Havre De Grace Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-04-25


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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. WEDNESDAyTaPRIL 24. 1918.— Eighth day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear. Steward to Represent Jwkcy Club. W. S. Yosburgh. Judges, C. Cornehlseii and H. IT. Homan. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. F. Rehhergjg. _______ Racing starts at 2:30 n. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. 970/10 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 27. 1917— 47%— 2— 107%. Purse 07.50. 2-year-olds. O 4 tfrO Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner $~»«»7.50; second, 25; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt % "a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Einiiv. Otitis Strt PENROSE w 10:! 2 2 I4 1- 1*1 S McOrriw Triple Spring Stable t620-100 37915aNELLB YORKR w 109 1 1 21 2i 2* RTroi.se ■ Herz 128-MB 3?91.r *MILDA wk 101 :: 5 41 4s 3= C Kimmer J O Talbott 270-100 37922 McLAXE v. 110 12 S I* M 4" T Rice J J Farrell .Tr 5875-100 tnilST. QlENTIN wit lor. 10 r, V ■ B»l W MIyJr 5 A Cochran 4635-100 37901»LKNDONIA w J«S 4 7 V 6- «4 H Bullmn R T Wilson 11335-100 37852*WK WIN w :« 7 10 X" 7 7 C Merrier Mrs J M Garth 2100-100 37915 MISTER JIMMY w MX! 9 !» llhklOl X? ■ Ambrse W M Jeffords NrVW 37894 YEENEMAN v 10S 5 4 8* X" 9= O Moles th J W May 070-100 37873HITCHY-KOO w 115 11 3 •. 91 10= L Lyke C Buxton 1770-100 I. C. GIRL v 103 8 11 IH ll4 11 L McAtee Potomac Stable t DEMOCRACY v 10S 1, 12 12 12 12 J Cruise J S Ownbey t tMiituel field. Time. 22%. 48. Track fast. mutuels paid. Penrose, field, 4.40 straight, 1918.sh.40 place, .40 show; Nelle Yorke, .20 place. .00 show: Milda. .so show. Equivalent hooking odds— Penrose, field. 020 to 100 straight, 220 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Nelle Yorke. CO to 100 place. 30 to lOO show: Milda. 4 » to 100 show. Winner— B. f. by Sweep — Hanrose trained by 4. Rodcn; bred by Messrs. Randolph and Moore. Went to post at 2:38. At iiost 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PENROSE showed a good flight of siieetl from the start and drew away into a long lead in the first eighth, but was ridden out at the end. NELLE YORKE ran in closest pursuit and was gaining at the finish. MILDA ran well and easily outstayed McLANL through the last sixteenth. The latter was a close contender to the last eighth. The others were always outpaced. Scratched — Chatter. 100: Clip. KM. Qr7Q | A SECOND RACE— 1-*2 Mile. April 27. 1917 — 47%— 2— 107%. Purse 07.50. 2-year-olds. ■3 4 n3k.k. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 07.50; second, 25; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt ,.4 ; % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 379418 -i »LI X ELLA w 112 1 ", 3° 3* W K Ambrse Glen Riddle Farm 110-100 37926 JOUC8 v 112 I 1 1" l" 2i R Troise E Herz 420-100 AUNT DIXAII w 112 I I 2 2- 3« F Kobsor. F Houseman 220 100 37831 IjOVING LADY w 112 4 i 5"- 4" 41 C Kummer Potomac Stable UK MB MARIE COXXELL w 112 E E 41 5" 5" J Cruise J S Ownbey 7640-100 RAINBOW GIRL w 112 2 6 0 6 0 W Doyle J W .McClelland 4290-100 Time. 23%. 48%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Coliuella, .20 straight, .50 place, .10 show; Jorice, .70 place, .30 show; Aunt liiiiah. .30 show. Equivalent Itookiug odds — Colinella. 110 to 100 straight. 25 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Jorice, 85 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Aunt Dinah. 15 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f. by Star Shoot — Iastorella trained by L. Feustel ; bred by Messrs. Madden and Bradley. Went to post at 3:o7. At iHist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. COLINELLA was outrun to the stretch turn, where she came through on the inside and. finishing gamely, got up to win in the final strides. JORICE set a fast pace and. being much used in racing AINT DINAH into defeat, was tiring at the end. AlNT DINAH raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and tired also. LOVING LADY ran fairly well. MARIE COXXELL showed speed. Qr70/fllX TIIIRI RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 24. 1913— 1:11%— 3— 91. Purse 07.50. 3-year-olds O 4 IlJTmO -""I upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 07.50; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtlTSt j % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiiv. Odds Strt 37903 = MAE MURRAY wis 4 113 7 3 3= VI 2- 1= L Lyke C Buxton 305-100 379 1 3 3 HOPS w 5 120 16 1 4* 44 4" 21 J McTagt S Louis 2330-100 37925 = *JIANITA III. w 3 96 4 2 11 2»k U 3 J Rodgez J Arthur 1250-100 X7884»POOR BUTRFLY w 3 101 1 4 .2 1and 3" V L McAtee W A Gamble 1495-100 37923 CAXDELARIA w 8 101 12 5 6- V 5-1 : 3 V Kummer J R Carlisle 21!l.r -lKt 37923 *BROCATELLE w 3 160 6 G T.u 6 6» !» W Mly.lr G A Cochran S10-100 ."7918 MIXTO II. w 4 IIS 10 12 7 7i 7- 7* J Kederis C Fellowes 4«ri-100 37781 »LAXTANA w 4 10S 9 10 11- 123 10- H 1 T Rowan M Kennedy fSJEt-Mi 37918 C. A. COMISKEY w 1 10:; 11 13 10 » Hl 9i W Doyle B Williams t 36917*HIKER " w 6 110 8 X- H- 101 »i 10 H Bul.mn W C Capps t 3792S5GOLDEX GLOW w I 104J14 9 s$ S1 11 II1?. G Molesth F D Weir 775-100 37589 SCtRPlI wn G 120 5 11 12 13= 12- 12= J Dortd Potomac Stable t 37924 UNCLE SAND wb 3 101 13 14 14 11 IS* 13 R Troise T R Queen 20S0-100 37714 = *CAPT. MRCHMTw 7 11". IS K 15= 15- 15= 14a C Mcrgh r J W Moore t l»M*nUAB NOUGHT w ". IIS 8 7 13?. 14 14 15 l„ Ensnr J W Murphy I :.6227SMISS FIELDER wb 6 115 2 15 16 16 16 16 J Mclntvre Nevada Stock Farm t tMutuel field. Time. 23%. 47%, 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mae Murray. .90 straight, 1918.sh.90 place. .71 show; Hops, 7.30 place, 0.90 show: Juaiiita III.. .tMI show. Equivalent b H,king odds- Mae Murray. 395 to 100 straight. 245 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Hops, 765 to loo place. 445 to 100 show: Jllauita III.. 300 to KM show. Winner— B. f. by Heno— Watita trained by C. Buxton: bred by Mr. A. B. Hancock. Went to iMist at 3:35. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MAE MtRRAY. close up from the start, finished fast ami was going away at the end. HOPS was n forward contender from the start and outgamed JUAXITA III. for second place. The latter tired after showing the most early speed and setting the pace most of the wav. POOR BUTTERFLY also tired after racing into the lead 011 the last turn. CAXDELARIA ran well aiid finished close up. BROCATELLE oulv * ran fairly well. Scratched— 37913 Felicidad. US: 37924=Chas. C.innell. 115; 3791-4 • m Johnson, 120; 37931 Clark M.. 120: 37932 Assign. 111: 3791 2 1 Sea rpia II.. 127; 37S5S Kildare. 118- Rillv Haniia. 110; 37931 Encore, HBt: 37920 Curlicue. 115: 37924 Tioga, US; 37794»IBert Williams. 115- 37SS9 King K., 120; 37900 Mohican, 9C; 30433 Carl Ellwanger. 9t»: 37931 Syphon Boy, 120: 37S97 Generous. 115. Overweights — Golden Glow. 3,. pounds; Caudelaria. 5: Poor Butterfly, 3. Qr7QymBri GIRTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 10. 1912— 1:05%— 3—105. Purse 07.50. 8 y«ar. Sj 4 t7V "his an l upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 1918.sh07.50; second, 25; third, 5. Jlndex Horses AWtlPSt1 j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds"Strt " 37813 ASSlME wb 4 122 4 4 2 2* 2- l3 C Kummer J_I»onard 160-100 37917 -SWEEP CPU. wit 3 110 7 1 Ill Is 2" .1 McTagt J S Tyree 165-100 1 37995 RED SOX wit 3 110 1 7 5? 5s 4" 8* E Ambrse W M Jeffords 580-100 379415 I :. LEAST wit 3 lift 6 3 3 3* 3= A* L McAtee J E Griffith 2910-100 1 :»79I7 DRAOOON mi 81 I .". 4" 4 V 5 S McGraw Quincy Stable 26100-100 37883 COBALT 1-ASS w 3 109 5 6 6" 6« 6° 6* C Mergler L O Sawyer 2360-100 1 36221 BQUARK SET w 4 111 S I 7,; 7 7" 7= J Mclntvre Nevada Stock Farm 20955-100 FITZWILL1AM « u 4 11G I 9 9 I S" S" I, !jVk - J K L Ross 1400-100 35366 WAIOXTHA wb 5 100 9 K S« S 9 9 .1 Atkinson L Haymaker 5105.V100 Time. 23%, 48%. 1:00%. 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid. Assume. .20 straight. .90 place, .50 show; Sweep Ip IL, .70 place, .30 I show: Red Sox. .KO show. Equivalent hooking Mlds — Assume. 100 to 100 straight. 45 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show; Sweep Ip II., 35 to lOO place, 15 to 100 show: Red Sox. 4H to 100 show. Winner- Rr. g. by Disguise — Chancery trained by F. M. Bray; bred by Estate of Mr. James R. Kcenel. Went to ixist at 4:03. At jnist 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ASSIME followed the leader closely to the stretch turn, where lie came on the outside and. finishing with a rush, drew away into an easy lead. SWEE1* IP II. set a goad pa« e. but tired. RED SOX out-gained BALLAST in the final drive. F1TZWILL1AM, a good looker, was greeu at the barrier and began slowly. Scratched-37910=Churchill, 112: 35495 Frederick the Great. KM; King Agrippa. 99. Or70/ir7 FIFTH RACE- 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 10. 1912— 1 :a5%— 3— 1*5. Sixth Running Penn i O 4 «7rft 4 Selling Stakes. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,475; ■■■■ccoiid. !f2QO: third. 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 .j "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ktjiiiv. Odds Strt 37919*STARTL1XG v 5 122 7 2 2*1 B 2? 1" C Kummer R F Carman 210-100 1 37567 ETKlSlAX wb G 112 1 . 1 li Il 1 :,k Q « Jackson E G Vivell IWH-lOO 1 37898 iVICLE w3 9« 9 5 4»" 5- 5 3" C Al.rgler J W Williams X70-100 1 37969 POACHBR wit 3 105 :: 8 5 •* 4= 4" L Lvke B Williams 17175-100 1 37910 COMPADRE vs 3 102 2 7 9* 4»1 2* S* S MctJraw Quincy Stable S45 100 1 37925*IU«;H0CSE w3 : « 4 4 7» - «■ 0* 0= W MTvJr G A Cochran 5670-100 1 37918 ■A.MAiKASSIX wn 3 102 G !l 10 10 9 7i R Troise J E Griffith 29I0-10O 1 87M I * KOH-I-NOOR w 4 MS s 10 SJ 7 V s: v Dwjrle E Arlington 888-Mi 1 37694 HACK BAY w 10 107 5 N !i S3 7 9" D Stirling P Sheridan S:!00-I00 37918 vl.Nt; WORTH wit 7 107 1 3 0- Mft M G Mi.l.stn F D Weir 48.",-100 Time. 24. 48, 1:01. 1:07%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Startling. 1918.sh.20 straight. .40 place. . so show; Etruscan, .50 place, .00 show: Jul . .10 show. Equivalent hooking odds — Startling. 210 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Etruscan. . 75 to 100 place. 541 to 100 show: Jule. 105 to 100 show. Winner- H. h. by Marta Santa--Country Fraud trained by R. F. Carman; bred by Mr. S. C. Lvne. Went to i«tst at 4:35. At |K st 7 minutes. Start gisMl and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STARTLING, suddenly improved. In-gan forwaidly and. after being saved for a half, raced into tin-lead in the stretch and won with spc.-d in reserve. ETRISCAX showed excellent KJM and set a fast t pace, hut tired in the final strides. JII.K came wide while rounding the last turn, but finished gamely. POACHER ran a good race and so did OMIADRK. KINO WORTH rail away three |iiarlers before the stall and was not i ersevered with. Scratched 37910-Churchill. 109. Overweights— Jule, 1 pound. QrTQ/|Q SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1913 1:11% I 91.1 .7.50 Added. 3 year-olds 04i£~ftO ami upward. Handicap. Xet value to winner JJtiTJajRsccoiid. 25; third. .. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 ., % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Knuiv. Odds Strt 37917*GEO. STARR wit 3 117 T~i lb iuk jut. i C Kummer SlcXaughton HO-100 37813 = T. O TH MRNGwn 6 126 4 2 2.. 2- 2" 2J V Robson W C Weant 215-100 36103JDAMROSCH w 5 116 7 1 :;i. :; :;= 3- L Lyke J K L Ross 2185-108 37919 MANISTER TOI wit 4 111 € 3 4« 42 41 41?. R Troi.se E Herz 2950 100 37927 SLIPPERY ELM w 5 10G 3 G :, 53 f,« ■,■■ .1 Mclntyre Xevada Stock Farm MM MB S7904 GAME COCK wo 3 10" 2 E 7 7 7 B* S McGraw H L Pratt .445 1 no ;6080 FL1TTERGOLD W 7 US ■ " G?. 6- 6*. 7 J Do.hl Potomac Stable 3.Sf.5-l;i0 Time. 23%, 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid, George Starr. .00 straight, .40 place. .30 show; Top o th Morning. .70 place. .80 show: Danirosch. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds— George Starr. 80 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 15 to KM show; Top o th* Morning. 35 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Danirosch. 90 to lOO show. Winner— Rr. g, bv Jack Atkin — Africa trained by S. McXaughton: bred by Mr. O. H. Chenaiiltl. Went to ]K st at 5:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GEORGE STARR set I fast pace, was on the inside for the entire race and was going away at the end. TOP O TH MORNING ran well, but tired flnallv after forcing a fast early pace. DAMROSCH ran a good race and was gaining tit the finish. MANISTER TO I ran creditably. The others were always outpaced. Scratched— 37947Startling. 123: 37940 Ballast. 103: 37947 Koh-i-noor. 10«. OtTO/HO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sent. 25. 1915-1:42%— 4— 119.1 Purse S807.50. «3 4 %J%3 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 1918.sh67.50; second, 25; third, %i± Index Horses AWtPISt % j .. % str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqniv. Odds Strt S7920*STIR UP wb G 104 1 3 4- 1* l f 1U C Mergler F Musante 210-100 37921 GREAT DOLLY v 4 100 4 7 X1 7. 4nt 2 2 C Kummer 15 Woodcock 1470-100 37848 AMALGAMATOR wb 4 111 8 5 G«t x= 2* 3- 3 C Peak W Smith 500-100 S7914*GREETIXGS w E 102 I 8 :» Snw |st 4- 4?. J Rod»z F J Coleman BBS-MS 379003*BEX HAMPSON wb 4 100 6 S Bafk fl n «ji 52 h Bullmn S Louis BBS-BM 37618 TRACTION wb 5 107 8 8 7?. G.«. 8 V S»l V Mara W P Orr 1410-100 37761 = *IOLITE wb 5 lio 7 1 3= :; « 5: 71 71 L Ensor W C Weant IGlO-loO 37869*GRAPHIC w 4 110 8 4 2 4" t » » s- W Hhries J D Misiek «5-lort 37904 ASMA w 5 106 2 2 1" 2"t Gl. 82 9 G Corev L Haymaker 22U5-IIM Time. 24%, 50. 1:15, 1:43. 1:46%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Stir Ip. 1.20 straight. .70 place. .00 show; Great Dolly, S11.10 place. 1918.sh 10 show: Amalgamator. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Stir 1 p. 210 to 100 straight. B5 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: Great Dolly, 455 to 100 place, 220 to 1H show: Amalgamator. 100 to 100 show. Winner — B. h, bv Ildrim— Skirts trained by F. Musante; bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Went to iHist at 5:33. At IMist 1 minute. Start gotwl and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STIR IP raced to the front on the haclrstretch. saved ground on the stretch turn ami held on gamely in the final drive. GREAT DOLLY raced next to the rail all the way and finished rapidly. AMALGAMATOR was fori-ed to race wide from the start, but closed a gap and held on gamely under punishment. GREETINGS tired. IOLITE and GRAPHIC quit. ASAMA set the early pace and also quit. Scratched— 37924=Chns. C.innell. KM; 37S51 Blackford, 109: 37924 Stalwart Helen, 104: 37933Widov Bedotte. 104: 37858 Working Lad. 109. Overweights — Asama. 2 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918042501/drf1918042501_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1918042501_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800