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STRAIGHT FORWARD BEATEN ♦ Wilson Racer Meets Defeat in Belmont Parks Main Race. ♦ Flittcrgold Is His Conqueror — Flags Proves His Superiority As a Sprinter. r * New York. June .".—Tin T.iitleuci k Handicap, fur , three vi iruMs and •%••!. fc.-ituriil tin- program at , Bo|in :i! Park taday and funeshed ■ sterling contest, although I. ill five participated. K. T. Wilsons . Straig.l forward ruled the choice witli the lawn , merchants. iNtl fiiloii to run to oxiMctalions. the , Mmm Stables ratfcraaM ptarias tl.o winner j after ■ li.tnl stretch drivi . la* favorite was in a , contending |Msiti ii on tin- far turn. Hut was sharply cut off hy Flittorgold and MlTaajart was j for -oil to take his mount ton -k. II«- then took the Wilson oIt to UM outside, where ha steadily im- . proved ;ositioii and was in :i contending position wli-n straightened out. l ul could not bridge the Bap j opened l y the winner. The stieplet-hase race of the afternoon was over [ Ihe two a ud a iuarter miles Maw. The public divided its su; iK rt between New Haven anil King , Sieoa. with the former having the edge at i* st tint-. New Haven ran a splendid race, fenced in laultb w style, hut could nol rcs;st King Simons fast i-lodng rush, with the result that the latter drew away and won under restraint. Tlie •;: -ning contest brought out a liau-1 of maiden t w.i yen -Ids and Dunboyne. a son of "St -Work-maid, displaying abundance of speed, led his opi«i-nents from start to finish and was never seriously menaced. ilul huh and Sky Pilot were equal choices in the third race, lluliliub quickly secured an early advantage and easily maintained it to the end. wiiil • Sky Pilot was shuffled back in the first |ttarter. raced wid- all tlie way. lint finish. •! fast and saintly and wrested second place from IS. M. Miller. LARGE FIELD IN THE FIFTH BACE. The largest field of the day contested the run nine of the fifth race, a dash of a mile for maiden Ihn e jcar «.•■ and over. The former Whitney rai-er ■aaajati was Kjtm the call in the bolting. but h had ndhiiig to do with Hie result of the lace. KUrrken. from the stable of Jams Murphy, easily asserting iiis su|icriority hy leading all the , way liy a comforlalde margin. Jlie Wiiitncy cast-off Flags proved conclusively, dart as .1 sprinter, he earn hold his own with the liosf of them. Today he picked up BM8 pounds and easily ran away from ODonovau. ietOBJ Starr. Paddy ami K. of K. i Mowing the patriotic example of other sitorts-BM a. George I . Smith if the Brighton Stable, has , donated the beautiful horse Nylon, gr. h. 6. by • Sarj Iluiui — Lady Marie, to the Breeding Bureau , d the Jockey Club, which in turn will donate him to , t lie government of the 1nited States. Xylon is a l splendid individual and needs no introduction to the racing public, as he is well known on all mctro-paBtan race courses. II.- i over 10 hands high, and 1 a beautiful tyite of the thoroughbred horse. As a si e«ial feature of racing tomorrow, Ike • stallions recently donated to the Iuiteil States s guvenimoiit will lie paraded on the track in front t of the grandstand, between the second and third rices. These horses will have liunilx-rs on to corre-MMind - with th- numlicrs on the program, so that t each individual horse may lie known to the public. "Old Kos-I.nd will Ih- trained again." said Frank t H. Weir. "He has been sick, but has not taken a lime step and is getting along well now and J will soon ! ■ in action again." DUNBOYNE EEPUTED FAST ONE. Some of tie- cl.ckers. who have watched the two-ji-ar-obls working, claim that Iiunhoym . winner of f :he first race today, can work faster than any horse in training in the younger division. There will Ih no purse les~ than S«-hi .-,t Empire City and overnight handicaps ami condition races i will have s7oo and SMMl added. The building of more stall- i- also probable. Examination has disclosed tie fact that jockey L. McAtce sustained a compound fracture of the !. . arm when thrown from the filly Xalapa. which will cause a prolonged absence from the saddle. Trainer Henry Mcltanic! has determined to send Exterminator after the Iitouia Derby. The Kentucky Derby winner will Im- shipped west next week. A consignment of racers, three, the property of r tieorge Wingficld. four of Kdward tebrians and 1 live of Stuart iv-lks. will leave for Beno to participate " in the ruing there. .. Starg*zer was purchased from A. K. Macomber by F. 1. Weir. Hollisl-r. A. K. Maeoinbors Suburban candidate. • arri»cd from Kentucky in charge of trainer T. Murphy. Col. M.i-1 Winn and Harry P.n ivogel were here today 1-Hl-ii.g after the interests of the Empire I titv lne.-l..,. "We had a most successful meeting nt I.ouis.!:. " .iid Mr. Winn, "but til- weather W** a«T*iiist u- on llerby day. The Empire City • program will 1.- al«.i.t tlie same as usual." Ben Crouch, th.- well known New Orleans operator, has arrived to stay for the remainder of the eastern ;. i racing wasi.ii. Horace paul was another arrival fruii Kentucky.