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GRUNDY WINS A FAST RACE , « Takes the Douglas Park Main Feature from Bribed Voter. ♦ — Favorites Are Roughly Treated, the First Five Failing in Succession — Track Gossip. bald illc. Ky.. June 10. — S. M. Hendersons English i.tV Crimdy again ileinonstrjted ll:;:t. when iiimiiiii- la hi best fiirm. In- can hold tis uwn will tie- ! -t. for lie accounted for t !■•■ SLUMI feature and «•.•%■•:•■• i In- mile mi 1 seventy yard*, the distance oi the rare in 1:41 -. Crundy was op|* sed liy sonic 1 1 i ir ! : 1 ." najaSaaa] ri "s- iuclading Or; en J ■»;i *s uni Hlixil t T. tile l;ttt«T landing in second place ..!•: Inating Orcoli Joins l,y n ~liort II •« k for that jN.rtiHi of the purse. t recti Join--;, though i-arryinp 11. "i ixiiiils. was considered good enough to bi-ut his opi onet.ts ami received nattering Kuiqwrt, bui Oruiidy lid not lark for barkers. Crawly was ruslie l ;il Mrv into a |ns lead and. maintaining ■ fast pace fur tii entire way. won liy a safe margin. Ireen Joes h-gan slowly an] it was n-t until al:out tin last 1 iree-cighths when he begun moving up and. though liis task was a herculean oil", lie cut tin !■ i.i daa I sf.-«li!y and finished fastest of all. hut .ins: failed of getting second money. After tin finish be lllimrj lK-rceptibly. Packers of favorites were again subjected to a disappointing afternoon, for they suffered reverses Willi UK running if the first five races. The upsets started when Bagpipe. In the opener, mi Mai getting up to overhaul ISotistcllc. which raced in decidedly iinnroved forju and won by a neck. The Koeond race was contested by twelve fairly Raai platers ami Sirocco s: orcd ■ lucky victory over the favorite llocnir. The latter was away slowly and had to Mark his way through the compact field, but Oi Mac I ti M aiul was going fastest at tin Mill. Hold st was at odds-on in the third race. whicli liroitght together two year olds and showed the most speed in the early running, but Rlack M.-mniy Meed him into defeat l of rounding intc tin- stretch and had s|«ecd enough in reserve to out-May Latkalr. Hie change in riders from Amman to Majestic worked a hie iinpmvi inent in Acherons running and Iter connections profited handsomely by her vie lory, as they had sup|»ortcd her in plucky stvle. Kh- pat up in the last few strides to overhaul Ow. John Ixiwes Hon Trump had no | ost mishap today ami. racing in his Isst form, led some fast sprinters home in the sixth race. Tie- Williams Baas. MM a purs.- to their ac conni when Sun Cod. an overwhelm ins favorite. v.oii -asily in the seventh race. FERN HANDLEY KICKED BADLY. Starter Dade reported after the sixth race that Pern Hundley had been badly kicked by Silk Lady whil ■ at the iMist. Kern Handle came back to the stand bleeding profusely from a cut on one of her legs. Sandc will resume riding tomorrow according to hi- contract employer. Several own is who visited differi nt stock farms in and around l/r.ington yesterday, made purchases of yearlings. Tiny reaart that the foals of the different breeding establishments an- unusually fine aplioariiig and decidedly promising racing prospects. Those sired by Luke AlcLuke were especially liaised. Todays threatening and hot weather did not s tv as a bar for a big patronage at the track. Tin- amount of speculation was also surprisingly lrge. Jockey Sandc had a narrow escape from severe injury in the second race, when lie fell while astride I.inec Igor when in the middle of the field in the stretch rai-ing. II.- was carried t - the jockeys • inarters. but the miilieal examination showed that beyond a general shaking up and several minor b:iii-. -s. he was uninjured. He was advised, however, to refrain from riding out the remainder of his engagements. Kd Tipton was among the visitors during the afternoon from Lexington. It w;.» h;s first visit |a Douglas laik this year. Sam t". Nuckol-. Jr. announced today that tin Kentucky State Itaciug tomiuissioii members will :i .soluble next Friday at 11:31 a. in., in the Latonia track club In use and take up several racing mat ters. als pass ii|Mtu the application for fall dates bv the various Kentucky tracks. "The horses of Frank II. Itrutnll. in charge of trainer Cihn Brown, will Is- shipis-d tomorrow to jitoiiia. where they will inaugurate their racing cainp-it*:" J. S. Ward will ship hi- horses, including Esooba. to Latonia tomorrow. Those which have l eon carrying tlie -ilk- •■: Kdward It. lcl -aii were transferred to Lal»i:i;. ycs;erd:,y. Mr. M«f T— lias twenty two other horses ;lt ||„. Jlilbiale track. Hilly Ki-ilys ii appointing shiwing in the run ning of tin- Spring Trial Stakes on Saturday, is attributed by his trainer to the fact that jus; as the start was effected, lie collided with another lmise and was s,, iajawei on one of his flanks, that lie will probably !«• i.ui of training for a short time at least. . «