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OOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KY.. TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1917.- Douglas Park. Ninth day. Douglas Park Jockey Club. Sj.iMig Meeting id 13 days. Weather clear. Stewards, Charles F. Price and T. J. Clay. Judges, W. 11. Shelley and J. D. Campbell. Starler, Harry Borrigger. Pacing Secretary. J. It. Campbell. Pacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. 111.. *lndieates apprentice allowance. 3 0 1 A man PACE 4 l-2 Furlongs. May 2K. 1911 53%— 3 101. SS Added. 2 year -OttiU aht*. Maidens. Fillu s. Special Weights. Net value to winner 1917.sh95; second. 33: third. 2. Index Horaea AWtPPSt 4 L- r-4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijiiiv. Odds Strt SSSSSGIPSY QUEEN w 112 I 4 1| I« 1« I. Gentry J B Kespess TSTiot JESSIE ORMSBY W 112 4 I 21 2J !■ AV Andr.-.-sCallaher Proa HSS-101 33179-a.!i;i.ita w 112 11 6 Bl V •■ D ConnelbO J Lta« CM bo MISS BONERO w 112 7 7 45 G1 # R Gooae J Livingston t61n:,-lKi :"3357 NOONTIDE Va 112 I 2 » 41 5 M Carter Wiekliff.- Stable 16X-14M 33179 JANE PRANCES w 112 10 5 H 5k 6- F Murphy T P Haves CM-MS :.3I79 INDEPENDENCE w 112 2 I 7J 7- V E Miirtin T C McDowell 4545 100 53317 SKYBORN w 112 5 I ■• 81 8= J Mor s J N Cannien f itt9M COURIER w 112 1 1 H :i Hi H Shilling]: R Bradley 4230-lfm ROSAUND w 112 9 11 11 11 10i A Claver E E Mulhollanrt 8:155 100 KATIE CANAL w 112 IM W MS. 11 J HaatoacrC T Worthington 7355-100 tMatael BeM. Time. 23%. 48, 54%. Track good. miitmls paid, Glaay Queen. .40 straight, .40 place, .C.O show: Jessie Ormsby, 4. SO place, .40 shew: Am. litn. .!»0 show. Iviui.aleat 1 king odds - Glaay Queen. 120 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Jessie Ormsby, 640 to 100 place, 270 to loo show : Anu-iita. 45 to loo show. Winn.:- !.. 1". by Marathea Tiafaadel trained by J. D. Beapeaa; bred by Mr. J. D. Respess. Went t.. poal at 2:27. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. :ii-S «.U BEN, showing the BMal speed all the way and well ridden, won as her rider pleased. JESSIE ORMSBY was it: closest pursuit from the start and held on well in the stretch drive. AMBLITA saved ma. -ii ground Whea taailaj into the stretch and linished gamely. MISS BONERO ran well. JANE FRANCES aai ! ej to race wide lor the entire way and ran a good race. • t /1 A "I SECONB PACK 3-4 Mile. June 5. 1915— 1:10% — 3— 109. 1917.sh00 Added. 3-year-olds. 00_TT_1 Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 04: second. 30; third. 4. Index llor-es AWtllStt %• % Str Fin Jo keys Ownirs E |i"iivT Odds Strt S27SS MILBREY witlosn 1 15 1»1 V U F Marphy W E Appleeate ioirio :.2419 LAD1 KATHERN w 110 12 6 3i 3- 3" »* W Dilhy J L Paul 5150 100 3SS8S*HAS1Y CORA ws 107 I 4 2l 23 2J 3U C Tudor G B Chancellor — MS S3SSS MAB w IKS I I 6f 7* 4 4J It Goose .1 Livingston MS MS S74S7*ADBLINE L. w MS I 3 7" ■ i* .r.h J tlrub.-r U Shields f155 100 333-J1 EVELYN v. ara 11210 r, r,i 4 -,- f r DiahaaonC C Vaa Meter t S31SS* IMMENSE am MS 7 11 S r,i 0« 7 R Wingfl.lW D-.nda.s OS-MS SSS4M TAN I w 111 IM 10 11 91 S2 L .entry A L Kirby MSS-MS :3193 HONEY SHUCK w MS 2 12 12 12 10J !l J Hanover I. Marion 37K-MO S2S7t MISSOURI PRIDE WB los 1 : 11 10 » Si 10= E Martin II Field t :.3112 LEONELDIA w 10S I 7 » H 11 11 P Lowder V White 2110 100 HARMONY .. w 108 9 2 4 5 12 12 A Claver J T Hughes 790 100 tMutuel BeM. Time. 23%, 48%, 1:14%. Track good. mntuels paid, Milbrey. 2.30 straight. 1.00 place, show; Lady Kathern, 7.40 place, S.10 show: Hasty Cora. .20 show. D.|tiival. tit I king "hls Milbrey. 1015 to 100 straight. 4S0 to 100 place, 225 to 100 show: Lady Kathera. 2270 to 100 place. MS to KM show: Haaty Cora. LIS to 1SS show. Winner-P.. f, by Albula- Dorothy Ledge tt trained by F. D. Weir; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. A cut to post at 2:53. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MILBRE1 took the lead at once and. showing the most speed all the wnv. held on gamely to the end. LADY KATHERN gamed steadily and finished fastest of all. HASTY CORA ran well, but tired mar the end. MAD closed a gap and finished fast. IMMENSE was away slowly, but ran a bad race. ADELINE L. flaiahed close up. Scratched -2S05S Dinger Quill, 10S; 33145 Ronnie Lassie, 10S; 33321 Jovial, 112; 33193 Bell Cow, 10S; Hasty Chick, los. Overweight; — Dady Kathern. 2 pounds; Taxi. 3. 3O /% A i THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 7, 1913— 5S%— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. O TC" £i Claiming. Net value to winner 54; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt j ■_ % Str Fin Jockeys Ow tiers E.|uiv. Odds Strt 33281 DR. McDAWELL w MS 7 5 2" l 2 l"t J Hanover M C Moore 345 100 33319 DESIRE w 105 f, 2 Ik 2 II 2" II Stearns J S Ward 315-100 333 1 9 :,» HONOLULU w 96 9 6 6" 4i 3- 34 R Sini|sonJ S Hawkina 410 100 33I»6nW. W. HASTINGS w 106 2 4 » 6J 4" 4" Z ShannorA L Rogers 1795 100 33253 KLING w 106 5 7 5 V H 5" K IapailleWilliams Pros 540-lOU 1.3317 GREAT GULL w 107 4 9 9 8 J 7 6 W Kelsay J C Rodgers 5450-100 SS1SS*DIX1E HIGHWAY w V. B 3 1 9 6i 7 R Wingfld.l B Respess 5450-100 SStSl "LAGGARD vv 109 11 81 9 8i 8- D ConnellyG J Long 1375-100 33281 CHARLEY NOLTE w 107 3 8 7 7J 9 9 R Goose W H Buker 1100-100 Time. 23%, 48, 1:01%, Track rood, mntuels paid. Drownie McDawoll, .90 straight, .30 place, .70 show; Desire, .70 place, .30 show: Honolulu. .30 show. Ejiiivalent baaklag odds— Drownie McDawell, 345 to 100 straight, 165 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Desire. 88 to 100 place, SB to 100 show; Honolulu. 05 to 100 show. Winner — Oh. g, by Jack Atkin — Dessie Simpson trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Went to post at 3:22. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DROWNIE McDAWELL, away forwardly and vigorously ridden, stood a hard drive resolutely through the last eighth and outstayed DESIPE in the last twenty yards. DESIRE raced into a slight stretch lead and held on well to the end. HONOLULU was taken wide bv an inex| erienced rider and ran a good race. W. W. HASTINGS was forced back 011 the stretch turn and came again. KLINC, had 110 mishaps. DIXIE HIGHWAY set the early pace and tired. Scratched — 33319 Quartette. 105; 33190 Sasenta. 102. QQ/l/l-t FOIRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915— 1:10%— 3— 109. Highland Purse. Purse fytyrtrXitJ ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 5. I nde* Horses AWtPPSt % jfc % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33322 OLD MISS wn 112 5 1 1 || 1 lJ g Shilling T M Murphy 1040-100 ?-2827 41REEN JONES w 117 4 3 2" 34 35 2» R Gooae W H Baker 65-100 33322 FHOCION w 114 1 4 . 3 2b 2» 3» D ConnellyH Perkins 330-100 20835 JACK SALMON w 117 2 5 4" 42 4s 4« C Dlshmon.1 K Redmon 1620-100 K3322 PROOM SWEEP wn 119 3 2 5 5 6 5 P Lowder E R Bradley 1275-100 Time, 23%, 47%, 1:13%. Track rood. ihutuels paid. Old Miss, 2.80 straight, .70 place, .90 show; Green Jones, .10 place, .00 show; Phocion, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Old Miss. 1040 to 100 straight. 185 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Green Jones. 55 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Phocion, 15 to 100 show. Winner — Br. t, by Uapsburg — Lady Lexington trained by J. Umensetter; bred by Mr. Hugh McCar-ren, Jr.. Went to post nt 3:53. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OLD MISS, showing high speed, was rushed into the lead at once and easily held GREEN JONES safe through the final drive. GREEN JONES was sluggish in the early running, but finished well and outgamed PH4CION in the final drive. PHOCION rail a good race and had no mishaps. JACK SALMON was under hard restraint for the first half, but tired when called on in the stretch. BROOM SWEEP retired after going three-eighths. Scratched— 333203 Paramount, 114. "*"MM*MM™MMMMM"M™,"MM™™,,,,,,,™l,""MaM»aaa»a»aaa«awaaaa«aaBa«aaaM«MMaaa» zQ A. A. A. FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 5, 1915— 1:43%— 3— 95. Purse 00. 4-year-olds S-J -* Tc t r±: and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1917.sh50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U ,£ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 33284 -MARY H. w 4 104 3 1 1 1= l» is u f Murphy J N Huffman 210-100 SK5K755 GRADER w 7 105 4 2 21 21 2 2« 2» R WingfldJ T Looney 130-108 t33198SURPASSING w 6 113 7 7 7 7 5* 3* 3« A Claver J C Hansen 655-100 .•s3318 BIG FELLOW w 4 107 5 3 41 4 41 4l 41 D ConnellyG T Arnold 6700-100 iii?;;?JtTFAPPOID *»*jf**» * 31 5* 5» J Gruber J Umensetter 1705-100 ?5?5? "C-LIDE POST wb 7 111 2 5 52 5 6 6J 61 W Kelsay L H Dickinson 1066-100 31al EXECUTOR wb 6 110 6 6 6a 61 7 7 7 H Thurber Alameda Stable 7440-100 Time. 24«i, 49%, 1:13%, 1:40, 1:46%. Track good. mutiicls paid, „ „ Mary II., straight, .00 place, .40 show; The Grader, .70 place, .40 show: Surpassing, .4J4 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mary IL, 210 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; The Grader. 35 to 1SS place. 241 to DMJ show; Surpassing. 45 to 100 show. Winner— Dr. f, by Elkhorn— Mantilla trained by J. Huffman; bred by Dr. C. W. Crowley. . .«ent to post at 4:22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. MARY IL began fast and, showing the most speed, led for the entire way and won by a safe margin THE GRADER raced in closest pursuit from the start and finished fast under punishment. M UPASSINt; began slowly and was far back for the first three-quarters, but closed a big gap when riihlen hard. DI ; FELLOW ran moderately well. TRAPPOID showed speed, but dropped back in the last quarter as if short. Scratched— 331 S5- Yenghee, 110. Overweights — Pig Fellow, 1 pound. 4.4.a SIXTH "AFE— 3-4 Mile. June 5. 1915— 1:10%— 3— 109. Shelbyville Purse. Purse U t-JX.ZkKJ ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, . ± *■** Horses AWtPPSt j -j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2?,r2 ,5rl,*.y„rOP.Tr r: w 117 7 y 0* 41 2 1 D ConnellyPastime Stable 16000 301«8 HIGHLAND LAD w 117 4 1 2 * 31 2 L Gentry J B Respess 975-100 .2981 CUUMPSALL w 11.» 6 2 5 6 4»° S 1 A Claver 1 H Browne 465-100 5**55-S,:DA w »» « 3 1- 12 11 43U K Lapaille Williams Bros 470 100 L52f5iSA55 w 112 1 7 7 7 6 5 J Morys J N Camden 1630-100 55S55 !" IOKD W117 2 4 31 21 Fell M Garner H P Headley 530-100 .-.2740 ROSEWOOD wn 112 3 5 4" B Fell H Stearns J W Parrish 7390 100 Time. 23%, 48V5, 1:13%. Track good. *,nrr ;il,,,n,ls. I"1- r"y Fortune. .20 straight, .10 place, .50 show; Highland Lad, .50 place, Moo show; OaaaaaaR, .30 show. Equivalent booking odd; City Fortune, 100 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Highland Did. 228 to MS place. 145 to 104 show; rumpsall. 415 to 100 siiow. inn-r - h. c. by Transvaal Ceriini trained by D. Lehan; bred by Mr. T. D. Nichols. , . »"t to Post at 4:47. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. . Y fORTI NE was outpaced for the first three-eighths, but moved up rapidly and. being ;"T5U? .SKF " ,,"f,r ■"«•■ Whea BCrORD and ROSEWOOD fell, finished fast and outstayed HIGH-DAN LAI tlirough the l,,st seventy yards. HIGHLAND LAD raced forwardlv all the way, but tired slightly near the end. CRUMP8ALL made up ground and finished gamelv. SEDAN quit badly UV-rOEP was going well when he fell. ROSEWOOD could not avoid the taltea horse and also fell. 4.4-ft SKVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 5. 1915— 1:43%— 3— 95. Purse 00. 3-year- f* 5and3ujSaS olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U 2 *t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv~bdd8~Strt 33194-|ALFAI1D a it 1 104 1 4 2 2- 1 1 i li 41 W CarllA L Kirby 75-100 aaaaSITSlStg wl! 5 101 :i 3 ll* Vi 2= 2* * K WlngtdH Neusteter 326-100 22!2I!?SAEJ25IB D wTW 7 6 3" "3 31 3J Gruber N F Dortch 1790-100 55152 ORANGE Wl 6 105J 2 1 6« 68 4= 4« 4- C Tudor J F Gaffney 1265 100 StMVOCAPT. MARCHMT w 6 110 5 2 31 V- 5» 5« 5» C VanDunJ W Fuller 1285 100 55152 .,,.1..r.HAM wn 5 106 4 7 51 5 6 6" 6 H Thurber Alameda Stable 6800-100 33140 h LI I AWAY w 6 104 6577777 H Stearns H L Cralne 2345-100 24%. 49%. 1:14%, 1:42%, 1:49. „., , . ., /Ji"". Track good. S_ mntuels paid. Alfadir. .50 straight, .50 place, .50 show; White Crown, .00 place, .80 show: Marjone ].. S3 SO show. .J"1!"1 oVl""; ■«" Atf***f. ? to 10° straight. 25 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; White Crown, 30 „. to DM place, 40 to 100 show: Marjone D.. 91 to DM show. Winner— D. f, by Solitaire IL-Drenierhafen trained by A. L. Kirby; bred by Mr. Adolpli B. Spreck- e Wetit to post at 5:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ALI AIM It was saved under restraint until in the hist quarter, where she raced into the lead and easily held WHITE CROWN safe, the latter set the t-arly pace, nnished gamely and was best of the others. MARIORIE I, moved up rapidly after going a half mile, but tired in the stretch. ORANGE close. 1 a big gap. APT. MAKCIIMONT tired badly in the last quarter. Overweights Orange. 4 pounds.