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NEAR 900000000 MARK According to figures received by the Illinois War Savings Committee receipts at Washington for the month of September on the sale of War Savings Stamps were 9701513348 making a grand total to date of 745169C6813 in cash sales of War Savings Stamps The approximate maturity value of this grand total of receipts is S95635 i20 It is interesting to note that the sales for the week ending September 30 1918 were 27Oo23329J tliis being larger than the seven preceding weeks weeksTo To and including September 25 there were regis ¬ tered at national headquarters 137204 War Savings societies Based 011 reports received from state directors the end of the pledge campaign found 30757394 pledged war savers in tliis country and the number of War Savings Stamp owners materially exceeds this estimate of pledged war savers indi ¬ cating that approximately thirty per cent or over of the population of the country basing the esti ¬ mate on a population of 110000000 are owners of War Savings Stamps StampsTo To and including September 25 the number of authorized agencies for the sale of War Savings Stamps postoffices excluded totaled 231091 Adding to this the approximately 53000 post offices we can claim that War Savings securities are on sale at 2S0091 authorized agencies in the Unt94 States