J. K. L. Ross Buys Cudgel: Champion Western Three-Year-Old Sold for Big Sum, Daily Racing Form, 1917-12-08


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J. K. L ROSS BUYS CUDGEL Champion Western Three-Year-Old Sold for Big Sum. Montreal Turfman Pays 0,000 for J. W. Schorrs Grand Colt Shipped to Laurel Iiuisvlllo, Ky., December 7. The sale of Cudgel ly .John W. Schorr of Memphis for the reputed price of 0,000, does not come as a surprise to The turf world, as Mr. Schorr has been asked repeated!" to set a value on the great colt. II. G. Bedwell, representing apt. .7. K. L. Boss, the Canadian turfman, closed the deal at Douglas Park this morning. Cudgel is now in winter quarters at tlit; local course and will be shipied tonight to the local course and was shippod tonight to Laurel to join the others of the Itoss stable. Bedwell arrived in Louisville this morning and met by appointment Mr. Schorr, who came from his home in Memphis. After inspecting the colt at Douglas Iark, Hedwell made his offer, which was readily accepted. Bedwell left tonight for his home in Laurel, Maryland, after seeing that his new purchase was Nafely placed aboard ah express car. The colt was billed to Laurel, where lie will join the Ross horses now in winter quarters at that place. In closing the deal Ik-dwell save his personal check for the amount agreed upon. Mr. Schorr, after tucking the cheek into his pocket, returned to Memphis. The sale of Cudgel takes away from the west its ln-st three-year-old and its best race horse in j-eneral. His racing at the Latonia fall meeting contributed a remarkable series of demonstrated ability to carry high weights and run fast and far. In fact, nothing his great eastern compeers, llourless and Omar Khayyam did, was in am respect better. All fit and at their best, it is questionable whetker there is any considerable .margin Jjutveen .the three exceedingly fine colts, "ft" follows Captain IJoss has now been placed in a position to contend, for- the highest honors of .the eastern turf next year. To one aspiring to the ownership of a proved racing star, the colt is worth . all that he is reported to have cost his new owner. lit recent years II. G. Bedwell lets wrought such wonders in racing with low-class horses, that interested observation of what he may prove able to do with a high-class one, will attach to Cudgels career under his training methods. Ilis rival trainers will not overlook the fact that this astute mnn is to have charge of the highest priced horse o tilts year, nor will the general public. Complete details of Cudgels career were so recently published in Daily IJacing Form. Although from now on it is probable his racing will lie. mainly over the eastern tracks, it is not unreasonable to anticipate that, at least, his name will in due time appear in the entry list of next years Kentucky Haudicap.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917120801/drf1917120801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917120801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800