Douglas Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-06-11


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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART iOUTSVTLLE. KY., MONDAY. JUNE 10. 1918.— Douglas Park. Thirteenth day. Douglas Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 14 days. Weather clear: temperature 90. Stewards. Charles F. Price and Thomas J. Clay. Placing Judges, W. II. Shelley and J. B. Campbell. Starter. A. P. Dade. Racing Secret. n. v. J. P.. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. QQKQ9 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 7. 1913— 58%— 2— 115. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. OOOOI Maidens. Claiming. Net vain? to winner 00; second, 36; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPISt % « % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt Mill "BOXSTLLLE w 112 a 4 1 1. 1 l"u M Cirri, r R Patterson 1570-100 38477 BAGPIPE wii 1011 :; 2 B 21 I* 2- G Mol, sth G L Blackford 240-100 S8545 CABJUX0 wb 112 S 5 4 3- 3= 3= I Connlly G J Long 760-100 8K359:IWIXIV1N w 112 5 S 7= 5- 41 4: J Metcatt A B Sprcckels 255-100 S8530*LADY MANAGER w 104 111 1 2 41 5" V ■ San.le C C Van Meter X45-100 38556 LKOYI KAY w 109 1 7 !• •:- *-l ;- J McCabe IS A Jones 2785-100 38501*MESALI.IANCE v. 104 7 « CJ X" CI- 7- O Willis J O . - G H Keene 11445-100 ."K504 OSDNAMCB W Ml 2 9 P PiV * J Howard G M Hendrie 4:!fiO-100 MSIVJtTDGB DAVID w in? :; 1 1 10 M H» »l W Breea I Well and Son 19140-loti SMMrrUBPKNTINE m W4 f. 3 ::» 71 9110 II Lunwfd J Umensettcr C!K 1011 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:01. Track fast. mutuel.s pjiid. Bonst.lle. :5.10 straight, 3.20 place. »;.so show; Bagpipe. .20 place, .40 I show; Ca hallo, SC..40 show. Kiuivahiit lK..,king odds Bonslelle. 1570 to 1HI straight. 560 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show; Bagpipe, 100 t.i loo place. 11 to loo show: Caballo. 220 to Km show. Winner Ch. c. by Hurst Park — Bm kyte trained by J. S. F.verman; bred by Mr. E. S. Lyle. Went to | at 2:30. At post 3 miiiit. -. Start g. d and slow. Won driving; second and third the -line. BONSTELLK. from a fast beginning, took the h-ad ;it „„ce and. holding on gamely, outstayed BAOIIPK through the last eighth. BAGPIPE ran a g.HKl rat * and was gaining steadily at tlie end. CAI.ALLtt had to overcome some interference and raced forwardly throughout. 1WINIWIN appeared son- when going to the ] and need wide all the way. LADY MANAGBB showed s| ee l, but tired. Scratchid -3S559 tieorge Muehlelcich, 1IKI: :iS543 I p. MB. 9CKCO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915—1:10% — 3 — 109. 00 Added. 3-year-olds OOOOtl and upward. Clainang. Net value to winner 05; second, 39; third, 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt1, |£ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38271,*SIR " cro mtWn 1 I" |« P B* B SHpmi .1 T Shannon BB Ml 38478*H«XNIR • " Ul 1 11 Sl .". :;« 2s H Lunsf 1 W F Knebelkamp 2:»-10l SS4*S*ARCH PLOTTBB wb fi Ul 11 t ::= 2- 2= 3s .1 Dnwch Knemdkamp «"k Ilowton 10!lO-l.O 38425,l:t SY JOE wb 5 114 1 10 W IV. 4 4* L Gentry B It Bradley 525-10- 38452 BNOB wn :: Ml •". :. V «. B 51 D Connlly Pastime Stable f 1010 100 38457 LA "KRCl.-=n wis 11 111! 7 7 11 11. 9?. 6-1 J McCabe L Foster t :i8»98*PHKlK»l KX wis 3 : 7 1 •; C.. sW 71 O Willis P.rown Bros 4.r»2".-KKI 38425 LANGMORXE wn « 110 It .l -,. !i 11 S. J M.-tcalf W L Drake 2r.75-100 38343* It ISTKFKACT wn.illl Ml z VI 11" !- C Kopn C Niehaus 12130-100 38507 AMKLITA w :: MC] I :. M M and M| J K.-.leris G J Long t 33803 OLYMPIAN" KIXCwii :; is 2 2 2= :: ■ S" 11 .1 Majestic T Truvatn 5515-100 BBBMS*PRINCB IGOR w :: as s s M 10. Fell. B San.le W W Darden 775-100 t.Mutiiel held. Time. 22i, 46-;5. 1:12%. Track fast. iniitucls |..iid. Sirocco. S!.»o straight. .$.".. lo place. ..70 show Ilocnir, .90 place, . SO show; Arch Blotter. ?*i.lO .how. Equivalent liookiug o«lds — SircK-co. 35 » to 100 straight. 155 to 1K place, S5 to 100 show; Hocnir, 145 to ll*» pla.e. !M» to 100 show : Ar.h Plotter. 2 l5 to 1 M» show. Winn, r Br. g. by Sir to-offrey Helium traim-d bf W. Perkins; bred in England by Mr. J. R. Joel. Went to post at 2-.VI. At [ 2 minutes. Start go«Kl and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SIROCCO lieg.-m fast and. showing the most speed, hd .,11 the way. but was tiring at the end and ju~l lastisl long enough to win. HOCNIK. much the b,- t. was away slowly. but worked his way to the front gra.liiliy and going fastest at the end. ARCH PLOTTBB raced forwardly and held on fairly-well. PISY JOB was going fast at the end. PRINT!. IGOB fell after rounding into the stretch. AMKLITA tired l.adlv. Scratched mih |. i, ,..;. r. 117: 3SK» Koran. 101; 3S!;7 larice Ruth, ! «; 3S404 Ed Garrison, 112; BBM K.uward. 117: IMiilrtl. 114. Overweights Siroc.o. -I |m uui1s; Laos. 1; PlniliHlen, 1: Amelita, 1%. OQCTOyl THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 7. 1913— 58=;,— 2— 115. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. tJOuO"! C!aimins. Net value to winner 05: second, 15; third, 1918.sh0. Index Horses AWtlISt i M ■. Str Fin Jockeys Owners K|lliv. Odds Strt 38530l:l.A K MAMMY w 1": l ■ -I 1 Il 1"L L b-ntrv ■ B Bradley » IB 38509 LOTHAIK wild 1 1 ::• :: 1*1 2* li Comity T P Hayes HMN 3SSS«** M LD STONE w loo I 2 1 -3 W "3 II l.unsf.1 T M Murphy so -Inn 38559 K. iSTKR BMBBY KM VH ! 1 I1 i I* 1" R Sim, .son C Nuckols Jr 70", 1H 38545 HOPEFUL wbH2 2 5 5 4 r- f. v|,.v is .| Krannon 2300-100 Time. 23Ii, 4735. 1:00 !5. Track fast. S2 inutuels paid. Mart Mainniy. Iand.40 straight, 3.."rf place, hB±:M show; Lothair, place. .00 show: tiold Stone. Sl.lll show. i:-Hiiva|.iit iHH.kmg .mI.I Bla.k Mainniy. 320 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place. 10 to 1¥ show; Lothair, 245 to UMI pl.n-e. 3o to lui how: Oald Stone. ."• to 10O show. Wiiiiei Blk. f. by Beart CnaUr Whisk BMMB trained bv C. Hainmon: bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley I. Went to jx.-t at 3:20. At post 1- minute. Start good and slaw. W lriving: second and third the same. BLACK MAMMY rai.d forwardly uuih r until rounding into the stretch, where she drew out into a clear lead, but her rider took matters too lideiitly ..u her ami allowed LOTHAIR to press her hard at the end. LuIHAlK closed a big gap in tlie last .|iiart. r and finished gamely. COLD STONE set a tmtt early pace and tired badly in llie stretch drive. The others vv,.n. always outrun. Overweight Fooler lanl.iy. I poianK. nOPCC FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 29, 1918— 1:41%— 6— 120. 00 Added. £«3o«3 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 05; second, 39; third, 6. Index Horses AWtlISt U j "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt BMfffACHKBON ws !«7 in » . 10- lo1 :v 1* .1 MaJraUe C ■ Rowe 1720 Ino 38467*i:R ONB ■ " 4 7 IP 7 • tf 2 II l.iiusfd K B Bradley EBVMB 28370 EDA HEBRMANN ■ l« 7 M 1""- V. H V J* J Howird Williams Bros 211". Km SHICOTIM MeGEB u "7 2 1 P I1 1 -u 4- ■ Uarmr J K Rcdnion 5t;5-lo0 38557 CHARLEY" NOLTE w 109 8 « V «1 S 7 5"i L Gentrv .1 BpeoM 57O5-1O0 384«fi KATE ADAMH w 10.T. ." 5 5 f.i ».. i;. CS A Johnson .1 C Milam BB-MI 38245 DESIRE w 102 I 3 21 2 V 4 7- .1 Kedcrta J 8 W.i.1 2n*X-10O 38531 -LrrrLE PRINCESS w 110 :» S 4h :.U 21 s. si P U.uiler Solomon ft Jannon •••.•0-100 38202 8ASENTA w 102 12 11 91 V t| 9 91 N Barrett T P Hayes lO-loo 38480 FLAPPER wr. 10S 1 I 3" IP IP 10= 10- C Hunt J L Knight t 38376*JACK K. s 102 « 4 « 4" 7 11» ll"1 Willis YV L Stanfield 55:!0-100 38398 MISS OURI w 102 11 1- 12 12 12 12 12 G YV Carl R P Brooks t tMutiiel field. Time. 23*i. 48. 1:13%, 1:40%. 1:44%. Track fast. inutuels paid. Acheron, field. 0.40 straight. $.S.!0 place. .10 show; Bar One, .S0 place, .10 show; Eda Herrmann. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Acheron, field. 720 to 100 straight. 345 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Bar One. L40 to 100 place. 105 to UK show: F.da Herrmann. 00 to loo show. Winner — B. f. by Rapid Water Yencta trained by . E. Rowe; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. YVent to |x st at 3:59. At | 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ACHERON, running green and forced to overcome much interference, came with a rush in the stretch and got up to win in the last few strides. BAR ONB was forced back in the lirst quarter and had to race wide, but ran well and finished fast. F.DA HERBMANN closed a big gap and finished with a rush. TIM McOKE set a good pace and tired near the end. KATK ADAMS raced forwardlv. CIIARLKY NOLTE was well tip all the wav. DESIRE and 1.ITTLE PBINCESS quit. Scratched-3S349 II. C. Basch. 109: 38407 Lady Longfellow. 102; 38557 Lucky Day, 107; 30315 Salvatelle. 07; 3S407 Dr. Nickell, 107. Overweights— Eda Herrmann, Vi pounds; Charley Nolte, 2; Kate Adams, li ; Little Princess. 3; Flapper, 1. - QfiBTQfi FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 29. 1918— 1:41%— 6— 120. Meadow Lawn OOOOO Purse. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 95; second, 68; third. 7. Index Horses AWtPPSt % U % str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38547 -HIRCNDY wb 4 108 « I 1" Il M li o YVillis S M Henderson Ma-M* SBS471 BRIBED YOTER w 4 109 1 1 4- 4: V P 1 B* L Olllf ■ it Bradley MI-MI 38481 GREEN JONBfl wn * 115 I 4 5-t 55 5» 42 %* x BMreM YV II Bak. r 240-lno 38408 = YVM. THE FGRTHw 4 111 I 3 3= L" 2nk .-. 4 A Johnson E YV Moore .Vc-.-Iimi 38558 YV. P. DABNY wkb • , % 4 2 2»k q 4i r. P H Lut.yfil M C Moor-- 1345-100 : 8558 BIG ENOUGH w I 97 I € I « I fi fi J Majestic S K Nkho.s 1710-100 Time. 24. 47%, 1:11%. 1:37%, 1:41%. Track fast. mutucls paid. Grundy . .30 straight. .00 place, .90 show; Bribed Voter. .20 place. .S0 show: Creen Jones. .00 show. E|iiivaleiit booking odds— Orundy. 205 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show: Bribed Voter. HO to loo place, 40 to 100 show ; Green Jones. 30 to inn show. Winner — Ch. g. bv Roquelaure — Prude trained by S. M. Henderson: bred in England by Mr. F. C. Stern. YVent to post at 4:29. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. ORINDY rushed into a good lead at once and. setting a great pace, won all the way. BRIBED VOTER ran a good race and. under hard riding, outstayed OREEN JONES. The latter was outpaced in the earlv running, but closed a gap and was going fast at the end. YVILLIAM THE FOIRT1I tired in the stretch. YV. P. DABBY fell back after going three-quarters. Overweights — Bribed Yoter. 4 pounds; W. V. Danny, 2. QQETOfT SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915— 1:10%— 3— 109. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and and0£wO 4 upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 80; r.ccond, 24; third. 6. Index Horses AWtPPSt % . % str Fin Jockey* Owners l |iiiv. Odds Strt 38507 BOM TROMP r. 3 99 6 1 21 1» V Il H Lunsfd J Lowe 175-100 38400 SWT ALYSSUM w 3 94 5 4 !«; 21 2?. 2" J Majestic G M Hendrie 35167 KINGS JOKER w 5 114 S 2 H 41 .-, 31 J McCain; A K Macomber 7S5-10O 38320 COCKTSHIP wn 4 110 3 S 7 - 5?. |§ 41 I, Gentry G A Marshall 1290-100 38320SKKK.IiST wn 4 110 4 3 4 31 41 5 A .1 ihrson J H Rosseter inn 100 S84273FKRX HANDLEY w 3 1031 2 « l. fi-J fl 01 J Howard .1 J Troxl. r 155-Hin 38558 SILK LADY w 3 97 1 7 x 71 7 7"k O Willis YV L Lewis 3775-100 S8523 SLNFLASH wn 4 107 7 5 5 | g | D Connllv Pastime Stable 253..-100 Time. 23y5, 4G%, 1:11%. Track fast. mutucls paid. Bon Tromp. .50 straight. .80 place, .50 show: Sweet Alyssnm, 7.50 place, .NI show: Kings Joker. show. Equivalent liookiug m1«Is — Ron Tromp. 175 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Sweet Alyssum, 775 to 100 place. 250 to 100 show: Kings Joker. 230 to BIO show. YViiiner — Br. c, by Von Tromp — Bonsetta trained by J. Lowe: bred by Mr. Parker Whitnev. YYent to post at 5:05. At liost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BON TROMP. away well and given a g.HKl ride, passed SWEET ALYSSCM in the lirst half and won easing up. SWEET ALYSSCM set a fast early pace ami held oil well in the closing dric. KINOS JOKER raced forwardly. but lost ground by coming wide on Hie last turn. COIRTSHII came fast after losing ground when coming into the stretch. SERENEST showed speed, but tired in the stretch. The others were always outrun. Overweights— Fern Handley, 4i pounds; Silk Lady. l:.SnnfIash. 2.. QQRQQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. June 8. 1918— 1:50%— 6— 115. 00 Added. 4-yeax-olds HOlMOO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70; second, 18; third, 2. Index Horses AWtPPSt U M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 385001SCN GOD wn 5 108 1 2 11 1 1= 1- lJ J Howard Williams Bros S5-1O0 K8363*OIAiA STAR • 8 1W 2 1 0 I fi 3- 2» .1 Dursch L H Dickinson 555-100 38509 = BOG ART W 9 109 fi 5 2 2»* 21 21 3- L Gentry B Chapman M4B-MB S8575KLY HOME w I 105 4 4 41 :.l 41 4. 4 . C Dishmn YV F Poison MO 180 38523*BRYNLLMAH wn I 105 5 fi 5 41 31 51 5"t H Lunsfd J Lowe SP, M 38502 PIT w 5 lOfi 3 3 31 5 B « 6 J Morys J Phillips 2355-100 Time. 24%, 48%. 1:13%. 1:39%. 1:52. Track fast. mutnels paid. Sun OmL .70 straight, .80 place, .30 show; Olga Star. .30 place, .50 show; Bogart. .50 show. Equivalent tiooking odds — Sun God. 85 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show: Olga Star, 115 to UK place, 75 to 100 show: Bogart. 75 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Aeronaut--Sunrise trained by 1*. J. Williams; bred by Mr. Edward B. Cassatt. YVent to post at 5:3!. At i ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SIN COD was rushed into the lead soon after the start and. setting a fast pace, was under restraint most of the way. OLOA STAR was allowed to fall to the rear ami came with a belated rush in the last quarter. BOGART raced rorwardly all the way. but was tiring in the stretch. FLY lloMK ran well. PIT had to be taken back several times and was forced back in tlie stretch. Overweights — Olga Star, 3 pounds; P.ogart. 1; Pit, 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1918061101_2_6
Library of Congress Record: