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NEVADA-CALIFORNIA FUTURITY JULY 4 Unices Other Arrangements Are Made Bace will Be Bun on Independance Day at Beno. Reno. Sex.. May 2S. — Inless different arrangements are made, the first running of the Nevada -California Futurity will be stagetl at the local track on the afternoon of July 4. The date was fixed some time ago. but owing to several conflicting attractions it is possible that another date will be selected. At the pn-sent time there an nine two-year-olds nominated for this event, which is open to Nevada and California bred horses. Indications are that seven or eight starters will face the harrier, including some of the highest class two-year-old in the west. Some of the Futurity nominations are working out at the track now. among them being the Nevada Stock Farms Fireplace and Dora Star. Lem Allen also has a large string of horses stabb-d at the track and probably will enter Tam-bit-n or El Rio Dare in the Futurity. Owner Bicknell has some promising two-year-olds and a probable Futurity starter from his stable in Shamrock Green, which has been going extremely well in work-outs. About ISO head of horses are stabled at the track now ami it is predicted that there "will be more thoroughbreds here for the June meeting than ever before. Five carloads will arrive this week from Tijuana and a carload will leave Lexington shortly according to a telegram received yestenlay. J. Ryan, of 1leasanton. Cal., has engaged stalls for twelve head and they are expected soon. Some of the horses stabled at the track that have been going well in recent work outs include the following: D. McDermid — Signorette. High Note, Orange Blossom, Visible, Sam Connors, Purse Ball and Dr. Mack. Tryon and Ma Hoy — Honolulu Boy, Auditor, Maizie Barker, I.engali and Malamonte. Gray and Hollenbeck — Pleusantou Belle and English Lady. M. Goodpaster — John S[mhii anil Gordon Roberts. S. Hazelton— l ot II.. Miss Brush ami Hazel V. J. McCarthy— Bully. Little Birdie. Fayuu. Henry Hutchinson and John Bean Ion. E. J. Miller— J. Nolan. Lady Blanche. California Jack. Ben Qattace anil Safninor. Im Alh-ii -Spike. El Prinio. Tamilian. El Bio Dare. Tommy Chandler. Altabas. St. Clair Belle. H. C. Stanley. Miss Wells and Violet May. T. Mills— Positano. Phyllis anil Antoinette. Nevada Stock Farm — Perplex, Lady Smith. Dora Star, Fin-place, Dutch Lady, Desert Rose ami Hipperdozer. A. Newman— Thirty-Seven. Camelia, Quid Nunc. Lady James and Vesta. A recent arrival at the track is the stable of Harry lliggins of Butte. Mont. lliggins brought with him Lochiel. a recent purchase from the stable of H. G. Betlwell. Other horses in the lliggins strings are: Larken. Dn-skie Latl and Jennie Crawfonl. W. J. Crowley and E. C. Linnell arrived from San Diego today with carloads of horses.