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BOOKMAKER SOL LICHTENSTEIN DEAD Is Killed by Fall from Eighth Floor of Apartment t Where He Had Resided. New York. June 5. Sol I.iehtenstein. the well known bookmaker, was killed eaily this morning, when he either fell or jumped from the eighth 1 floor or an aoartment house where he lived, at t 500 West End "avenue. Doth legs wee broken and I his skull was fractured. Mrs. Litchtenatela said 1 she knew of no reason why her husband should have ■ committed suicide and was convinced that in lean ing out of the window, he had lost his balance and 1 fallen to the street. The siil in the room is quite low and Mr. Litehtenstein could have easily fallen 1 out. Dr. John Norris, county medical examiner, . after an investigation, said that Mr. Lichtensteins s "death was accidental, although the police reported I a suicide." Three years ago Mr. Li-ht -nstciii practically re tired from the race track. A year later he lost t the sight of his right eye and the other eye bo came affected. Last Satunlay Mr. I.i.-htensteii! i! and his wife were present at Itelmont Park track. Last night, as Mr. Lichti nstein and his wife e were returning home from a walk, he n marked that t he could sec the numla-r on the doormat and that t he thought he was regaining his sight. Mr. Lichtonsteiii. who was sixty-three years old. was one of the best known bookmakers on the turf. For more than forty years he made a Imok and no o iM-t was ever known to hi too large for him to o handle. For years he was a partner of the late Lucieii Applebv. After Dr. Norris had granted permission for the e removal of the body, it was taken to the Camplicll II Funeral Chapel, from which the burial will take place.