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* 1 GREAT MEETING AT DOUGLAS PARK L-ilisvilh . K.v.. May 29.— Manager John liaeh-iie . t« r has expressed himself as highly pleased with the manner in which the Douglas Park meet ing is progressing. ||,. NHid that it was gratifying to rc| ort that although it was necessary to open the meeting on Monday, which everybody knows is anything but the best day in the week for such a purpose, the record for the day. in i oiiit of attendance, character of patronage and volume of speculation, exceeded our expectations. Not only did it surpass by far the record of the eorres|M udiiig Mi nday last spring, but it made quite as good a showing as tin- Saturday crowd that attended list i-priligs opening. It seems safe to assume that we are in for a rc -ord breaking meeting right through, with the same prolKirtiouate increase in business that the other trucks iu Kentucky have been enjoying tliib spring.