Havana Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, December 8, Daily Racing Form, 1917-12-08

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Havana Entries and past Performances for Saturday, December 8. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. XRuus well In mud. Superior . mud runner. q.VPMr.oiii iivi n,r,i rr.-,i,i M maiden, -Apprentice allowance. Track ordf Jan" iJS-iO First Race 3-4 Mile. i i 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Tn1 , hOL Track record: Dec. 28, 19151 :H-4-lll. XiSSt..., U0S iTloS wlaw.fn 354,53 Sal Vani,-V 107 4 ,., norso wt n 11.5X720 Si V-.Lhomi inVTiru nriiTmi 35351 1,nn,cc .105 1:07 7 110x715 :lr70 deiia 104M ft14 lnV?n? 3,5r915 Iajaroita II. .....10G 1:07 G 115715 r-10 ProteHlnn loiio-it "pon 36,50S Golden List 10S 1:07 4 115X715 .Um Mare C. . .. 5 1U..0S0 3r,G." Enver Bey ....... .115 1:0G G 107 705 Dr iB"o-Vom- 3Jr,J" Kzath Lee ... .103 1:07 4 115X700 tpioi 3 10S Victrola ran avoII in her last race. Nothing outstanding here. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Doc. 28, 1915--1:11 1111. Track record: Jan, 24, 19171:055102. nr.Tis ut vtuv hi liav p io..v-.- 3U298 Count Boris 95 l:08h : Ims 107X725 Limlonthai i 1S 1-lS 5 1 rv71-, :mm Sweet Marguerite.. 109 l:10i 107.. 720 1i57? Ill 1-liV 8 110V71T 5W p"" HI- M1l:h 3,5403 iCmnV-CauVwViKlW l:13 I 110x710 .tbtjOb Peeper 94 1:09 110X710 3G59- ltulucr - ivi-it: r. innv7fi-. 31048 Marion M 114 1:10S 107.. 705 a!l Snnn"""-" Ill" -r Vlo-x7r 3593S Mr. Dooley 102 1:10 107.. 705 Woai Wavering -" llOMW 7 I0"v7 0 .5G.KS.S Alae Lindlj M 10-.. ,00 Aunt Elsie was unlucky in her last race. Count Boris is best on public form. . Third Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 .Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917 1:05 5 102. Track record: Jan. 23, 1917 1:40 1 99. 3""92 "Iyiie 109 1:07 3 107 X725 30593 Jack Hanover M113 1:42 5 99X725 30508 Thirst 110 1:0G 3 110X720 31007 Ralph S ....112 1:43 4 11" 720 36609" Prohibition 110 1:07 4 107x715 34703 Seminole 3 104X715 34137 Kid Nelson 112 1:01 7 107x715 3i!U Bill Simmons 105 1:42 4 107.. 715 3ii0 Jojam 108 1:09 4 112.. 715 36572 Barnard 7 ll"x715 36351 Genesis 107 1:07S 3 107X710 35575 Rochester Ill 1:45 4 102X715 35342 Dora Collins 99 1:08 3 107.. 710 3ii07 Prince Philstliorpe.lOG 1:42 S 112X710 MMi., San Jon 10S 1:07 G 115 X 710 30540 Lady Rowena ... -3 90X710 365S9 Massenet :103 1:08. 1107x705 30575 Balfroh 10S 1:45 0 107X705 36590 Bill Wiley 93 1:09 4 112 X 700 30593 Rockport M .... 98 1:48h 3 102. 705 34717 Investment 1111:10 4 112X700 30590 Bank Bill ....... . .100 1:41 1104 x 700 357G5 Rock of Luzerne 36589 Dasli 901:43 4 107X700 M 3 99. .700 30574 Passion 4 112X700 Rhyme seems best of a bad band. Jack Hanover has been racing promisingly. HAVANA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1017, to November 2S, 1J17, Inclusive. At or At or Under Under Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Crump, W 19 10G 72i 139 124 92 Petz, J ... .08 104 272 22 30 29 Bauer. J 19 IDS 88 17 20 8 Miller, C. .OS 104 24 " 0 1 Roland. D 19 114 09 13 10 G Dodd, J 00 110 152 9 21 10 Bullman, II 10 94 13 2 2 2 Gruber, J 0G 92 110 7 10 8 Ball, R 15 103 243 35 51 32 Rlchey. W 109 4 0 1 1 Howard, J 13 107 300 45 35 i3 Hill. M 103 5 0 1 0 Gargan, W 13 109 1S1 23 20 29 Dwyer, J 105 4 0 0 0 GangPl, L 13 109 134 IS 12 S3 Morrissey. W 107 4 0 0 0 Murphy, F 12 105 504 02 71 07 Hansen, C. 103 24 0 0 0 Wingfield, R 12 103 401 50 47 03 Lunsford. II. 87 21 0 0 0 Hunt. C 11 107 382 43 40 01 Bresch. H 100 Cooper. F 11 100 130 14 18 12 Franklin 101 . Stearns, II 09 100 25S 24 22 2S Humphries 110 .. Cruise. J 09 109 101 9 3 5 FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Dec. 2S, 1915 1:11 1 Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order1 of Finish VAGABOND, b. c, 3 M 111 By Migraine English Esther W. G. Klng-Dodds. 365S9 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 7 110 3 2 4 4 2i B Kleeger 8 Lenshens Pride, Dental. Dash 2G399 Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 60f 101 7 11 11 8l 7 J Gruber 12 Martre, Kleburne Zin Del 35562 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast SO 101 6 9 9 7l S5 J MaJesticlO S.Ssie, M.Srwood, Capt.Mmnt 35465 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 631 102 11 9 10 10 10" R Wingfdl2 Busv Alice. BusyJoe, Contestant 34159 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 68 100 1 1 1 5 6 6U R Wingfld 8 F.. of Steel, Monotony, Irregular 3398S Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 76 109 12 6 6 8 814 L Gentry 12 Sedan. Trusty. Sister Emblem 30045 Latonia 5i f l:09,slow 100 112 5 6 7 7 7" W Lilley 9 Keuward. Pluto. Raggedy Man 29923 Latonia 6J f l:08fast 122 107 7 7 7 7 6 L Lykes 7 Ben Hampson. Kenward. Quln 29760 Latonia Ci f l:10hvy 53 112 9 10 9 9i 10" R Goose 11 Apple Jack, BenHampson, Quln 28058 Hthorne EJ f 1:09 good 30 103J10 10 8 8J 9 L Gaugel 10 Milbrey, Burbank, Deckhand 27837 Hthorne- 5-8 1:02 fast 20 113 1 8 8 7 7" J McCaba 8 Justify, Sleeper, Lycia 27580 Latonia 61 f l:08fast 123 112 9 9 9 9 9" J Brown 9 Paramount. Immense, Irregular ADELIA. ch. f, 3 M 108 By Sir Huon Boema J. C. Ferriss. 36570 Havana 5i f 1:0S fast 15 30 1 6 4 3 3 52 H Wingfd 8 NowTlien, B.James, Pajarottall. 23729 Latonia 1 l:41jfefast 62 1011 3 8 7 7 7s 7 P Lowder 11 DayDream, S.League, CdraLanu S3526 Douglas 3-4 l:lu?sfast 63 10li 8 8 7 7l 7"i F Murphy 12 BertWllliams, C.Lahe, CyCourt PROTECTION. lr. g, 3 M 108 By Ogdcn Tcnawlia T. P. Hayes. X51Q lexton 3 4 l:l.-,,r.fnr.t 11 6 7 7 7" fa Martin 7 Tcrmnk. Kd Garrison. CorkevW. :UI64 Lattmia 3-1 l:l.islow 103 10:! 2 10 10 9 S 10 Martin 11 A.Middleton, It. Voter, Iligh.l.a I S3Sa3 Latonia 3-4 l:l:.fast 11 101 2 11 11 9 S,J E Martin 12 A.Middleton. K.Bclle, Lightfoot ooi29 Latonia 1 l:41fast 38-5 102J 1 2 3 3 4 4i E Martin 11 DayDream, S.League, CoraLane SHINSTONE, ch. c, 3 M 108 By Handsel Miss Eddie J. W. Forman. S6310 Latonia- lrn70y 1:44 fast 85f 107 1 1 11 11 U ll30 N Barrett 12 Dr. Tuck. Rhvmer. El Rey S61 Latonia lmTOy l:46hyy 82 101 5 6 9 9 9 9" N Barrett 9 Sosius. Miss Fannie. Surpassing 360S4 Latonia 3-4 lHJtthvy 45 109 11 11 11 11 11" N Barrett 12 W.oWdom, Verdant. PrspectSr 2924i Douglas 51 f l:0Sfa; 3-10 113 2 1 6 S 8" R Goose S Bbannock, B.Hnmpson. A.Jack Lexgton 51 f l:0Sfast 18-5 109 1 1 2 2 31 R Goose 5 T.Boness, Bessanta, E.Tmpson 8987 Lexgton 5-8 l-.02fast 12 109 3 4 2 5l 5" R Goose S. Wheat. Deckhand Bessanta 28919 Lcxgton 6-8 l:01fast 15 115 11 10 10 101 10" A Palms 12 Sleeper, J. Rufus. Dr. Barlow LADY MATCHMAKER, h. f, 4 M 112 By Matchmaker Rosy Tidings E. W. Mcore. SG370 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 85 105 9 S 10 9 5 51 W Crump 12 Shad. Lawn S League Kxhorter 6214 Latonia 3-1 l:14mud 66 114 8 S S S 71 W Crump 11 BeutySpot, H.Cora, M.Sherwood 3551;. Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 21 112 4 6 6 6s 6s? W Crump 7 Ague. Colle. Capt Marchmont 35465 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 72 110 6 5 5 51 5s W Crump 12 Busv Alice, Busy.Toe. Contestant 34187 FortErie 51 f l:07fast 20 107 7 7 7 61 63 W Crump 7 Phiiistine. Savilla. Eulogy MARIE C, h. m, 5 M 112 By Yankee Laughing Elsie W. H. Hocan. 26p67 Havana 51 f l:07fast 12 106 S S 8 S 811 J Dwyer S Hl.Kacer. Klisc.Leo Beau Lidv 34821 Mneuve Ab5-S l:00fast 33 106 65 E Leaver G Friskv. Curious AVaveriii" 4o9 Mneuve Ab5-S 1:00 fast 13 110 5" X Taylor 5 Ridgeland Servia Sir Uvka 24015 Delmier Ab5-8 1:03 fast 40 110 7" J Dodd 7 Lvndoni T Li t Von!i?w Al Court 34500 Delmier Ab5-8 l:05fast 5S 106 5:i D Bloom 9 D.Dson. 34252 KingEd. AbGlf l:21fast 14 111. 5i J Russell 7 ChanninglV, ! FIrstNstart1 3 M 108 By Dl"- Le Pourquol J. K. Frayling. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Jan. 24, 19171:05 5 102. COUNT BORIS, b. g. 2 107 By Ivan the Terrible Palms K. Spence. :;.29S Luton a. 51 f l:0Shvy 12 93 4 4 3 61 9 J Gruber 10 Kling, Postmast." I o- SHton,la rr4 J:Kvy 19"10 109 3 6 2 21 1H C Hunt 12 Stevenson. Jack 1111, OMalley Hatonla 51 f l:09hvy 11-10 109 2 3 4 A- 4 C Hunt 11 Kale, Tanlac, Steve isoii Ji5ton,ia 55 f l:09hvy 9 109 5 2 2 21 3 C Hunt 12 Sewell Combs. B.Million TanHc 35819 Churchl 3-4 l:14good 46f 109 10 10 9 8 6i II LunsfdRi North Seai , Tucoln Bon Tromn SSS 50US,a.i Gl I Wast and5f 95 10 10 9 92 9,i H LunsfdU Benefactor, DaVnaVP. Com elly 3-1GG9 Kenilwh 5-8 l:00fast 24 115 8 9 9 9 8 C Hunt 12 Celtiva, Tanlac, ilargotst r 34458 Windsor 5-8 l:01good 62 98 8 10 8 81 6 J Gruber 11 J.Hare. r.. lligliVost V i erica 34316 FortErie 5-8 1:05 hvy 22 95 7 7 5 5a 21 J Gruber 7 Bolster, Wow, Semcena lfa.ton,la rH "Wast 33-5 109 4 2 4 P 6" C Hunt 12 Bxterm nator. Mist.Pollv. Quito 34007 Latonia 51 f l:10hvy 14 109 4 1 1 21 2"i C Hunt 11 MIssBonero. Dr.Nickell i Sahib SWEET MARGUERITE, ch. f, 2 107 By Trap Reck Eenoni W. E. Suas. 36600 Havana 51 f l:07fast 20 109 5 13 8 81S L IIniphsl2 Marauder, reste"s Pkulele 26256 Laurel 55 f l:12mud 182 104 7 4 S 10 ll1 F Hopklnsll MissFilley, GreenGrass Coldinir 2" Sd?.G co 55 f l:7fast 90 103 3 4 6 8 S F Hopkins 8 Vocabulary. Onko, Scabbard 32906 P imlico 41 f 55fast 31 10::. 4 12 2 432 J Dreyer 7 Corydon, Dalrose. Land Lubber m 00 4i f 57 fast 6-5 107 C 1 5 6 6" T Parton 8 Peeper, Santiago, BUlLivi -stou 327S4 Pimlico 41 f 57 slow 27-10 112 3 1 1 3 4 JMcTagt S LandLubber Risnon le P 1-TnVv 32733 Pimlico 41 f 58 hvy 7-5 10S 1 2 2 4 03 F Roblon 9 Bill uSumPr Itia SS2 ?riml ,?-2 50 fast l3-20m 7 1 l1 2 F RobsonlS O.ofHavana. P ancy. L Sweeper PG36H.deG ce 41 f 55 fast 51 104 8 3 21 2b W Collins 8 Wow. Producer. Juanita 111? 325S7 H.deGce 1-2 49fast 11 110 1 12 lt E Haynes 11 LowDegree, Ccitiva. LTSweeper S0311051 nl" br- c- 2 M 99 By Ethelhert Lady of the Vale W. Heyman CCG Havana 51 f l:07fast 20 114110 10 S 7 7" C Hansen 12 Marauder, Orestes. B" 331S6 Jamaica 5-8 l:01fast 20 112 6 -6 6 6 6" J Butwell G Dawn Star. Starwort. L. Degree PEEPER, b. f, 2 110 Bv Peep oDay Meddlesome She J. W. Wangle 3G606 Havana 51 f l:07fast 20 109 7 S 10 10 10 H BullmnI2 Marauder, Orestes nnilele ?n VAe9..ce ll I J:07 rast 170 94 2 3 3 en 1" C Mergler 10 Paganini, Scabbard. Tumble In 35505 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 98 99 C 2 6 8 9 G Walls 11 Paganini StartPMit Sunnvllill 35436 g.deG;ce 3-4 l:15good 22 100 7 5 0 6 8 M Rowan 8 Hope" Sincerity Risponde T 2SH S;eG ce 51 f l:OTWast 22 103 2 3 7 61 7" W Collins 8 Vocabulary, Edith F T for Tat QS dS,ne J11:2J?vy 3i 105 1 2 2 2 431 L Lykes 7 L.Eileen. L.Herbert. B.Lngston ? m co 1 I 57 fast 6 12 2 4 2 2 in B Kopmn 8 Sntiago, B.Lgston, G.W.Avery 32781 Pimlico 41 f 67slow 26-5 107 1 2 3 3and 2 B Kopmn 9 Dalrose. Mar. Music. Tumble In andl-PN c,h f- .Z. M , 107 By Leonid Dolly Hayman Cooper Bros.. 3C04S Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 14 112 9 S 7 7 5 J Howard 9 Q.Trovato7janeFran-s TeanK 33875 Churchl 3-4 l:15good 11 112 2 8 9 6 5I II Shilling 10 Tally, Sascnt Bee Line 3?J51 Douglas 3-4 l:14slow 14 109 5 5 7 61 5S C Hunt 11 Dr. Ivy, Gus Scheer GreatGull UreaU,uU 3o603 Douglas 51 f l:0Sfast 23f U4 11 11 9 9 g C Rogers 12 Jerda. Courier. Capers ?-SiD00L?Y b;,,2,n -107 Bv Kin8" Cohalt Miss Dooley G. B. Cooney. Laurel 51 f 1:10 hvy 7f 105 6 7 10 10 104 H Ericksnl4 Risponde, GrelMiGrass Producer S-d?.G ce 5J f 1:07 fast 182 102 8 7 9 9 9" E Taplln 10 Paganini Scabbard Tumble In 35343 Timium Ab5-S 1:00 fast 23-5 98 41 S Pelser 5 Pinafore II Wil Joon -.NiV S5336 Timium Ab5-S 1:02 fast 10-5112 5 P Madeira S Kindl Pina 352? aTatoBa 51fl:07fast 100 110 10 14 14 14 14s L Gentry 15 Gswork, Ka il FtaS 340 Stpn Ab4JJ 59fast 112 11 C KuBh6s 4 Maihair RbJntaIL, S PVessl H-l iml co 1"2 co fast 97 109 11 1 U4 I01 B KopmnlS O.ofHavana. S Muerite Plancv 32505 Bowie 1-2 52 slop 100 103 7 6 7s 710 A Collins 9 FanTan, T. for Tat? Juanitafll H?.TfTS HENAKD c, 2 118 By Barnsdale Nellie Mier J. L. Brannon 3C606 Havana 51 f l:07fast 13 108 4 11 11 11 11 W Crump 12 Marauder. Orestes Ukuhde 34709 Mt.Royal 51 f l:0Sfast 29 106 4i W Gargan 0 IrishKiss, FrozenGIcn Dal Vcton 346S2 Mt Royal 5-8 l:02fast 33-5111 1 M Mounfn 8 Commigan, vintage Dal I c ton Sf?m Sf1iJnler,Ab?iJ:.,fast 21-5 m 5lJPltz S Froz. Glen IrisT.. b.Homestead 21 ?"-Ryal 5-8 l:06mud 23 107 31 A Johnson 9 Miss Sweep, II. Crouton H Note 34027 Mt.Royal 5-8 l:01fast 30 103 9" W Ormes 10 FrozenGlen II Croxton SIlMit 33973 Mt.Royal 5-8 l:02fast 46 1131 9" W Dlcsonll Kremaneh MsSween Fro Vm..,, Writ Sev:s!re il i n 109 12 9 8 8i N Burger 12 Star Baby, Cobri a. Rafferty 5ev s re 4H ,JasJ 55 103 1 5 6 6N Burger 8 Af.ArrowI Sincerity. Walt.Uant 3oo4G Dev shire 41 f 5j;fast 23 110 5 12 lllll" N Burger 12 High Cost, T. L5ght y II Lota Sv sh re 1-2 49fast 98 106 10 8 8 8 H Hanmerl2 S. Pickett L Berger Dal Kvton Sehlre M 50 good 43 114 S 9 9 98 H Hanmer 9 W.Master, S.Pickty NwModel 32421 Oaklwn 12 49good 40 114 U 12 13 13 R Guy 13 Nepe, Sam Pickett. Ebenezer HC?T LINBLY ch f2 M 102 By English lad Flammula. 365SS Havana C-S l:00fast 5 102 5 6 6 6 6" R Wingfd G RalTerty, Scabbard, Rapid Firer THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olda and upward. Claiming. Jan. 21, 1917 1:05 5 102. RHYME, b. g, 3 107 By Dick "Welles Outwai C. F. Weber iiSi?2 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 8-5 107 6 4 3 3 4J B Kleeger S Beau.Ladv, lr Cami P Ptcrsnn ?avana 51 f l:07fast 6 110 7 7 6 41 41 B Kleeger 7 Luzzi, Ear.Sight Fonctionmflre 36385 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 14f 103 9 8 S 6a 51 F Merimeel2 Pilsen, High Gear Sister Susie 3G250 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 31 104 12 12 11 91 9 F Murphy 12 Dr. Camnbell Pilsen Sol Mintz 36129 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 16 103 8 3 5 91 8 E DonVhuel2 Verde Pilsen Hi-h Gear fSSSJ Latonia 3-4 l:14good 14f 1U 8 8 10 10 101 J Hanoverl2 Cldrk Mi, Billy Joe N Simnler 22 2a c,l wn 51 f l:07good 3 103 6 5 5 51 481 L Lykes 7 Benjamin. ElPalomai Souvenl S!SaFwn 51 f 1:08 fast 11-10109 1 3 3 2 2 J Kederls 7 Kultur? Lytle, , MedSlfn Mta Oak wn 3-4 1:13fast 6 109 2 4 3 3 3J F Murphy 5 Kalitan. Marie Miller Lytle 32103 OaW wn 3-4 l:14fast 7 101 5 3 3 21 21 L Lykes G Bed.Storiw, Dr.Tuck Roberts 3 812 N.Orl ns 3-4 l:13slow 8 104 4 6 6 5 51 F Murphy 11 Fr.Cake. Bed.Stories OpllbliaW 31753 N.Orl ns 7-8 1:31 hvy 12 1091 2 2 4 3 3 3 J Hanover 0 Warsaw, W irlingDun LucileP 31698 N.Orlns 3-4 l:15mud 6 115 1 2 3 3 3" J Hanover 5 Diamond. Kultur. Sscrit THIRST, br. f, 3 no By Garry Herrmann Hunger C. I. Crinneni 36568 Havana 51 f l:07fast 10 1031 7 7 7 6 5C3 L Hmphs 7 Parr, Moncreif lVrorin" 36120 Reno 3-4 l:13fast 21-10 107 4J E Pool G C. Matt, Brigl mise B ofT Khen 35993 Reno 3-4 l:13fast 5 10S 2 W Mclnre S Barton RobtVK 35741 Reno 3-4 l:13fast 48 109 Sl N Taylor 9 Prairie C.M.jnson M Frinklin 35299 Cheyenne 1 1:42 fast 33-10 107 4i N Taylor G Roval Tea , M i nn?e F " Erne hi i 55 CUeyenno 3-4 l:15fast 7 105 4J G Embry 6 Estimable Art IUck "lo n Park MI,3SJ?eyenne 3-4 l:14fast 59-10 105 03 G Embry S Art Rick. Alliena Dervish SS Cheyenne 3-4 l:17fast 16 105 2 D Bloom G Domin. Park, Fnnigiii Roy Tea 3al00 Cheyenne 51 f l:12mud 15 U0 in N Taylor G Tze-Lsi Blue liock Pini nni.nni 34715 M.Royal 1 1-16 l:46fast 61-10 94 51 W J OBn 7 N AIcDee L Pud ri!Z ?f 34618 Delmier Ab61f l:24fast 9-5 104 2 J PItz 7 Misl f Frances, i Onar! Satisfied " F?2111011 e 4 107 By Voter Goody Good J. W. Panple EC2?J?avana 3-4 1:12fast 12 99 5 7 7 74 610 H Bullmn 8 Norvic, Eariv Sight Lvtle SSSS Savana C f l07fast 6 101 8 8 8 S 7C1 J Petz 8 Violet. Aunt Elsie Fuzzv Wuzzv 35 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 3 102 7 6 6 5 4i H Bullmn 8 Lola, VIctroluT Wtverin- 7 SrLarel 11-16 1:53 hvy 38 107 3 1 1 3 3 6 W Collins 9 Mirza. Brickley, Ocean Prince a. 1,V1,11:5,30mud 13 111 5 2 3 3 4 5 W Collins 9 Trentino, Rosel tVi:m Greet us 35583 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 41-10 108 3 1 1 3 6 8E Haynes 9 Malheur B ofPhoeniv P Wifr 3JnC? 11mlnyi:4,G,!lfast,t5 I SX2 91 10iJ Mulcahy 14 Cliff Field. Silk Bird, Lottery Ho SCS ce lni70yl:47good 5 109 2 2 4 5 7 83 L Willie 15 Stir Up. Passing Fancv Tranbv 3a418 H.deGce 3-11:16 slop 16-5111 5 4 6 5 48i D Stirling 12 K.Worth Val West Tom rnZ 35S78 H.deGce lm70yl :47f ast 7-5 109 1 1 1 1 2 3J L Willie 8 Fa rly, Wodan Blackford 32890 Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 7-5 116 3 4 4 41 53I J McTagt G BrmVnlcItt2ft,Bi2f"S?uinptii ?3?SON; AJ , ?7 By Solitairo.IL Bohemian Lass G. Alexandra. iHV MJ-KoyaI 3-4 1:17 slow 27f 111 G8 G AlexaJrl2 Dominion Park Owni Tin 33874 Mneuve Ab6if l:20fast 22 108 73 G AlexaJr S Carl Roberts Molle? lint tt 349oG4 JUana 34 VWlvy I2 112 2 2 3 35 6" G AlexaJr 7 Rubicoi, 1 Loan SlVark Ruvoco 31933 Tijuana 1 l:54hvy 8 110 1 2 5 5 6 6S3 G AlexaJr 0 Boxer, Dick Benson Last Sii-irt k ?1C57 Tijuana 5 f 1:09 fast 15 107 6 S 8 8 S3 A Alexdra 8 Vros. Baby, iXle Jte Uana 55 H:12i4H00ti t m 3 6 6 6 5i G AlexaJr 0 Rag, Baron do Kalb, Blackthorn il81uana r?ii:22 i?vy S, 109 1 4 4 1" C Gross G L.Shark, Harwd, Quartermaster 31421 TUuana 51 f 1:19 hvy 21 109 2 3 2 2i 2 C Gross 5 General, IUackthorn. Vignola ?r?JS ch" s 4 , , , 112 By Jim Gaffney Imprudent J. S. Baldwin. 36607 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 6 10S 4 3 3 5 6" W Crump 12 Regular. F.Patterson Vard i B X M neuve Ab5"8 1:01 fast S7-W121 31 W Hinphy S BwnBaby. Skccti Ethel Welles 34829 .neUV -IVnnl;2- 11 W Hinphy 8 D.Stevens M.Rose. Panhachapl Sfn?f r.eu,ve iik2tW1U 35 w Hinphy 7 B.Baby. LaB.Brcade. Pickag 5o? 5eJ m er AKi 7:2ias 2S 1, W Taylor 10 Ellen Smyth. Belle C . Wand 34533 Delmier Ab5-8 1:02fast 72 110 7e H Bovlan 8 Rosemarv Littlest IM n ,i S3G02 Hillcrcst Ab5-8 l:02good 20 112 10 J Howard 10 Kyle JIuy Bue n Undo Dlck 334G2 Duff erln Ab5-8 1:03 fast 12 113 71 J Dminick 9 Par Post7 M SesT?.t r, , L, 29535 HUJcrest Ah5-8 1:00 fast 7 104 3 3 51 6 A Finley 8 Doc .tobT torkef V otFnmt 2337G Hillcrcst Ab5-8 l:01fast 8 104 4 5 6 73 A Finley 9 Brookciess Corkev W 284S0 Hlllcrest Ab5-8 l:00fa3t 12 107 4 6 7 71 R Ryan 10 CWtra. Ma.de Led.uto Mald GENESIS, ch. f, 3 107 By Star Shoot Origin F. Wrisnen 36351 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 23f 93 13 13 13 13 13 B KopmnlS Bond. Sea Bench Alvnrd 4904 Do.HIUs 61 f 1:26 fast 5 102 7 3 31 61 W McDott 9 Cousin Dan, Teetot a Da ybreak 34S88 Do.Hills Ab5-8 1:02 fast 5 100 7 7 7 7" W Dkson 7 MgaretT L Galentlu. Theiin 34719 Thornfe 3-4 1:15 fast 26 108 Vi E Taplin S Capt B..iom Park : vflratt 34647 Thornfe 3-1 l:16good 7-10 104 52 E Taplln 10 Fe licidad, Highway ne Smith 34614 Thorn-fe 3-4 1:19 hvy 81-10 105 3 E Taplin G N Wa L Sfece VioTro , 34284 G.Rpids 51 f 1:12 hvy 191 111 6 5 5 71 8 J Metcalf 9 Hasty Cora .Tame" G Minnow SSI G-P113 31 J:Ja8J P 10l 7 7 7 7 7" J Mulcahy 7 Souvenir" sisterEml Iem, K.icore 34018 Aq duct 3-4 l:13fast 5 97 20 20 20 20 10 L McAtee 20 Manganese Dancer Photo S3914 Jamaica 3-4 l:13ifast 15 100 4 5 5 61 EiL McAtee 14 Hwfa. Mast. McGrath. F.Ballot DORA COLLINS, ch. f, 3 107 By Abe Frank Dora Wood C. L Mackav 35342 Timium Ab61f 1:24 fast IS 107 51 W Richey 9 Candy Land J MUHner " T-indvr 34195 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:00fast 31 110 6J R Ryan 9 Bessanta IliirlmT f J v :;423G Duff erin Ab5-S l:02f ast 5 105 7T1 R Rvan S J.D.Su 34109 Duff erln Ab5-S l:03f ast 5 113 m R Ryan 9 Amazonh n Impress n-indvPiv 33919 Mneuve Ab5-S l:00fast 24 113 IlS gi R Ryan S Jeannet tc Cherrv HeM, 33865 Mneuvo Ab5-S l:00f 43-5103 31 " ast R Rvan 11 Manfred I mo it S3C03 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:02good G 111 9" G Warren 10 Torment E In v Vi Itonrnwiif 3:!386 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:02fast 31 111 7 G Warren Slffi, and. iftr ?r4J! i0N- blk S, 6 115 By Transvaal Miss McLaughlin M. J. Dalv SGoto Havana 3-4 l:13ifast 10 1 3 9 9 9 7 Gi W Richey 9 Clark M.. Arrow Kuve IJev " JG257 Laurel Ab 2 4:llmud 7 Ha 7 7 5 5 4s 4S S Turner 8 GoldBond VAImiW AM WandZt 551 5 S V P" ffliffifo 35-17 SlfiSS- Timium r Iand;8S - m 2 G Grant SSS5 1 3 U S? H I nWn.U SXcSS Delaney " 34038 Delmier Ab61f l:29slow 47 115 3" C Hughes 9 Wai d Prosn 5nn Rr h 31020 Delmier Ab7-8 l:3lf ast 46 115 SSC Hughes 9 Swede S .m Ps,m fcul TnKl0" S SfKl Ab6l1-:4f gfi? V ft cC 4 "-roS sart JMt-Koyai 1 i.u3lop 24 110 91 G Lomas 12 Scallywag, Harold, Paul Gaines MASSENET, b. g, 6 107 By Uncle Matterhorn O RicM SG5S9 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 10 113 7 7 6 6 eJ D Boland 8 Len s Pride VienWi nM,, 34366 Mneuvo Ab61f l:26fast 16 115 4i T Nolan 8 Louise Orem Fnlox ? 34846 Mneuvo Ab61f 1:24 fast 8-5 115 31 T Noian 5 Regards i IV n,SySi -v..!18 1 34S22 Mneuvo AbGlf l:24f ast 23-10 115 it T Nolan 9 D Dawson RearflK ninm 34792 Mneuve AbOif 1:24 fast 141 117 ? T Nolan 7 MiFloWor rv?.a,Hi S? ? "P 345S0 Delmier Ab7-8 l:33good 02 110 f M MouSfn 9 CaSuS Louislpau VerfVinn 33823 Mneuvo Ab7-8 1:23 fast 53-10 117 57 N frfg wSn r ? 357S9 Mneuve AbOlf 1:25 good 18 U3 5 S Wolstm 8 R Oakwood r!nrin?5 AfSSili 33132 Delmier Ab61f l:315islop 22 114 sex m Burr 8 T rr??w n ?3.?y Ion1t,re1 33101 Delmier Ab61f 1:31 "slop 13 112 .r nyA i w ? landH J, i m-n S-U"rn 3S026 Delmier Ab5-8 1:05 fast 6 110 8Bf R Hartj 10 L Cnrlcious HoandSf pSSt 32853 Devshlre 3-4 l:15fast 1U 110 3 4 4 3u 4i S Wolstm 1? RandS BILL WILEY, ch. gr. 4 112 By Disguise Black Bannor W. Feuchtor. 3350 Havnim 55 f l:07Vifast 2.. 112 7 7 7 7" S1S L Gauge! S LadyJ.Groy. BabyCoie. I.Gaines 325CS H.deGco r.-8 1:02 fast HO 13 1 S 8 131 14" L. Mink 14 Navarre, T.Nighter, BrightStar 21SS1 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 10 110 C G G 71 7i B Taplin 0 Oak.Boy, Protagoras, MeAdania 31X1S Havana 3-4 l:lCislow 10 102 1 4 5 6 5 B Kleeger S LewIsOpper, Oranndo. Harold 317C3 Havana Ei f l:13ihvy 2 UG 1 1 1 1! ll B Kleeger 9 Tiger Jim, Edith Olga, Ultizzi 31CS9 Havana 3-4 1:14 faat 8 112 4 3 4 C 610 G Knight 9 Brown Baby, Passion. Snn Jon 31652 Havana CH f 1:12 slow 10 107 10 C 4 21 3i R Ball 10 Sureget, Water Lee, Curls 31577 Havana 3-4 l:13fast 20 105 5 2 2 7 7" L Mnk 10 Spohn, Frontier. Eddie Mott 31537 Havana 51 f l:0Sifast 15 110 3 1 1 7J 102 L Mink 12 OldDrury, Coppertwn, Shadrach INVESTMENT, b. f, 4 112 By Frontenac Jennie Wade D. Hill. 31717 Thornfe 3-1 1:15 fast59-10f 110 G" A Casey 15 B. de Kalb, Ainazemont, Detour 34521 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:0Gi,eool 10 109 " 7:J Ii Ryan 9 Snip, McAdams, Charles 1J. 443 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:03good 10 109 Gi R Lowe S Doctor 1., Thlr.Scrcn, Highway 33S71 Mneuve AbGJf l:20Vfefast 15 10S Si M Mountn S Carl Roberts, Moller, Dot H. r:,H2:! Mneuve Ab7-8 1:28 fast 93-10 113 2 II Chappell 3 Scallywag, Geneva, Fawn 33776 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:02V3good 7 110 71-N Fodcn 10 ISrookcrs, R.OIirien, M.ofFrome 33567 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:04 slow 20 112 41 H Chappell 9 Wild Bear, Yaca, Brownstonc 53459 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:03 fast 12 109 SJ2 H Chappell 8 SugarKing, Lucille B., JIamita 2yC97 Hillcrest AbGJf l:25fast 5 107 1 11 ll 11 I MoCthy S Nigadoo, King Cotton, Kyle 29601 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:01ifast 41 110 2 4 4i 44 C Eallger C Par. Post, D. Cluster. T. Burns BOCK OF LUZERNE, b. g, 3 M 99 By Trap Rock or Ben Trovato Luzerne H. A. Colvin. 35165 Laurel 1 1-1G l:47fast 346 93 8 2 5 9 9 9,T H EricksnlO C. Kay, Xapoleon, 15. of Phoenix 33232 St.Louis 51 f 1:C9 fast 30 101 8 6 7 S S10 H Gray 9 SilveySliapiro. Mcd.Boy, Velvet 35155 St.Louis 3-1 1:25 hvy 12 111. 4 5 4 41 421 H Gray 5 Homam, Do Right, Class A FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 24, 19171:03535102. VICTROLA, b. f. 3 110 By Plaudit Olga Nethersole F. Davics. 30530 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 10 110 4 2 3 21 2" T Cumngs 8 Lola, Wavering. Prohibition 33532 H.deGce 3-4 l:133fast 20f 98 11 9 11 10 1216 H EricksnlO Aalerie West, Owana, Perpetual 2530S H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 17f 102 9 7 S 9 1010 W Collins 15 Montresor, P. Ungar, W.Bedotte 547S5 Thornfe 3-4 1:15 fast 19f 99 12" G Sutherdlu E.Jnnings, Bird Man, R.Mantell 34720 Thornfe 3-4 l:14fast 26 92 7ci A Alexdra 8 Perpetual, Single, Ravencourt 34628 Thornfe 1 l:43good 21 91 56i A Alexder 5 Harwood, K.Haburg, Astrologer S4614 Thornfe 3-4 1:19 hvy 4 9S 4T G Emhry C N.Walcutt, Lit.Cottage, Genesis 34527 Hillcrest Ab61f l:21good 5 106 52 N Foden 9 Mama .Inson. Lyndora, S.ODay C4363 Hillcrest Ab6Jf l:2Smud 3 106 l8 N Foden 8 Smuggler, SirHaste. SomeReach SAL VANITY, b. f. 4 115 By Salvation La Heine Empress W. H. Stevens. 35463 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 26 110 3 9 9 101 1014 .T Howard 12 The Duke, Just Y, Blue Racer 34812 MLRoyal 3-4 1:15 slow 79-10 107 51 J Howard 9 Nellie B., Quin, Little Abe 34S14 ?.lt.Royal 51 f l:09slow 21-10 112 51 J Howard S Mico Girl. Letitia, Delaney c 1576 Delmier Ab5-8 l:01fast 29-10 110 1- J Howard 7 Curious, Resistible, Deviltry 34407 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:03 good 21 113 4i .1 Howard 7 Nellie B., Lady Capricious, Mex C4362 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:04 mud 3 113 Is J Howard 7 Mama .Tnson, S. ODay, A.Elsie 14240 Dufferin AbGXf lGlf.fast 2 313 1- J Howard S Industry, Miss Brush. Babv Cole 34147 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:02good 4 111 7" J Howard 7 Sug.King, AuntElsie, L.Cpricious EUNICE, b, m. 7 110 By Rubicon Genna R. D. Carter. 35351 Timium Ab3-S 59fast 31 117 2 J Bauer i Leoma, Nonesuch. Lobelia 3532S Timium Ab5-8 59 fast 37-1P 112 15 L, Gaugel 8 Lit.Rehel, SallieODay. Servia 34653 Mt.Royal 51 f l:07fast 97-10 105 S" F Hopkins 9 T.Royals. J. B. Harrell. Darkey 34523 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:00good 1 115 31 R Ryan 7 Win. McGec, NollieB.. Shadrach 34113 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:02 fast 8-5 11-3 l3 R Ryan S Curious, Sal.ODny. Rubicon II. Si92S Mneuve Ab5-8 l:01good 12-5 lip 1 R Ryan 9 L.Cpricious, Rsistible, T.Dcan :ai27 Bait. Ab 5-8 l:00y3fast 107 4i E Atwell 5 Monty Fox, Eliz. Lee, Pharaoh 33043 Bait. Ab 5-8 58fast 100 21 H Dennler i Thrill, Mac, Remarkable 32252 Havana 5-8 l:01fast 5 109 5 4 7 7s S15 L Mink S Sureget, Lucille B.. Divan 32174 Havana 5-S l:02andgood 5 10S 3 1 1 l1 2u C Watson 8 Divan, KingStalwart Shadrach PAJAROITA LT.. ch. g, 6 115 By Rey del Sierras Aunt Bird J. T. Strite. 20591 Havana 51 f ltOiSsfas!- 3 112 G 6 C 31 2n L Gaugel 7 Loin, Money, Dignity 20570 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 21 107 4 3 4 4 31 L Gaugel S Now Then, Bev. James, Dude 3552G Reno 3-4 l:134,fast 14 115 1 C Riddle i Estimable. MineralJim, Curlicue 35500 Reno 3-4 1:14 fast 14-5 11G 3i C Riddle 7 Minnow, Mast.Franklin, Tze-Lsi 32415 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 15 110 10 10 9 9k 41 M Mthewsl2 Old Coin, Or. Blossom. Positano 32374 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 10 107 6 S S 9 9 C Riddle 11 ToyMiss. HazelDale, Estimable 32304 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 15 110 4 3 2 V 531 C Riddle 8 B. Cap, Presumption, C. Roberts 32290 Tijuana 51 f l:07fast 12 115 4 6 5 7h 73 C Riddle 9 C.Roberts, Safranor, GertrudeB. 322C0 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 10 115 7 6 6 7 7" C Riddle 8 Curlicue, Biddy, Safranor 22144 Tijuana 51 f l:07good 15 112 11 11 11 11 11" C Riddle 11 Priv.Petal, Chrnieuse, Safranor 30314 Tijuana 5-8 l:00fast fi 114 9l C Riddle 12 Ida Lnvinia. Roscas, Rag SVW7 Reno fi-8 1:01 fast Vtt 1 2 2 2J U C Riddle 8 TheFeller. Th. Belle. M. Earner GOLDEN LIST, ch. f, 4 115 By Golden Maxim Listless W. A. Carter. 2G0OS Havana 51 f l:07y3fast 6 10S 3 1 1 1and 3i J Howard 8 Violet. Blue Racer, Ltizzl 31S14 Mt.Royal 51 f l:09"slow 42-5 112 41 W J OBn 8 Mico Girl, Letitia, Delaney 34740 Mt.Royal 51 f 1:08 fast 47-10 113 31 W J OBn S Qutermaster, AllAmiss, Proctor 31445 KingEd. Ab5-S l:03i5mud 7-10112 21 W J OBn 7 Recorder, Wavering, B.Prospect SU55 KingEd. Ab5-S l:00fast 23-10 1111 5s W J OBn 9 K.Stalwart, Resistible, Lit.Alta 34298 KingEd. Ab5-S 1 :00fast 89-10 112 3 T Nolan 9 Moller, K.Stalwart, Nasledovati 34103 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:2iysmud 51-10 115 651 W Ormes 10 Dartworth, Laura. KingStalwrt 22913 Devshire 51 f lSifast 12 103 1 2 2 21 12" T Henry 12 Encore, Corkey W., Zali 219CS Havana 51 M:0Sgood 21 103 3 1 2 2 2l E Ambrose 8 Lit.Nephew, C.Fredricks, Unity FUZZY WUZZY. b. g. 6 115 By Ildrim Skirts W. V. Walsh. 30571 Havana 5?. f l:07V5fast 3 109 4 4 3 2h 3i H Stearns S Violet, Aunt Elsie, Parr 36399 Latonia 3-4 l:14Vifast IS 113 11 9 7 65 51 H Stearns 12 Martre, Kleburne, Zin Del ::62C0 Latonia 3-1 l:13fast llf 111 8 9 8 71 G41 H Stearns 12 S.IIeart, T.Claway, P.deChance 36063 Latonia 3-4 lfast S7 103 10 11 9 9" 91 II Stearns 12 Othello, Milestone, First Ballot 30009 Latonia 1 1-10 1:47 fast 38 103 1 1 1 2 91 S18 J Kederis 12 Conflagration, Sea Urchin, Erin 33G05 Douglas lm70yl:45 fast IS 111 2 3 3 5 01 6" H Stearns 12 Cleek, Penrod. Yermak 33554 Douglas 3-4 l:15mud 31 109 4 4 4 21 21 R Wingfd 8 Martre; Lindenthal. Thornwood 33401 Douglas 3-4 l:134fast 27-5 107 4 5 5 31 2 C Tudor 8 Martre, Blue Cap, South.League 332S2 Douglas 3-4 l:14mud 10 116 5 5 3 ll l1 C Tudor 9 Brizz, Safety First, Sosius 33194 Douglas lm70y l:474,imud 34 107 2 1 1 2 21 2 C Tudor 8 Checks, Alfadir. John Hurie 2500 Oaklwn 51 f l:0Sfast 11-5 107 2 3 3 H 1" W Hoag 11 Sug. King, StillyNight, ElSabio 32099 Oaklwn 3-4 1:15 fast 31 113 1 11 ll 21 F Murphy 12 Joe D., PrimeMover, Al Court FLECHA NEGRA, br. f. 3 102 By Dick Welles Pheenle Fickle U. S. Wishard. 2C572 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 10 103 2 2 4 S 71 .1 Pets 8 Brookfleld. Zim, Colle 35038 H.deGce 3-4 l:lChvy 14 102 10 10 8 S 51 S Sneidmnl4 lieprobate, Billie B., Swift Fox 35289 St.Louis 3-4 1:21 mud 3 103 3 1 1 Is Is F Murphy ! Nasledovati, Brighouse, Mex 352G9 St.Louis 51 f l:07fast 4 111 Wheeled. D WIshardll Mab, Money Immense 35233 St.Louis 3-4 1:15 fast 4 111 5 6 4 41 41 D Wishard 8 Phocion, NettieWalcutt, Money 347S7 Thornfe 51 f l:07"fast 17 105 3H D Wishard 7 Deliver, Ina Kay, Tiajan 34031 Thornfe 3-4 l:153good 7-10 100 l3 E Taplin 13 Curlicue, Owana, Ella Jennings 34611 Thornfe 55 f 1:11 hvy 3 105 341 E Taplin 12 Poppee, Mex, Hapenny E439G Hillcrest Ab5-S l:03hvy 3-5 104 in" H Gibson 7 Velvet, Little Cottage, Heroine ALAN. b. g, 3 110 By Leonid Golden Harvest Cooper Bros.. 34733 Kenilwh lm20yl:42fast 14 107 10 7 7 5 a- 4s W A Car1112 Sargon II., Jack Snipe, B. Sand 34340 G.Rpids 3-4 1:14 good 67 107 9 9 9 51 391 T Henry 9 Mab, Night Cap. Bon Otis 32945 Devshire 1 1:42 fast 27 102 9 8 9 7 G 6 F Kopkinsll Col. Matt, Budweiser, Star Bird 32S10 Devshire 51 f l:10good 27 112 10 10 10 S4 S2 G MolesthlO Dom.Park, MicoGirl, SlecpySam 32020 Juarez 3-4 l:14fast 97 3 R Troiso 7 R.Mantell, Ralph S., M. Estelle 32016 Juarez 7-8 1:23 fast 305 1 G MolesthlO L.Inocence, BertL.. H.Tmpson 32008 Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 107 4 H Stearns 5 Satisfied. Hondo, Kestrel 31334 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 21-10 107 2 6 6 6 61 H Stearns Wand, Deckhand, Hondo 3120G Juarez 5-S l:00fast 12 309 8 8 7 6- 22 G Molesth 8 J. Thummel, Edna F., Milbrey 31030 Juarez 51 f 1:08 fast 43-10 303 3 6 6 4h 12 W A CarU 7 U.Deer, EdnaF., Eliz.Thompson ENVER BEY, b. g. 6 107 By Ballyhoo Bey Leayonara W. F. Schulte. 26363 Havana 3-4 l:135fast 3 308 3 2 2 21 31 R Wingfd 9 Clark M.. Arrow, Banyan 30343 Havana 3-4 l:llVfefast 3 107 1 3 2 23 2-1 R WingfdlO Norvic, Clark M., Fonctionnaire 30264 Latonia 3-4 1:10 hvy 29 103 S S 11 11 11" R Wingfdl2 L.Mexican, S.Lcague. Safe.First 3C143 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy lc 110 G 6 7 S5 S1 M Garner 9 Thistle Green, Peac.Star, Martre 25820 Churchl 3-4 1:14 good 29f 1001 4 5 6 71 72 R Wingfd 12 A.Plotter, M.B.Thrman, Othello 33C44 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast S3 99 11 SO 7" 7" R Wingfdl2 Amzon. M.B.Trman. M.Srwood 320C1 Havana 51 f l:12hvy S 99 5 5 4 54 5 R Win grd 8 Parlor Boy, Bird Man, Encore 32000 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 3 100 7 5 6 A- 431 R Wingfd 8 Wavering. RoyalTea, Eth.Allen M9C9 Havana 3-4 1:16 slop 6-5 107 1 2 2 l"t 3i R Wingfd 8 Ampere II., Wavering, Encore 31882 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 21 108 5 9 9 94 S"l E Taplin 11 Cuddle Up, Plumose, Darkey 31853 Havana 5-S l:02fast 21 1121 6 5 5 3i 41 C Knight 7 Laura, Bunice, Bird Man 317G8 Havana 3-4 l:18V3avy 8-5 108 4 1 2 23 2l R Wingfd 7 L.Stone, Smirking, Al Pierco ELIZABETH LEE. br. f. 4 115 By Marta Santa Siss Leo B. Mock. 3G5G7 Havana 51 f l:0745fast 12 115 3 3 4 4l 21 D Boland S Bl. Racer, B.Lady, Remarkable C6310 Havana 51 f l:07fast 6 114 7 S S 8 8" L Gaugel S Luzzi, Brookfleld, Beauty Spot 35253. SLLouis 51 f 1:11 fast S 112 2 11 Ill L Gray 7 B.Beauty, Detour, JayThummel 34752 Thornfe 51 f l:07M;fast 99 105 5 N Burger 7 Murphy, Incog, Deliver 4180 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:02 fast 6 111 i 51 G Corey 8 Sallie ODay, Single, Frisky 33329 Mneuve AbGlf l:21good 33-5 113 -h H Dennler 7 Moller, Be, Charmingly 33S74 Mneuve AbGlf l:20fast 23-5111 52 H Dennler S Carl Roberts, Moller, Dot H. 33S70 Mneuve Ab5-8 l:02?;slow 111 H3 35 H Dennler S Oakld, L.Capricious, Dartworth FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dec. 2S, 19151:11 1111. AUNT ELSIE, br. m. 6 102 By Bonnie Joe Elsio Harris W. R. Tadgett. 2C571 Havana 51 f l:074fast 8 109 5 5 4 2 T Cumngs 8 Violet, Fuzzy Wuzzy. Parr 35354 Timium Ab6lf 1:23 fast 3G-5112 2" W Richey 9 Booth, Constituent. Iondon Girl 34084 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:144fast 81-10 111 l1 F Hopkins 9 Onar, Scallywag. Laura 31352 Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:04 mud 6 109 41 R Ryan 7 S. Vanity, MamaJnson, S.ODay 24292 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:01fast 21 111 3s R Ryan 7 Sugar King. Mex. Robt. Mantell 24147 Dufferin Ab5-8 liiigood 21 111 2 R Ryan 7 Sug.King, L.Cpricious, DoctrD. 23922 Mneuve Ab5-S l:00.ifast 33-5 110 1 R Ryan 12 Deviltry, Izzet Bey, T.Duucan 23747 Hillcrest AbGlf l:2S"igood 10 109 41 R Ryan S Izzet Bey, Minnie F Charles B. LINDENTHAL, b. g, 5 102 By Star Shoot Lyndall W. Perkins. S4C9S Kenilwh 1 1-16 lMS.sfast 11-10 117 S 5 7 11 111 12" W Kelsay 12 Zamora, Smithfleld, Marjorie D. 2517 Windsor 1 1-16 l:58M,hvy 37-10 105 4 0 5 5 54 5"V Kelsay 7 Inquieta, Th. Nighter, Margery 24507 Windsor 3-4 l:lShvy 20 310 10 10 9 7 4 AV Kelsay 11 Souvenir, Martre, Miss Fannie 33992 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48fast 71 110 7 5 4 2 4J 41 D Connelly 9 MargaretE., Sol.Rock, Grasmere 33S32 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4SVfast 41 106 2 2 2 2 3l 23 R Goose 7 ChiefBrown, Batcliler, S.League 33793 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast H 111 11 12 12 12 12" F Murphy 12 Wilhite. Ardent. Sister Susie 33591 Latonia lmTOy l:45sfast 2 107 3 3 3 3 3 31 D Connelly 7 Prince S.. Saf. First, S.R.Meyer 33554 Douglas 3-4 l:15"imud 43-10 111 S 8 5 6 31 J Hanover 8 Martre. Fuzzy Wuzzy, Lindenthal Zna. b. g, B HO By Irish Lad Guadalite R. D. Williams. 36572 Havana 31 f 1:03 fast 2 300 1 3 Jf J Howard 8 Brookfleld, Colle, Lytic 20103 Latonia lm70y l:445fast 6 109 7 6 4 4 2 2and R Hartonl2 B.Sweop, EdGarrison, Beaut.Girl 30049 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast H 119 5 4 4 41 4 R Hartonl2 ClrkM., E.Gison, Capt.Mhmnt 35072 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 23-5 109 4 4 4 5 41 5" R Harton 8 Fairy Legend, BookerBill, Jovial 35449 Lexton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 8 112 5 3 3 3 4 51 R Harton 8 The Grader, Cleek, Executor 35423 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 7 109 6 3 2 21 1" R Harton 12 Colle, Busy Joe Dr. Campbell 5383 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 16-5111 11 9 9 61 4" R Harton 12 Hasty Cora. El Palomar, B.Alice B3993 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 3S 100 5 5 4 6 6 fil H Shilling 9 FlyHome, BeutyShop, M.Finlen 23946 Latonia 1 l-16.1:46fast 22 307 7 5 4 4 5 51 C Hunt 9 Yenghee, Julia L., Intone 3500 Latonia 3-4 l:13,sfast 23 10S 8 8 7 6s G8 W Kelsay 11 Impressive, Trusty, J. Rufus 32707 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4S45slow 69-10 109 2 2 2 3 5 7jW Kelsay 8 Alert, Intone, Miss Fannie THOMAS CALLAWAY, b. g, 6 110 By Knight of the Thistle Tantalize E. L. Fit gerald. 3G103 Latonia lm70y l:llifast 8 303 6 7 7 6 10 10" L Gentry 12 Broom Sweep. Zim, Ed Garrison SVM Latonia 3-1 l:lSfast llf 114 4 3 2 11 2" L Mink 12 S Heart, P.deChance, Capt.Mnt 30009 Latonia 1 1-10 1:47 fast 32f 1C0 2 6 9 11 11" 12" F Jackson 12 Conflagration. Sea Urchin. Erin 34179 Mt.Itoyal 1 l:43slop 13-20 110 31 A Johnson 8 Too tsie. Phil T.. Mollie Maguire Sr:971 Mt. Royal lm20yl:43tast 33-10 110 11" R Lowe 11 Erlymorn, MudSill, B.Cbertson 33904 Connht lm20y l:44Vfcfast 63-10 104 2 6 5 4 21 2 F Cooper 8 H.Lauder, PhilUngar, Requiram 3379G Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 23-5107 6 7 6 51 31 F Cooper 12 LadyLondon, MissGayle, Armine 33395 Dorval 3-4 l:18Hifast 64 109 1 1 1 1" in F Cooper 12 Mico Girl, Wat, Tze-Lsi 32901 Devshire 51 f l:03ifast 34 107 9 12 12 31 11" A Pickens 12 Corkey W.. Spr. Valley, EdAdams 31S71 X.Orlns 1 1:41 fast 20 114 5 11 13 13 13J 13s W Collins 14 Marcus. Tactless. King K. BULGER, b. h, 6 105 By Magistrate Bettie B. II. D. Hammond. CCM2 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 7 115 S S S S S"2 AV Crump 8 Beau.Lady. Dr.Cann. F.Pterson .6335 Timium AbOif 1:24 fast 11-10 115 ll C Grand 7 Sallie ODay, Darkey, Finalee 3533s; Timium AbOif 1:23 fast 47-10 110 2"t H Boylan 5 Lily Orme, Finalee, London Girl 24S93 Mneuve Ab61f 1:27tjs1ow 1S-5 120 2 J Dodd C Lady Betty, Deviltry, Love Day 34S4S Mneuve Ab6if l:25,ifast 3 338 2 J Dodd S Servia, Lord AVells, Ancestors S4T93 Mneuve Ab3-8 59,4fast 17 118 7s J Dodd 7 Deviltry, Skeets, King Stalwart .4C17 Drlmier AbGlf l:24fast 7 111 1 .T Dodd 7 S.liayinond, M.Fielder. Oak.Boy 31497 Hillcrest AbGlf l:254sfast 5 111 33 G Corey 9 Cnstituent, L.Srituelle, Aislble X ANT ANA. ch. f. 3 105 By Dr. Xeggo The Peeress H. J. Kennedy. r-OLCl Laurel 1 1-1G 1:51 mud 52 100 4 1 5 0 6 0" R Troise 7 Euterpe. Budweiser, Jabot -5PS1 Laurol 3-4 1:15 good 47 1011 2 5 5 S llD M Rowan 12 K. Worth, EarlySight, Felicidad 3?49S Mlboro AbGlf l:2Piifast 103 21 J Gartner 8 FredaJnson, B.Lumax, Kiberly 33480 Mlboro Ab51f 1:0S fast J 03 4-1 J Gartner ti Tarves, Monty Fox, Booth 33423 Mlboro AbOJf l:25sfast 303 6 R AVatta 1 Marlunao. Leoma, Hedge Rose 33312 Prospct AbOif l:26smud 103 45 R Watts 7 Leoma, Hands Off, Lit. Cottage Pro.spVt AbOif l:2:,4sra3t 97 3s J Gartner 7 B.Cole, FredaJhnson, L.Cottage 3::i::o Bait. Ab 1 1-16 l:52Vifast 99 2s R AVatts s L. Inceuce, Tootsie. T.Haiieoek :;Mi Bait. Ab tii f l-.22fast 37 0 li Wattn 7 Psiimptlon, M.stlmable, Darkly 32S04 Pimlico 1 lMSifast 11 UC 6 3 3 6 Gs 012 B Kopinn tS Kebo. Luck. Napoleon 32C77 Pimlico 1 l:45V4good 27 69 0 2 1 3 A- 5s II Kopinn 8 M.Choice, Brmsedge, Thesieres S2556 Bowie lm20y l:4Gandfast 12 S3 4 2 2 I SJ B Kopmn 7 Inquieta, Joe Finn, Alston WAVERING, b. m. 7 105 By Marta Santa Undecided H. B. Gorin. 2G591 Havana 51 f l:07fast 31 107 5 7 7 7 61 R Wingfd 7 Lola, Pajaroita II., Money 36303 Havana 51 f l:075fast 21 109 1 1 4 34 32 R AAingfd 7 Parr, Moncreir, Tito SC339 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 3 114 1 3 4 3s 3 R Wingfd 8 Lola, Victrola, Prohibition 35403 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 7G 110 12 11 12 12 12" F Murphy 12 The Duke, Just Y, Blue Racer 34897 Mneuve Ab5-S 1:03 slow 30 1091 51 A McCkey i Curious, Lit.Alta, KingStnlwart S4850 Mneuve Ab5-8 l:00fast 12 113 2" C Gross 7 Cal Curn. Lit. Nephew, Belle C. 34S21 Mneuve . Ab5-8 l:00fast 83-10 109 31 C Gross C Frisky, Curious, Mnc 34763 Mneuve Ab61f l:22fast 97-10 111 42 C Gross 7 Gano, Little Nephew, Moller 34578 Delmier AbGlf l:2Ggood 3-2 115 4 C Gross 8 Scrimmage, L. Betty, Deckhand 34538 Delmier Ab5-8 l:02y5fast 18-5 105 ll C Gross C Resistible, Vireo, Louise Green LENSHENS PRIDE, b. m, 6 117 By Deering Clever B. E. Graham. 3G5S9 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 41 113 4 3 1 lnk ll W Crump 8 Aagabond, Dental, Dash 32251 Havana 5-8 l:02fast 5 1C5 3 5 5 4 4 L Gray 9 B.Blossom. IzzetBey, E.F.Albco 32224 Havana 51 f l:0S"fast 3 107 9 9 9 9 Ss2 L. Gray 9 Flute, H.Daughter, M.Ellen 321G4 Havana. 5-8 1:03 good 8-5 114 4 3 5 4 41 H Wakoff J Aunt Elsie, Damietta, Spohn 22136 Havana 51 fl:ll slow G 104 3 2 1 Is l8 L Gray 8 Felina, N.Muchacho, Protagoras 31701 Havana 5-S l:06Vandhvy 4 101 1 8 S 8 8" J Carroll 8 Kopje, Offertory, Toison dOr 31434 Havana 61 f l:07fast 5 103 7 9 9 9 9" R Wlngfld 9 Ethan Allen, Mrs. Mc, Jim Ray 31178 Havana 11:40 fast 3 106 5 2 4- 5 6 6" L Gray 0 Day Day, Be C. F. Grainger SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 23, 1917 1:40 199, JACK HANOVER, ch. g, 5 M 99 By Goldcrest Result W. M. Atkinson. S6593 Havana lm50y l:43M;fast 12 100 6 6 7 5 4nt 21 R Osborne 8 Tito. Nephthys, EasterGrcetings 36575 Havana lm20y 1:42 fast 15 113 5 6 5 4. 3 3" J Dodd G Nephthys, Schemer, Don Thrush 36344 Havana 1 1-1G l:49fast 15 109 5 5 6 6 6 610 J Dodd C Sun God, Mud Sill, Nephthys 33191 Mlboro Ab5-8 l:02fast 116 . 8" Embrey 9 Pharaoh, Tern. Duncan, Carlone 33338 Prospct Ab5-S l:02mud 120 and91 D Stirling 8 Royal Onyx, Nolli, Curls 33220 Prospct AbGlf l:25fast 120 7" D Stirling 7 EthanAllen, Passion, Mr.Snlggs 33210 Prospct AbGlf l:254fast 114 5" D Stirling 5 Thomas Hare, Life, Arcene 33125 Bait. Ab 5-8 59fast 114 61 Carwell C Booth, Jacklet, Purple and Gold 30301 Pimlico 1 1-1G l:50fast 921 100 11 12 12 12 12 323 C Hansen 12 Scorpii, Jack Reeves, Fairly RALPH S.. b. g. 4 112 By Frontenac Idle Fancy R. T. Runnels. S6G07 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 6 108 9 9 9 71 4K C Hunt 12 Regular, F.PatterMou. Varda B. 36574 Havana lmSOy l:43fast 8 104 1 1 2 3 3l 5 F Smith 8 Repton, MudSill, East.Greetings 35S05 Churchl 1 1-1G l:49good 5Sf 100 4 11 11 10 10 101T C Rogers 12 Gleipner, BookerBill, ShrpFrost 35629 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Sy5slow 25f 102 5 8 10 10 101 1033 C Rogers 12 Miss Fannie. F. Legend, S. Rock 34766 Kenilwh Im20yl:4l7sfast 21f 112 2 9 9 10 9 S14 J Dreyer 12 SamSlick, Virginia W., Gleipner 33587 Devshire lm70yl:47 fast 14f 105 7 3 5 10 91 92 J Dreyer 12 Impression, Star Bird, M. Park S3551 Deshire Im20yl:43fastl73-10f 105 Pulled up. J Dreyer 12 BlackFrost, DayDay, Tarleton I". 32944 Devshire 1 l:42fast 15 109 10 12 12 12 12 12" ,G Molesthl2 PrimHarry, Olsmobile, StclcliCC 32905 Devshire 1 l:43M;fast 44-5101 9 7 S 10 104 10?2 G AlexaJrl2 Earlymom, Sempsilla, Finalee SEMINOLE, b. s. 3 104 By Maddalo Icaria G. W. J. Bissell. 34703 Mneuve Abl6f l:22?f.fast 16 105 . 7,51 A Dodd 7 Gano. Little Nephew. Moller 34573 Delmier Ab7-8 l:31fast 21-10 102 u3 F Hopkins 7 Bermudian, Louise Paul, Minda 34504 Delmier AbGlf l:25fast 10 101J 4s M Andson 5 Bogart. Oakland. Brighouse 34446 KingEd. AbGlf l:2GH;mud 3 301 1 M .Mountn 7 Billetta. Dore. Hamerkop C4306 KingEd. Ab5-8 1:00 fast 22 101 121B H Hanmerl2 Lit. Rebel, AVavering, Cal Cum 32241 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 31 95 2 2 2 2 2 R AVingfdlt Dr. C.inn, BigLunmx, Altamalia 31367 Havana 51 f 1:09 good 5 101 0 4 2 4" 1 B Ambrose i TigerJim, Divan. Safe and Sane 31815 Havana 5-S l:04slow 1 311 5 3 4 4" 33 13 Taplin fi LittleDot. J.Hutch, Gol.Chance 31651 Havana 51 f l:12slow 15 3121 1 4 3 34 4i E Taplin 7 Poughkeic, O.M.Crit, H.Colbia 31327 Havana 51 f l:07fast 20 314 3 6 7 7s 7," R Watts 8 M.Murray, H.Colmia, Polonium1 BILL SIMMONS, br. c, 4 107 By The Commoner Yankee Rose E. W. Moore. 36611 Havana lm20y l:41fast 2 103 S 5 4 3 41 6s AV Crump 8 Schemer, F.Degree, P.Gaincs 36509 Havana 1 l:40fast 15 111 2 2 2 3 4- 42 W Crump 8 R.Post, F.Degree. Col.Marclimt S0137 Latonia lm70v l:44fast 29-10 103 9 8 8 4 5l 4?i AV Crump 10 Gibraltar, B. Velvet, Trappoid 30077 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48fast 23-10 100 10 9 9 6 ll ll AV Crump 12 Almeda Lawrence. Dehra, Type 29957 Latonia lm70y lSfast 14-5107 12 8 7 5 21 3"! AV Crump 12 B. Velvet, Mikifula, L.AVingtoii 23S00 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 56 103 2 5 5 5 3" 411 AV Crump 6 Alfadir, BeautyShop, R.Shooter iS434 AVdbine lm70y 1:47 good 9 108 6 5 5 5 6 6 W Obert 0 Alhena, Jabot, Christophine 29347 Wlbine 1 l-ia i:4Sirast 14 90 3 10 10 9 881 W Crump 10 Dryad, Stir Up, Buzz Around BARNARD, b. g. 7 112 By Out of Reach Naoma F. Boughsman. S6572 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 15 107 7 S 8 71 ol L Gaugel 8 Brookfleld. Zim, Colle S6227 Reno 1 1:41 fast 11 113 G42 C Gross 0 Gerds, B.Clbertson, MissFielder 36155 Reno 1 l:40fast 9 113 31 C Gross 7 S.Stalwart, G.Pickett. M.Fielder 36074 Reno 1 l:42fast 23 313 l3 C Gross 7 MissFielder, Lou. Stone, Zamloeli SG025 Reno 1 l:41fast 9-5 112 361 AV Mclnre Bon. Buck, MissFielder, Emelda 35937 Reno 1 l:41fast 33-10 109 Is AV Mclnre 9 Crankie, Quick, Bolala 35921 Reno 1 l:41fast 12 112 342 D Bloom 7 Bon. Buck. B. A. Jones, AonLady 35S93 Reno 1 l:42Vsfast 7-5 313 42 "Al Mthews 8 Miss AVells, Bolala, Bon.s Buck 35833 Reno 1 l:42fast 62 109 44 N Taylor 7 M. Fielder, Satisfied, Capt.Druse ROCHESTER, b. c, 4 102 By Sempronius Embellish J. C. Ferriss. 36375 Havana lm20y 1:42 fast 10 111 2 2 4 5 51 58 H Lunsfd i Nephthys. Schemer, J. Hanover 32486 Oaklwn 51 f 1:08 mud 60 112 3 7 7 7 7" G Molesth 7 Mar.Miller. CaneRuu, .Legend 31208 Juarez 51 f 1:08 fast 9-10 104 6 0 6 0 6 7 G Molesth C Jefferson, H.Thompson. L..olinny 31111 Juarez 5-8 69fast 35 110 8 8 8 8 88 G Molesth 8 Zim, Utelus, Grays Favorite 30799 Juarez 5-8 1:00 fast 81 - 110 4 4 5 5 34 G Molesth 6 Moller. Gen. Pickett, Blarney 30787 Juarez 51 f l:0Sfast 37-10 109 2 2 2 2l 23 G Molesth 6 Bermudian, H.Tmpson, ElbaE. 30747 Juarez 51 f l:08fast 12 104 1 8 8 S 8 G Molesth 9 Safe Home, Honeycut, Prepaid PRINCE PHILSTHORPE, br. g. 8 112 By Woolsthorpe Lady Philura H. E. Hamilton. 3GG07 Havana 51 f 1:0S fast 15 108 12 12 12 111 Ssl T Cumngsl2 Regular, F.Patterson, Varda B. 36343 Havana 3-4 l:14fast 20 116 2 10 10 10 7" T CumngslO Norvic. Clark M., Enver Bey 34S2S Kenilwh lm70yl:44fast 93-10 302 2 9 7 9 7" 4i B Donahuell Gala Dress, Isabelle H., OldPop 34S01 Kenilwh lm20yl:42y5fast 14f 110 4 7 7 6 41 C3 AV Kelsay 11 GarishSun, OldPop. OldRelinble 34734 Kenilwh lm70yl:44fast 63-10 99 5 7 7 7 7 7 H Brlcksn 7 IsabelleH., Crnlroom, G.AVater 34G71 Kenilwh lm20yl :42Vif ast 24 100 5 7 7 5 43 2 E Donahue 9 Isabelle II., Moss Fox, Gar. Sun 34599 AVindsor 1 l:43good 37 105 5 9 10 10 8 75 W Kelsay 13 C. Brooin, Akeldama. Tartarean 31508 AVindsor 3-4 1:19 hvy 12 112 11 11 10 9 S" G Molesthll Capt.B., Cop.King. Hamp.Dame 31372 FortErie 1 l:52hvy 6 100 3 5 4 4 4" 31 H Ericksn 7 Copper King, Gartley, Capt. B. 34318 FortErie 1 1-4 2:15hvy 24-10 96 3 6 6 6 4" 48 H Jeffcott 7 Black Frost. First Star, AVodan LADY ROWENA, b. f, 3 9B By Sir Huon Cutter U. S. Wishard. 36340 Havana 51 f l:07fast 8 110 S 7 7 6l 42 AV Crump 8 Luzzi, Brookfleld. Beauty Spot S5293 StLouis lm50y l:53mud 12 102 3 3 3 1 1 Is R Bolton 7 Elkton, Borgo, El Pato 35254 St-Louis 3-4 1:18 fast 15 103 9 9 9 9 92 R Bolton 10 L. Stone. Requiram. Rubiconll. 35174 St-Louis 3-4 1:19 good 12 104 10 10 11 ll2 11" H Gray 12 Rubicon II., Ch.King, B.Johnson 35141 St,Louis 3-4 1:23 hvy 12 100 3 3 3 3 33 II Gray 8 L.Cottage, Nasledovati, O.Harry 35121 St.Louis 3-4 1:22 mud 6 102 1 2 4 41 S R Bolton 10 LouiseStone, Med.Boy, Freeman 34S13 Mt.Roval 51 f l:09andslow 121 104 71 H Hanmer S Edmond Adams, Billie B., Sky 34577 Delmier AbGlf l:24ysfast 38 104 2 H Hanmer 7 B.A.Jones, LilyOrme, FirstRays BALFRON. ch. g, 6 107 By Ornament Mary Street H. Remus. 36575 Havana lm20y a:42 fast 2o 308 4 5 6 6 6 G J Petz 5 Nephthys, Schemer, .T. Hanover 36262 Laurel 1 1-16 1:53 mud 70 111 6 9 8 8 8:0 6" N Huff 9 Trcntlno. Rose Finn, Greetings 36247 Laurel lm20y 1:46 slow 62 114 1 4 3 6 61 6 N Huff 13 Wodan, Bro.Jonathan. EdWeiss 36126 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49good 32f 113 7 11 9 10 93 7" N Huff 14 Soldier, Budweiser, Flora Finch 34358 KingEd. 1 1-16 l:55fast 15 112 7l D Boland 8 Harold, Electric, Sultana 24299 KingEd. Ab6f l:21fast 12 108 7s! J Hcupel 10 Signorette, EarlyRiser, Sultana 34139 Mt.Royal 1 l:46slow 28-5112 9" AV Ormes 11 Zodiac. Heartbeat, Paulson 33797 Connht 1 1-16 l:43fast 15 107 6 3 4 5 5 62 T Par ton 7 Buzz Around, Minda, Alston 33692 BlueBon. 1 l:45hvy 22 107 4 3 4 5 6 7 A Campbll 8 Hazelnut. Goodwood, T.Bybody 29215 H.deGce lm70yl:4714fast 11 113 9 3 3 3 3 4 E Taplin 10 Far Away, Carlton G., Scorpii ROCKPORT, ch. c, 3 M 102 By Trap Rock Retained H. W. C. Daly. C6593 Havana lm50y l:4314fast 6 97 5 5 4 4 3 o42 C Hansen 8 Tito. Jack Hanover. Nephthys 36574 Havana lm50y l:43lfast 20 107 6 4 4 4 58 4"! B Kleeger 8 Repton, MudSill, East.Grcethigs 36200 Laurel lm70y l:49mud 359 108 0 9 7 6 C 68 H Hanmer 10 N. K. Real, Spectre, Flare 36212 Laurel lm20y l:46hvy 240 98 3 8 8 8 6" 6" H Hanmer 9 Flora Finch, Greetings, E. Sight 35507 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 130 90 6 7 7 6 6" 623 J Hansen 7 Piraeus, Starter, Mannchen 33440 H.deGce lm70yl:17good lOf 93 13 13 11 10 Si 742 J Hansen 15 Stir Up, Passing Fancy, Tranby 35351 Timium Ab5-S 59fast 25 105 5 J P Ryan i Leoma, Bunice. Nonesuch 35312 Timium Ab6lf 1:24 fast 22 1C5 41 J P Ryan 9 Candy Land, J.Milliner, N.Tandy ?5334 Timium 1 1-10 1:50 fast 26 92 7S2 C Hansen S Puck, Lieut. Sawyer, Evelina 34920 Do.Hllls 1 1-16 l:53fast 30 100 5 6 6 5 5 N Huff 5 HarwdlL, Smuggler, Prcs.Lynn BANK BILL. b. g. 8 104 By Marta Santa Kadisha W. A. Carter. 36530 Havana 51 f l:07Vifast S 101 5 0 4 5; 51 L Hmphs 8 LadyJ.Grey, BabyCole, P.Gaincs 36372 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 20 103 4 5 7 6"t Sci.L Hmphs 8 Brookfleld, Zim, Colle 35684 Laurel 1 1-16 1:48 fast 127 107 3 3 8 8 8 8" J Dodd S Scorpii, Joe Finn, Ed Bond 35235 SLLouis 11-16 1:49 fast 15 103 4 4 4 6 6 6" H Gray 0 Birka, Bob Dundon, Menlo Tark 35177 SLLouis 1 1-8 2:04 good 12 100 3 3 2 6 6 63 H Gray C Menlo Park. Moss Fox, Electric 25126 St.Louis 1 1-16 2:00 mud 10 105 3 1 1 1 0 7 H Gray 8 Electric, L.AVtliington, Stelclift 24351 G.Rpids 3-4 l:15good 25 111 9 5 5 4" 3" H Gray 9 Meelicka, RnningQueen, Asauia 34285 G.Rpids 3-4 l:20hvy 24 111 2 4 6 6l 5" H Gray 8 L.Mildred, Mil.Roblee. Ath.Girl 34225 G.Rpids 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 31 108 10 10 10 11 11 llla J Petz 11 TrletonP., Virg.AV., Fscinatiug DASH, b. f, 4 107 By Factor Dance Spirit G. V. Barnes. 36580 Havana 51 f 1:03 fast 7 112 1 1 2 3i 41 J Howard S Len.s Pride, Aagabond, Dental 36370 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 10 102 5 6 6 0 62 F Murphy 8 NowThen, B.Jamcs, Pajaroitall. 3G565 Havana 3-4 l:13faat 12 113 5 8 8 8" 88i L, Gaugel 9 Clark M., Arrow, Enver Bey 35391 Churchl 3-4 1:14 good 96 99 5 9 8 7 52 C Rogers 10 Freeman, Martre, Lady Mildred 31GPG Kenilwh 3-4 l:12fast 12f 108 2 8 9 35 93 W A Car1112 Tom Caro, Ampere II., Encore 34269 G.Rpids 51 f 1:09 fast 19 101 2 3 5 6l 61 C Rogers 8 B. Beauty. Finaloo, Pontefraet 34227 G.Rpids 51 f l:07fast 49-5 107 11 11 11 11 11 C Rogers 12 Eleanor, PasdeChance, Oasaba 33750 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 24C 100 5 2 11 10J ll" C Rogers 12 Luzzi, Alex Getz, B. A. Jones 32942 Devshire 3-4 l:15fast 57-10 30S 2 3 5 10 11" G Molesth 12 Lit. Nephew. Garl, BadProspect 32853 Devshire 3-4 l:15fast 38-5108 2 6 7 6l Ssl A Pickens 12 Rosemary, ClRoberts, Massenet " PASSION, ch. f. 4 112 By Marathon Belle Swift F. Dolbarrio. 36574 Havana lmSOy l:43fast 12 307 S 8 S 0 6 7" M Hill 8 Repton, MudSill, East-Greetings 33337 Timium AbSlf l:23ysfast 71 109 6S2 AV McDott 7 Mristown, F.Royal, MsGenevve 34S95 Mneuve AbGlf l:27slow 12 115 21 II Dennler 5 Quick, Servia, Prepaid 34852 Mneuve lm70yl:48 fast 161 HI 3 H Dennler i Gano, Cliff Stream, Lyndora 3i737 Mneuve Ab7-S 1:28 fast 26-5 333 1" H Dennler 5 Lord AVells. Melos, Enjoy 34728 Mneuve lm70y lMOfast 14 110 441 J Dodd 7 Tatiana, Melos, Kismet R. 34534 Delmiei 1 1-16 l:52fast 39 1T .r.l C Hughes 5 CliestrKrum, RiverKing, Minda 34449 KingEd. Im50yl:55mud 20 109 3i C Hughes S Minnie F., Love Day, Centauri 34420 KingEd. AbGlf l:23slop 21 10S 01 C Hughes 10 Damietta, FirstRays, F.Delphia 34310 KingEd. lm50yl:4Gfast 30 111 41 H Dennler 9 Royal Tea, Red Post, Regular

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917120801/drf1917120801_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1917120801_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800