay Desire, after a terrific stretch drive. Alaxaeda Stable Entries Refused. A. .1. Merle waa an arrival today from California mid made claim to the itewarda that horses raeiag in the name of tin Alameda Stable were bia aote property and that Getter waa aad ■ part owner :, ■ program 1. The atewarda told Mr. Merle that he and Getter would have to adjust the owaerahip featare between tbeaaaetvea and. pending its adjustment, the entries of the borsea would not be accepted. Bedland, Bxecater and Sam Beckkaua are seme if the horses affected. Wdil; .it Doaglaa Park this morning was over a siopji.v track aad lacladed the foilowlag: AMebaraa Flve-eightha in 1:00. Boh ii a iley -Mile in 1 : M •,. Believe Me Boys Mile in 1:00%. Blind Baggage - Half mile in 5a. Blaiae Half mile ia M. Carl W- idem an liv eightha in 1:07,. i;-. Bhafer Three •irhths in :57i. Diaaaoad Half mile in in1.-.. Hedge Three i iti.ths ia 3S%. Intone Mile in 1 :-- L. Jane Btraltb Three qaartera in 1:16%. lack ODowd — Sevea-etgbtha la 1:30. Jack Straw -Three— quartera ia 1:l. UngtaJ Pive-eightha in 1 :0" . I,;iz.v l..u Half mil" in .":!. I.indly Three-eightha in ;i7... Marklaad Three -ajnartera in 1:20. Matin Bevea-eightha in 1:31-... Pretty i.; by — Three-eightha ia 41"j. real mail 1 1 -Pive-elghtka in l:0»i. Banttrtg Qaeea- Mile in 1:49%. Rifle Shooter Bevea eightha in 1:C9%. Sleeth— Half mile in Bt. naaaa7miag--Tka,ee-eightha in 37. Baadaa— Half mile in ."l«f.. TJMWavvood— -Three-ajaartera in l:la %. Violet BaaaaV — Half mile in 50. Weatjr flaajan Mlhi in 1:45.