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KILMER BOOSTS LIBERTY BOND SALE . . cw York. April IM. Willis Sharif Kilmer, owner ■ of Sun I.riar. accentuated the spirit of sportsruer. , mi the l.iU-rty Loan ipicstion at the Palace Theater last Sunday nig:,:. When the customary reipu-.t waa niiil" h.v .l J.-l-.n for buyers of bonds. Mrs. .1 ,,i.s V ill ■pigne. wife of the n-tiriil caterer who i t..r year- was reaaretpal with the local race track. gW d for .-C.lftNi worth. Al Jolsen. who was in i ...,.ge .., ifai sale, thea received a bid of IS.4M I 1 ■■■• uiinti»r ii|,.k. ••Ill take S7 .MKI worth injself." said Jolsen. • liioiigh 1 bare to In.rrow the money to pay." A inoiin rit later a voice from the audience de-.«l lie would take sr. ihhj worth of bonds if any-oi:e else Wf.ii!d uike,IOI». Mr. Kilmer, who occupied a box. immediately : n-wered declaring hiins-lf for SKI ihhi suggesting : that " ""• man who made the stiRRetion would I tike *"i.«hh» more he would make his donation 1 .-.IMWItl. IU" challenged one was a game spoilsman 1 ,.| the in was ax.pted. Then 3.tM«l was paid I ;nr IJtsrtj Im.iiiIs in le«~ than two niiimtes. lie fore il,.- Slie. w:ts concluded *lun immi worth of " I ..jiils. bad l"-.-n booked.