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WINNER FOR A. K. MACOMBER 1 ♦ Stargazer Carries His Colors to 1 Victory in Stake Race of Day. ♦ Beats Tea Caddy in a Sensational Finish — Flags Wins y Another Race. 4 New Yt»rk. M.-iy ML— A. K. Mncomlicr furnished tin- winner of tin- Garden City Handicap, todays feature aa at Belmont Park, when his Star Shoot «• ! Stargazcr finished witli :i terrific rush in the final eighth ami just manage.! to got up in time to Tea Caddy out li.v a small margin. Tea Caddy ran a good race. Itut exeessive arly use contributed to liis defeat. In the eary running lie forced a fast p..«-c. racing Rhine Maiden into defeat ami an eighth from lie- finishing mark api c..r -d to have the race won. hat when the final drive eame, he tired, la the meantime Stargazer was having a rough raee. betas kno-ked bark at the start .-■ml meeting with considerable iiiterferenee. However, he dosed Dp K ni -ly an:!, under the energetic riding of I iftus. aught the leaders in the stret-h .■•ml won in of Hie most sensational finishes of the year. While the horses were at the post in this raee. lieavy showers set in ami the two remaining races •if th. afternoon were run over a sloppy track. Nineteen baby racers faced the starter in the • |Hiii!ig dash and Sherman A., leading from Ma-rise of the barrier, held sway throughout, with ■■■i a first -time starter, finishing second. Flags was easily best of those that accepted the issue in the second race and merely cantered i:i front from start to finish. An intended good thing was bowled over, when Coral took the measure of Ben Cow in the third race. Bon ; iw led to the final eighth, where he tired UIhm] challenged by the Parr standard liearer. Tin re were twenty-five cartic 1 to start in the fifth race, a dash of a mile, probably a record number in America for a nice at this distance, but the change Jti the going was responsible for six withdrawals, liar wood II. proved best of the big field, coming from behind and beating Cadillac bv a couple of lengths. John E. Madden showed a promising two-year-old in the hist race of the day. in a fine-looking daughter of Sweeper— Kalieustein. named Ambassador III. Mils was one of the youngsters bv the late Herman It. Dttrycn in France, brought to this country and disused of by auction. Ambassador III. displayed good s|K-od and pl-nty of gametics* in tier initial effort. M. l-owcnstein wasan arrival from Kentucky. He brouglit with him eight horses, the property of ■■■ward Oots and in the string wen- Atwell. Barney Shannon, Coupler and Kaider. Atwell and Raider are horses of some merit. Mr. tots himself will If here next week. E. G. Shaffer has disixrsed of the plater Judge WingTieM at private sab- to II. Kink and the latter his turned the horse over to Jimmy Johnstone to train. Jack Dowdell, who raced tlie sprinter Quartz CM time Lack, was :, visitor at Belmont Park. It wes the first time he had been to the races in a year. DowdclFs colors will lie carried this year bv the threc-year-ohl fjlly Lady Vera. Kniil Hcrz has turned out all of his horses at tie loirnctt farm at Red Hand, X. J., where thev will remain until iiM ful|. J. O. Rurttschcll. who has Ix-en handling the horses that race in the name of Ilort Williams, ex-|M-cts to leave f..r his home in Texas. Williams has not as yet decided who will succeed Burtt-•ellfll. CUDGEL ON HIS WAY WEST. H. G. Redwell received a wire from Pittsburgh this morning that Cudgel was making the trip to lyonisville in good condition and that the horse would arrive .it his destination tonight. Willis Sharp Kilmer was an arrival. He came to see his favorite racer Tom McTaggart run in the Garden City Handicap. The horses Isl.nging to the late H C H-iUcn-Iteck are now racing as the Meadow Prank Stable Sir Hello earned the old Hallcubcck odors for tie-first time in the second race. ••Roanier cooled out well after his race in the MetrolKilitan Handicap. said Andrew Miller "He will b« a starter in the Suburban, if not before " A. K. Macombor will ship seven of his stable to Kentucky tomorrow, including Kings Joker, Sun-bouuet, War Star and four two vt-ar -olds. Sun-iMiniiet is going to the farm and the others to be raced. Jockey i.uxtoii will leave on Thursday for Douglas Park to ride llollisler in the Kentucky Handicap ucxt Saturday. A. K. M acorn her. who had alreadv donated the colt War rictary to the Itrccding of tla Jockey bib. decided yesterday, in view of the demand for thoroughbred sires to sire cavalry re mounts to luiikc a further gift. Included in tie six additional horses transferred from liis stud an-Paicincs. ., ,..,;; brother to his great tlireo-vcar-old War Cloud. The horses and their breeding follow: Paicincs. |,. t? 4 uv Sunstar— Dreamy, by Per simniou. War God. b. c, 3. by Inch — Tahera, by Nastur tium. War Gun. b. c, 3, by Sunstar— St. Olive, by St. Simon. William S. Culhcrtsou, b. c. 3. by Sunstar— Cannie Lassie, by Ayrshire. War tall. eh. c, 2, by Cylgad— Haliuni, by Sun-d ridge. War Dream, b. c. 2, bv Sunstar — Cannie Las-ic. by Ayrshire. All of the horses an- in Kentucky. The Metal authorities will Is- notified by tin- Jockey Club that any or all of these splendidly bred an- at their disposal. The Brighton Stable ha- bought from J. S. Me Cliutoc-k of Lexington. Kv.. the dam of the goo. colt Lord Brighton. Miss Crittenden is by Royal Flush— Dclif-ia. bv Del Paso II. Included in the punka.— was a filly foal bv Kallot. and a yearling by Tin- .Manager, dam Miss Crittenden. As it had already bought the mare Margant L.. by Rallot— Mis* Crittenden, the stable evidently believes in the blood, which has given them such a good race horse. Tie- man- has been bred back to Rallot and is be-lii-»ed to l»- in foal. J. F.. Wideuer ami Thomas Webb Were not the only tin fne 11 interested in Troiu|ie La Moris vie t irjr in tie- MetrolKilitan. John SanfonI owns Kil-.: 111.1U. by Ladas, the datn of Verwood. sire of the .MetrolKilitan winner, while A. II. Diaz of Cuba, who ;,so saw the. race, owns Orettes, a half -brother to Verwood,