General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1918-05-18


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY From London comes the news that a Rritish squadron of lionibiiig planes crossed the western fighting front Tuesday morning and headed straight for Saarbruek. in Rhenish Prussia, more than tWo hundred miles from the British air bases in Belgium ami more than thirty miles inside the Franco German lionlcr. They wire forced to fight a running battle every mile of the way. but not only succeeded in reaching their destination ami dropping twenty-four heavy lionibs on the railway station anil factories, but also destroyed five enemy planes ami returned to their base with the loss of but one machine. The British secretary for foreign affairs. Arthur J. Balfour, in giving explanations in the House of Commons yesterday in connection with Kin pen n Charles letter to Prince Sixtus of Bourbon, recently math- public by the president of the French republic, declared that no effort at conversations has evet Im-cii math- bv the central ]Miwers in the interest of a fair ami honorable peace ami he added: "If any representative of any beluga wl country desires seiiouslv to lay before us any proposals, we art-ready to listen to them." Martial law has b.t-n proclaimed at Odessa by the Austrian commandant at Hit- request of the Germans, according to Berlin advices forwarded in an I Kxehange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam. Street fighting in Otlessa is Matte*. At Kiev Austrian patrols are in the streets day and night and thousands of persons an- fh-eing from the city. , Berlin exis-cts to receive 150.000 sheep anil 50.000 I pigs shortly from Roiiniania and 100.000 tons of r cereals in July or August. The V: r Department has fixed a goal of 1.500. OOtl fighting men and 2.000.KHl men of all branches of the service in France before the end of 1!»1S. The program also calls for the mobilization ,f approximately 1.500.00O men of tie- second draft in 1 training camps on this side during the period fr 1 May ti» Ih-ccmlicr. inclusive, permitting the armv to match man for man the trimps sent to Franc with new- drafts called out for training. TriMips of the new American army have arrived I within the zone of the British forces in northern i France ami are now completing their training in i the area oetunieil by the troops which alt- blocking ; the path of the Ct rmaus to the channel parte. Captain Antonio Silvio i of the Royal j Italian Flying Corps, who piloted the tin pas-, nger r Caproni biidaue from Washington to New York ami 1 back recently, was killed at MM yesterday at tin Hempstead flying field at New York. Inofficial remtrts today to the treasury department at Washington indicated that the third Liberty loan tidal had gone above and might reach ifl. 250.000. 000. The exact total wil! 1 not Im- known until next week. Fifty four more 7.5410 ton concrete ships, in addi lion to the nilgai four already contracted for. will I l»- built by tluV shipping iMinrd in government yards, was the uuuuiiiKt mi ut from Washington yesterday.

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Local Identifier: drf1918051801_7_3
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