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RESUMPTiON OF CANADIAN RACING Strong Probability That Sport May Be Permitted On a Modified Scale. Ottawa, Ont.. May -3. — There is a strong probability of horse racing being resumed in Canada on a modified scale, according to an announcement made here yesterday. The various jockey clubs have taken no part in the agitation, but ths pleas of the horse breeders theinslves have been presented to the members of the 1iiion tabiuet and it is understood that the matter will be discussed in the course of a few days. There is no possibility of a resumption of the sport, for the present at least, on the lines followed prior to the passing of the order iu council last year, and if the request is granted the clubs will only be allowed to retain sufficient money to carry them along. The suggestion is that the jockey clubs give 50 per cent of their receipts to the Red Cross and apply the other 50 per cent to the purses, all of which should be paid in Victory Bonds. They would lie allowed, accordingly, only their perc.-ntagc on the pari-inutuel betting plus their entrance fees for the operating expenses. This, it is said, is the only condition under which the government would sane tion the reopening of the tracks. Representatives of the breeding bureaus have interviewed the cabinet ministers, but no part in the alleged lobby has boon taken bv the jockey clubs. Whither the government would appoint a racing commission immediately and assume full control is a question, but it is taken for granted that the jockey clubs would comply with the conditions and forego, for the duration of the war, the profiteering they formerly enjoyed. It is understood that the jockey clubs, according to the proposal now before the cabinet, would Is- limited to one meeting each year ami that the IH-rmit would be given only to onslaught Park, Blue Bonnets. Dorval, Ontario, Hamilton, Windsor. Fort Krie. Mount Royal and Devonshire Park, providing for nine weeks of racing. Of course, it is jiossible that something may-crop up meanwhile which would block the plans, but a memlM-r of parliament said that he had gone in to the situation thoroughly with the cabinet ministers and that if the jockey clubs would agree to his suggestions as to the disposal of the revenues he was confident that they might expect a favorable reply within a week or so.