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WHITNEY MARYLAND STRING ♦ Several Older Horses to Join Big Band of Two-Year-Olds. ♦ Albert Simons Will Be in Charge — Lanius May Be Given a Race at Havre. . ♦ — Havre de Grace. Md.. April 12.- The horses from BraaMaJa Farm that will be shipped to Albert Simons in the course of net weet. to le raced at Havre lie Grace and Iiuilir.i under the silks of Harry Payne Whitney, are the four-yeai -olds Tiim-■der and Bellringer and tie* three-year-olds Sun-•_.ild. Johren and Out the Way. Tumbler and i. llringer are the Whitney candidates for the Harford. Philadelphia and Susquehanna Handicaps. I hoy are. according to ro|torts from Bnsikdale Kami. almut ready for the odors. And. after their racing here, thej- will l»e trained for the Iimlieo Spring Handicap. With Pennant and Kegret out of training iiermanently these four-year-olds are the i»-st Mr. Whitney will have for the handicaps and .-up races of 191S. Tumbler, which raced with such as Campfire and Hourlcss. showed more in public liiau did Bellringer. but Bellringer. aciiinling to the work watchers, was the fastest two-year-old l;.iwe trained for Mr. Whitney two years back. Tumbler started last year in three races and then had t be thrown out of training because of a bad b-g. ile is galloping soundly this spring, however, and it goes without saying that Kowe believes lie will make good in high-class company. If he had not shown Kowe something he would not be here. | Bellringer started but once last year. Johren. a son of Spearmint, was the horse Howe intended last year to train for the Waldeu Stakes at llmlico. He did not come to Maryland in Xo-vcmber because of a s|h-11 of sickness, which interrupted hi* training. He is in the Harford. Philadelphia anJ Susquehanna Handicaps with Tumbler sind Bellringer and the promising three-year-old filly. Konuie Broom, a daughter of Whisk Broom II., and it is ro|»ort-d that he is going famously. Out tin- Way Is a strapping son of Peter Pan — Sweep-away. Siiugold. a son of All ;old. is a bay half-brother of Bellringer and a pre|iossessing colt. Out the Way and Sungold were named for the Kentucky Derby with Kosie OOrady and Klags. The fact that they are to lie added to the Simons division of the Whitney band means that they are to In- trained with Johren and Bonnie Broom for the Prcakness. AGAIN IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Tiie Whitney two-year-olds that wintered under Simon* charge at Kenning, anil were prevented by sickness from starting al Bowie, as Simons had planned, are again in first rate condition. Blue l.:nldie. by tulgad — Blue JirI. and a half-brother to Cobalt: Comfort, a daughter of Broomstick-SliinM-rs. and a half-sister to Buskin, and Cresson. si laughter of All Cold — Bonnie Star, have shown quarters in Si or thereabouts. These youngsters are ..!| in the Al erdeen at Havre de Grace, also the Spring Juvenile at Iimlieo. It is -possible that Simon* establishment may Ik- reinforced by a few youngsters from Brookdalc Kami a little later on. Kowe has a uumlier of them in Xew Jersey and they will In- ready for the races long before there is anything doing aifiut Xew York. tieorge I . Widener, the Philadelphia sportsman, who dcveloi»ed Lauius last year, has lieen a constant attendant at Bowie. Mr. Widener and P. A. Clark have been guests at Bo lair Kami, the great show place of southern Maryland anil Prince Georges Countys most considerable thoroughbred breeding place. Mr. Widener said today that he would race a string of horses al Havre de Grace and Iimlieo. Application for stabling has lieen made at both tracks in Ms behalf by Andrew Jack*ou .loyner. Laniu* i* the BM*t formidable bara* Joyn-r will bring to Maryland Car the Philadelphia sportsman, ljiniii- r» well over tin- lameness which prevented his starting in lie- Waldeu last year ami is train ing as satisfactorily :.* any three -year old at F.ei-moiit Park. .o engagement* w--ro made for him in the Havre de Grace stakes because at the time they closed Joyner was not *ure he would lie ready for racing liefore May. But there will be plenty of overnight racing for such a colt at Havre de l.i ace and Joyner will endeavor to have him ready for the Preakness. N » one at Belmont Park doubts the staying ability of this colt and everyone who ha* watched him work considers him a formidable Ircafcno** proposition. A couple of three-year-olds and .1 half dozen two-year-olds will come to Maryland with Lauius. a