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LATONIAS GOOD OPENING CAPITAL ATTENDANCE AND EXCELLENT RACING MARKED FEATURES OF THE DAY. Old Rosebud Distinguishes Himself Again and Easily Captures Inaugural Handicap in Fast Time — Guy Fortune Dtfoat:; Moaiy Maker. Latonia. K.v.. June 11. Latonias meeting if twenty one days raciag was inaugurated this ■flMMM under allspices in.isl f i vol .1 1 ili- for 111--sport. :iii immense attendance being on hand. Prc-ceding the racing, patriotic exercises were indulged in. accompanied In :i flag raising, in wliieli the Preach, English and American flags were aafarled from the gigsntic riag staB in the center field, to the accompanim it of natioaal airs and the lasty cheers of the bin mnltitnde present. The feature of the after m was the laaagaral Handicap, worth ,440 net to the winner, at a mile and ■ aixteenth. DM Roaebnd, thoagh ahoaldering 124 pounds and conceding weight to :ill the others, pro vi 1 aa easy rictor, with Kin;; Goria, making his first start siace liis triaaiph in the rich Kentucky Handicap, leading the others and Midway In third place. Ilnre wen- -i starters in the race, Hodge, Manager Walt • aad Marion Gonaby finishing behind the phi.eit .. old Bosebad araa sa« I nader re strain unt;l the Stretch turn was reached, where be mored Inta the lead like a flash and won easias np. Hodge, which led in the earlier fanning, qui badly, aad Manager Walt* coald sot overcome the effects of Interference be not. the three-year-old Mid ways ahoaliiL araa .in exceptional! good one and it made great amends for bis dull performance in liis recent atari at Doagfau Park. close and interesting racing was rlie order throughout the aftrraoon, bat those speculatively in dined, arith n particular penchant to sapporl fa-r ml tea. were badly jolted, as Banal of the choie.s an r ■ downed. The track, excepting for 1 in;: a trifle «le p. was iii excelleat coaedtioa and fairly gaad time was tile order for most of the aft in i Batcher Boy was the first failure, he succumbing to olympian King, a half brother to Dodge. In qalrk lactesiion came the defeats of Amazon. Bert Williams aad U y Maki r. -I. Itufus was in the nature of a "goad thing** in the third race, and Ray Ioitune- rictory whs accomplished mainly the inadequate ride limit :;ae .Money Maker. Al M. Dick Will Arrive Tuecdny. ,1 M. Dick, in charge of .1. W. May. will reach the track tomorrow and will receive his final preparation 1 ere for the Latonia Derby. It is tin-general opiafcm among the owners bere that if he lands the big prize, lie is a wonderful horse. Mi ;t ..f the LoeisviUe roatiageat reached the track. exceptiag a feu aho were unable to secure earn and will arrive torn or mar. There .ire about seveaty harms -till at Douglas Park. Black Ton and Boiling Pot, the latter an importer racer, wrere additions t- in- Bradley string, tin- pair being slipped her- from Idle Hour Puna. Thirty-fire matael machines and forty five cashiers arere mUsaaiy to aceeauaodafa tin bettors this nfteraaoa. The banner conditions attending the opening indicates that the same prosperous eaadit ions licit bare ruled at ail tin- Kentucky courses will attach to Latonia. Todays attendance included many pemaai who have heretofore re- fraiaed from going to the track frequently. They were ngreeabt sarprised at tin- many rhaages the caaarae has undergone since their mat visit. William Bhellej received notification yesterday of liis appointment as secretary of tin- Empire City track. There was mark regret exnreaned liy owners river tie- death of Phil liuyer. I he foUoariag work-outs took place this morning over a g 1 track: Day Dream, five eighths. 1:04%; stout Heart. three -ajaartern, 1:30%; Bpadix, fire-eighths, 1:08. Nobleman, five-eighths, 1:03. Brin, mile. 1 :43. atom a soil five-eighths, 1:03%; Wilhite, mile. 1:51; Batchler, five-eighths, 1:05%; Big Pelloar, half mile. r.l: Jane straith. five-eighthn, 1:38; Baarehr, flre-eightha, 1:04; Dragon Back, five-eighths, 1:34; Viva America, five-eightha, 1:03; Beaaty Shop, Uirtlf mile. BS%; PUtaway, half mile. .VJ; Honolulu. half mile. 53%; Thfattlegreen, three-qaartera 1:21; Daddy Batbert, five-eighths, l:i7; Valor, three-qaartera, 1:90; Iriiinro. three-qaartera, 1:18; Piatt, tlir.-e -eighths, 40; Bwxprr. half mile. 51; Ardent, mile. 1:43; Ask tier. mile. l:l»;; Dick West. mile. 1:43; Weaty Hogan, thret-quartera, 1:13; Happy Thought, half mile. ."..I; Paramount, half mile. 51; KtiiiY Col. three-eighths, 33*4; Sedan, half mile, r.J: Star of love, mil.-, 1:11; Waterproof, mil,-. 1:47%; Brian Morn. mil.-. 1:48; xeaghee, mile. 1:43%; Plv Home, three eighths. 33%; Desire, half mil-, |3%; Jovial, half mile, st; Jeretar, half mile, 51; .Iiison, half mile. 51.