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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY A dispatch of yesterday from American army headquarters in France says American troops going into battle in conjunction with the Fourth Itritish army on the St QuentinCambrai front today attacked near the point where the last line of the lUudenburg system had Inen smashed The earlv reports indicated that progress was being made de ¬ spite stiff machine gun opixisition Simultaneously the Third British army attacked on the front from Cambrai south along tin continuation of the Mas nieresleaurevoir line There was a frontal attack on this lino and at the same time an effort to turn it at its northern extremity extremityThe The German government according to a dispatch from Amsterdam to the London Exchange Telegraph Company intends to grant pardons to a number of politicians imprisoned since the war began includ ¬ ing the socialist Dr Karl Liebknecht and Wilhelm Dittmann A general amnesty the dispatch adds probably will be granted to political offenders offendersFrom From London comes the following The new at ¬ tacks of the two allied armies in the St Quentiu salient were converging operations the general direction of the thrusts being northeastward The assault was accompanied by one of the most terrific bombardments of the war the massed British cannon firing wheel to wlnel