Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-05-18


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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE, XY., FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1918.— Churchill Downs. Sixth day. New Louisville Jockey Club. , Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear; temperature 84. 1 a Stewards, has. F. Price and has. F. Grainger. Placing Judges, W. H. Shelley and J. B. Campbell. Starter. A. B. Dad.-. Racing Secretary. J. I!. Campbell. , Pacing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Fig- • in.- in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and : weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. 000 A A FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 8, 1909— 52%— 2—103. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. . «»04-A Maidens. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 36; third, 4. j InuYx Horses AWtPPSt 14 K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |uiv. Odds Strt . QOLDnon wn 112 11 n I* 11 ft Skllllnc T M Murphy 295-100 IKOl-V LEGAL w 108 11 2 81 21 2- J Howard Williams Bros 360-100 . K095 OMEME w 106 8 5 9 31 $■ J Metcalf A B Spreckels tllK5-100 •;k|34-*MISS IVAN w 98 2 3 •* 53 4 1 H Lunsfd W F Knebelkamp 245-1U0 , : HI»I KlXtRAXA wi: 109 3 7 7- 61 5U L Gentry ■ R Bradley 1415 100 , Hio HESTER R. w 103 4 9 91 81 f.J J Kederis Chas Nuckols Jr 2905 100 . 8MS3 WAVE w HO 10 x s" s ?i J McCabe .1 Livingston -f , LAMENTVTION w 107 12 4 T 4J 8 J Finch Menlo Pnik Stable lOCGS-ino f BAGPIPE wn KM C 10 10U10- M II Stearns «■ L Hlackford X590-1O0 ! •IKIO0 .KiilN CHlRCIIILLwB It* 5 C $■ 71 10» K Lapaille 1 hehan I RELMA G w 105 7 12 12 11=11- H Wingfd .1 Greenburg 11800-UKl . •;SI34 HATT1K V1LLIX w PIS 9 11 11 12 12 D Connlly B A Jones 970-100 * iMutuei field. Time, 23%, 48, 54%. Track fast. »2 muttiels paid. Gold Stone, .90 straight, .70 place, $:.30 show; Legal. .00 place, .40 show; Ouieiue. lield. .:to slmw. i:.|iiivalent iMM.kiug odds— Gold Stone, 295 to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place, Oj to 100 show; Legal, 130 to DM place 70 to llto show: Onieuie, field, 115 to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by Golden Maxim — Brightstoiie trained by J. Imensetter; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Went to post at 2:22. At post 2 minutes. Start good nitd slow. Won driving; second and third the j •line. GOLD STONE, away fast and showing the most s|ieod, was given a good ride and held on well in t in- stretch drive. LEGAL, also away forwardly. followed the winner closely and was gaining at the end. | i.l EME had to race wide, but closed a big gap and finished fast. MISS IVAN had no mishaps. HESTER : It was forced back soon after the start. LAMENTATION showed speed, but tired. I ■ 1 I 1 I fJTHJ Lidy Apt. 9S: 3S121=Jim Dudley, lot!. j Overweights — Gold Stow, 1 |k uikI; Bagpipe, 1; Hattie Willdn. 3. , OQO/IC SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1913— 1:11— 2— 105. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and tiOlO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 05; second, 39; third, 6. ~T„ U Horses AWtlPSt,4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Kvners Equiv. Odds Strt | S1S$ *M wr. " 104 1 1 Is V- I* 1iW Crump B J Brannon Ml 6067$ , :KIK3*K1LIARE BOY w 3 101 2 3 2* 2-- 2i 2 H Lunsfd W B Finnegan tM89-SM ; 1 377971 KEN WABI wr. 4 .17 7 4 3" 2- 3J 3* P Louder Solomon and .larman 125-100 1 «KI«."» MAKTRE w I 114 5 S S1 VI 4 4= W Lilley R P Dodson 29"i5-lu0 ; :;KI47"« PHEL1A V. m i 1" U 1 *u V *• • O AYillis H Field 2:!7O-10O ; •HI35 TtiV MISS wn 5 114 4 I f.l 5s 6 P li Gentrv 11 V Plant 4025-100 ; •IK077 IHBMRB w :: 1 W 9 9 10" 10i 8 7« J Ked.Tta J S Ward 7«5-100 j 3HI05 1LMA SCHORR W 3 102 K 6 5J «L 7i 8; X Uarntt IVStSMT 3H10-100 ; 3«41i JKAX K. w 3 Km 0 5 4 9 9 9 G W C.irl Kohn and S hulten IH91I-IOO ; 3«3»X CLARICK RITH w 3 Ml 10 12 12 12 10J 10-- J Burke C R Miller I ; 7*UNOMIT w I KW 11 11 11- 8h IP us K Simpson .1 K L Ross 1570 -100 ;.H«1*2* BLACK BASS w3 9S 3 10 9?.11U12 12 E Sande S Iando t tMutiiel field. Time, 23%, 47%. 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Nepe. .30 straight. .50 place, .90 show; Kildare Boy, field, .80 place, .00 i show: Ken ward. .00 show. 1 Epiivaleut iNioking odds — Nepe, 315 to 100 straight. 125 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Kildare Boy, 1 field. :WO to IOO place. SO to IOO show: Kenward. 30 to 100 show. I Winner— B. g, by Al»e Frank — Gladys Louise trained by G. Land; bred by Estate of Mr. John F. New ma it I. Went to post at 2:55. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NEPE. away forwardly and showing the most spe«il from the start, held sway all the way and won Willi s|ice l in reserve. KILDARE BOY ran a good race and held KENWARD safe in the final drive. KENWARD had no mishaps and had to lie forced out to outstay MARTRK. The latter was gaining :t«adilv. DESIRE and L1NOSEY were always far back. Scratched -32S3~s"rom Ooosc, 102; 3S105 Mabel Trask, 100; 38135 Libera tor. 111; 38133 Miss Wright, 95; ITin~Lsi SI— 11. 110: 37750 Meelicka. 114. Overweights — Nc|»e. 24 pounds; Desire, 2; lima Schorr, 2; Clarice Ruth, 1; Lindsey, S; Black Bass. 3. OGQ/igS THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1913— 1:11— 2— 105. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and ; t 0— 40 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 42; third, 8. Index Horses AWtPPStVi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ; 3K22.*»*Yt RKVILIE wn S 111 0 2 2" l1 t« 1» H Lunsfd E L Fitzgerald 355-100 ; : 5K20 - * M . B. THMAN was 5 111 12 6 1 2- 2"" 9 • Willis W F Cisco 2«30-K« SKI 97 : -VANSA WHLLESw B 1 100 8 7 «!l H 41 .! H Stearns H Perkins 1125-100 ; :;«I51 = *CHICK BARKLEVw 3 100 7 10 11H 8"k i 41 R Simpson J L Knight 140-100 377»8*PARLOR MAID w 3 98 10 12 12 1111 71 5" E Donhue Q Borkel tls:M!-lK MM*PBACKFUL STARwB 5 111 4 4 41 3 8" « J Dursch Knebelkamp and Howton 2155-K10 :;«I96 BEN1CAP w C 11C 9 8 7i 4 51 71 A Paas* C B Reid j 363K9 VELVET J »E w 4 114 5 9 8 91 81 S1 J MeCabe S K Nichols 8485-141 36S56*VALTHR BRADY w 3 98 3 5 »■ 12 9= 9- J Mooney Webb ft Maloney 7915-10U StSI4*BO GARRISON w 4 112 2 3 ft* If-M* Ml F Smith J Stockier 21011-100 X"7»7 T«»M CAMO wb 5 110 1 1 3 Clll- II • P Louder M A Warner Cjii-llH :;K120 FLEET FOOT w 3 102 11 11 M* f» 12 12 F Merimee D F Swift f tMutuel field. Time. 24. 48%. 1:14%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Yorkville. .10 straight, .00 place, .30 show; M. Bert Thnrman, 3.00 place, ?8.54t show: Vanessa Welles. ,211 show. Equivalent lxM.king mlds — Yorkville, 355 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; M. Bert Thiiruian. 5S0 t.i Km place. 325 to IOO show: Vanessa Welles, likl to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by Yorkshire Lad — Susie Bush trained by E. L. Fitzgerald; bred by Mr. Irving II. Whoatcrofti. Went to post at 3:31. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. YORKVILLE raced in a forward position until just before rounding into the stretch, where he rushed int . the lead and won in a canter. M. BERT Till RMAN showed the most early speed ami held 011 fairly well in the final drive. VANESSA WELLES was gaining fast in the last eighth. CHICK BARKLKY was in a tangle in the early racing and closed a big gap in the stretch. PEACEFCL STAR tired. PARLOR MAID closed a big gap. Scratched— CtsoooiAiex Gets. 116: 38197 Kharemaneh. 95; 3S147rC.oldeii List, 109; 37S103Stiieca, llfi; 3S0773Busy Joe. 114: 3S1S3 Pomp. 117. Overweights— Parlor Maid. 3 pounds. OQQ AfT FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 25, 1911— 1:44%— 5— 105. 00 Added. 3-year-OIA • olds and uP*ari- Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 21; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPlSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S*l8»rI-OTTERY w 4 102 I G 41 5- 31 11 Ink R Sande G A Marshall 205-100 SSiSS = *KLIXG w3 931 G 5 3i 3 ll 2" 2" H Lunbfd Williams Bros 250-100 S80»G*J« HN W. KLEIN w 5 111 5 2 7 G5 6» 31 :i"k 1, Gentry J W Schorr 440-100 3KI99 TURCO wb .". 112 4 3 21 li 21 4" 4 H Shilling H J Seideneck 1485-100 J8I1«SPARRISII WB 3 99 2 7 51 4J 4J : - 51 O Willis O Johnson 700-100 3«4W4 LEAN SPILLER w f, 111 1 4 1U 2 5» G1 G-" D Connlly J F Long 1505-100 3K0653AL*ELANTE wb I M T 1 4 1 7 7 7 N Barn-tt L Cahn 84SO 100 Time. 24%. 49%, 1:14%. 1:40%, 1:47%. Track faat. mutuels paid. Lottery, straight, .20 place, .00 show; Kling, .00 place, .90 show; John W. Klein. #3.O0 show. Equivalent liookiug odds — Ixttery. 205 to 100 straight, 00 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Kling, 100 to IOO place. 45 to PHI show : John W. Klein. 50 to 100 show. Winner -Br. g. by Garry Herrmann— Dovecote trained by G. A. Marshall; bred by Mr. Gt-orge D. Wideierl. Went to post at 4:07. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. IXiTTERY moved up steadily after going three-quarters and headed KLING in the last sixteenth .,fter a hard drive. KLING moved up steadily after going a half mile and took the lead just before mulling the stretch, but tired slightly. JOHN W. KLEIN had to lie hard ridden to get up in time for third place. TIRCO ami BEAN SPILLER tired. ADELANTE finished lame. Overweights Kling. 4% i»ouiids; Turco. 1. OQO/iQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Sept. 27, 1911— 1:37%— 3— 99. ,000 Added. 4-year-olds and and0l-±:0 upward. AUowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 71; third, 9. Index Horses AWtPlSt »i ]i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt SttMIGREEX JONES wb 4 112 I I 4- 4* B li p.k sj Karrett W H Baker 400-lno 3HI7I 4APT. BEES SfCMC I • BJ ,;:; r ■ *" J Morvs J C Milam 420-100 BSttSFAUX-COIj w 5 KiS 7 4 2* 21 2 41 : J Howird Williams Bros 3*124 1 KAMA w 5 MW 2 3 l1 1 11 31 41 I Connlly J B Goodman I.".9-1H 3KI74I »IUTSHIP wb 4 108 1 I 5s V i1 5- V E Sande G A Marshall 1855-100 3*174 1. MA. KIN WB 4 loS 4 1 31 3- 41 P JJ j Kederis J K L Ross 2000 -loo :;XI4»3lo|;oTHY DEAN w 9 103 fi 777 7 7 7 C VnDun J W Fuller 1215-W0 Time. 23%. 48. 1:13%. 1:39%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Green Jones, 0.00 straight. .20 place, .00 show; "apt. Rees, .80 place, *2 70 «how : Faux Col. .«l» show. Equivalent b H kiuK odds lireeii Jones, 4N» to lixi straight, 110 to 1M» place, 45 to 100 show; apt. Im, 140 to IOO place, 35 t loo show; Faux Co!. ;q t„ iiki show. Winner p.. g. bv Handsel Fhueal trained by W. II. Itaker; bred by Mr. Overton H. Clieii.iult. Went |«, |m,s| at 4:43. At | 1 minute. Start g.M | and slow. Won driving; second and third Hie Basse. GKKRK .MINKS, hard held in the early luiiiiinv". moved up fast after losing ground 011 the stretch turn niil intsiav.d AIT. REES in the final drive. OATT. REES. also taken wide, came East in the I ,„t quail. 1. FAI N -IOh had to lie ridden hard to overhaul KAMA. The latter showed the most speed In. in the start and tired near the end. MANOKIN was hard held in the early running and tired sud- denlv in tie- stretch. Scratched -38053 McAdoo. 105; 3S017-Sunflas!i, 103; 3SFJ9-Diversion, 103. Ovc! weights Kama. 3 pounds. 0|QO"jfsTXTTrRACE4 1-2 Furlongs. May 8ri90952%— 2—103. 00 "Added. 2-year-olds. 0047 Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 24; third, 6. Index Horses AWtPlSt , % j Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7s*w9"» MILLIE S. wt: 113 8 5 4 21 I- II Shilling J Umens.-tter 155 1 HI . •t«l*S BTIIER MACLEAN w 10» f. 2 21 1" 2"k L Gentry E K Bradley 2055 ion 1 3**S4-I I.MWIN » l"S 2 4 W V :■:- .1 Mel.alf A B Spreckels 172.", loo 1 4 3*4*81 I* FIRST Pt "I.LET w 100 11 ■* 3 4- H Lui.sfM 8M Henderson ,7i loo 3*1*21 iLFITE RANDALL ■ 111 5 J SJ 51 i: D Connlly B A Jonta OMI 3 !i * , * J I ! ■ ■ * « • - - S 3 I S 3 3 3 I t , 1 a , • 38106 LINDEN w 107 S G 8 6" fi1 J Howard Williams Bros 9120-100 MONARCH w 108 7 8 71 8 7" K I J«p:iille G J Long 3545-100 38:;01*M1SS PROCTER w 107 4 7 5" 7i 8 R Simpson D W Scott 745-1*0 Time, 23%, 48, 55. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ollie S., .10 straight, .10 place, .70 show; Brother Maclean, 1.70 place, .90 show: Iwiniwin. ¥4.00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Ollie S., 155 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Brother Maclean. 4N5 to 100 place, 195 to KM show; Iwiniwin. 145 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Golden Maxim — Little Nell trained by J. Lmensetter; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy. Went to post at 5:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OLLIE S. was hard ridden and kept well up until straightened out in the stretch, where he drew awav steadilv and won in a canter. BROTHER MACLEAN raced forwardly all the way and outstayed IWINIWIN for second place. The latter was forced back soon after the start and came with a rush near the end. FIRST PELLET set a fast pace and tired in the last eighth. LINDEN hail a rough race. EFFIE RANDALL |uit. Overweights— Ollie S.. 2 pounds; Monarch. 1. OQOerA SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 27, 1912— 1:42%— 3— 97. 00 Added. OOOVP 3-yctr-o!ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 36; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt M . % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S7537-,BIGTODO wn I 108 4 fi 5" 21 2n 1-1 l"k H Lunsfd K Spence SO5-100 38110TH1NKER » 3 93 I 5 .• * in pi 2" $■ J Majestic W H Fixer 190-100 S773t»*BLACK BROOM w 7 108 7 7 7s 7l 71 3" 3- J Mooney L A Cappa 4775-100 38153 GORD. RUSSELL wn 8 116 1 3 41 6* 6» 4" 4l L Gentry H W Plant 475-100 38153- CLARE wb 4 102 5 8 8 8 8 61 5" O Willis S K Nichols 1450-100 S8184»YENGHEE WSB 8 108 ?. 1 gs 51? 31J 50 ;* K Simpson W F Poison 23.VKJ0 38197 FRANK BCRKE W 3 99 8 4 22 41 i 71 7U N Barrett J W Schorr 3475-100 38225 LORD BYBON W 4 112 fi 2 l1 3" 41 8 8 D Connllv L F Marshall 5430-100 Time. 24%, 48%, 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:46%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bjgtodo, 8.10 straight, .10 place, .90 show; Thinker, .90 place, .20 show; Black Broom. 0.10 show. Equivalent booking. odda — Bigtodo. 805 to 100 straight, 255 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Thinker, 95 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Black Broom. 405 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g, by Helmet or Cunard — Ella Smith trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to post at 5:; 3. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BICTODO saved much ground by staving close to the inner rail and. gaining steadily, fought it out hard with THINKER and held the latter safe in the final drive. THINKER raced into the lead on the hackstrcO h and made a game linish. BLACK BROOM closed a gap in the last quarter. YE.MMIEE ran dull race. CORDON RISSELL ran well. CLARE was away jioorly and closed a gap. Scratched— 379s7Rille Shooter, 116; 382163 Eddie T., 108; 38184 II. C. Basch, 95; 38210 Irish Gentleman. Ill; 3.S1S4 -Sushis, 113. Overweights — Frank Burke, 4 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1918051801_3_1
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