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W. C. DuBrock Secretary of the HUDSON BAY JOCKEY CLUB Wants 10 Jockeys AT ONCE for 10 weeks of racing at the FAIRS. Write or wire at once: 5201 MAGNOLIA AVENUE :: CHICAGO, ILL. 1917 UP-TO-DATE 1917 The New Handicappers Manual By John J. Farrell will teach you how to successfully rate horses. A-guide for all Form Players. All records up-to-date. Farrells Rapid Rating Charts. Postpaid, S3.00 WALT MASON 5105 Brown Street :: :: Philadelphia, Pa. SUN NYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County : : : : Alabama W. H. H. HARDING, Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring! furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RAIESj 5 PER WEEK. KENLL WORTH PARK EULOGY, 210-100, won; BAC, 195-100, 2nd, were my last Specials. SALVESTRA, Thursdays wire, ran 3rd. Fridays Special, WON. Wired away, even break; cant lose. I have just received word on one of the be"St tilings I have had in some time. This horse goes Saturday, and my man informs me his last work of one mile in 1:41, first 31 in 1:14, with an even break, cant lose. My terms for this Extra Special will bo Threo Dollars, Guaranteed to Win, or I will send you my next one Free until I send you a Winner. Those who subscribed for this meeting will get tills one, Patrons who do not get a wire will know their subscription is closed. Dont Miss This Special. SARATOGA SARATOGA Special rate of Ten Dollars for the mooting, and I havo my man on the job. Watch future ads. Also note change of address. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. 413 Standard Trust and Savings Bank Building. CHICAGO, ILL. MISS BRYN, 2135-100, WON See. Given in Book 313 It pays to get the Thoroughbred. TODAYS BEST: Come-Windsor-Not-Try-Row-Tar. Book 3ie.4fcrt American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., ChicaK f$ AMERICAN, 4 1-21, WON was yesterdays Daily One Horso Wire. This makes SIX WINNERS out of 11 on the New York track. TERMS: .00 FOR SIX DAYS. Todays Form Special No. 300 in Book 533. Standard Turf Guide, 403-22 W. Quincy St., Chicago Dont Miss Our CANADIAN GETAWAY SPECIALS, wired you for . JULY 31ST IS THE DAY. TODAYS SPECIAL No. 224. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg., 88 W. Quincy St., Chicago.