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WORD FROM THOMAS HITCHCOCK, JR. New York. April 29.— Thomas Hitchcock, the well-known turfman, has received a cablegram from France relaying information almut his son. Thomas Jr.. the viiiiiig aiutor. who is now in a German prison cainp. The cnblciam read: "Postcard received April 25, dated March 20, savs: In Mutch ti was broiigh: down by three tier man planes. A bullet passed through my side and some others cut my controls. The wound is well now. You see it was not much. Please cable my fainilv I am well. Tommy. Mrs. Hitchcock said she presumed the |»ostcaril was mailed at the Urn prison crimp at Saar- hruckcii. where unofficial advices received in Washington several weeks ago said the wounded aviator was confined.