English News And Figures: Echoes of Zinovias Fine Race for the Cambridgeshire.; Gainsboroughs Owner Leads Owners, Taylor Trainers and Donoghue the Riders., Daily Racing Form, 1918-11-27


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ENGLISH NEWS AND FIGURES Echoes of Zinovias Fine Race for the Cambridgeshire Gainsboroughs Owner Leads LeadsOwners Owners Taylor Trainers and andDonoghue Donoghue the Biders London Eng November 3 Mr Michalinos the wvncr of Xinovia winner of the Cambridgeshire and a comparative newcomer to the turf has contributed 1030 pounds to the Kous Memorial Fund for the endowment of a bed to be called the Zinovia Cot CotZinovia Zinovia herself is as grand a filly as we have seen for years saving only that her head and its setting on to her neck are a trifle plain Site did not run truly in the Derby and Oaks though highly deemed herself in the Cambridgeshire The race was run on fair going but in the face of a heavy wind and with but little pace which accounts for the time one and oneeighth miles in i 8 All the horses in the big field outside the first five were out of it at the mile however and frjam there weight cut but little figure It was speed aiid stamina after that The surprise of the race was furnished by the noblelooking Irish Ele ¬ gance l y Sir Archibald Sweet Cloning His abil ¬ ity to go a route was in question He started at 2Ti to 1 and outlooking all the rest ran a fine race under 120 pounds to finish third Dansellon owned Jiy Admiral Sir Hedworth Meux which landed in sicoiM idace was at 33 to 1 in the betting though the day before the Cambridgeshire he had won the Limekiln Stakes at a mile mileCommenting Commenting on the race Mr Allison in the Sportsman writes writesOf Of course the usual accumulated discussion of the Cambridgeshire has led to nil sorts of explana ¬ tions m to why this or that would have won if something hud nut happened but I remaiu of the opinion Unit Zinovia would win the race more tasily tr it were rua again and that Ixjcause I feel sun her jockey rather underestimated the per ¬ sistence of the opposition when saving her quite rightly considering her weight lie set her to win a race when the others were not quite beaten Be that as it may she ran it out and won and the idncc occupied by Dansellon serves to show that I was right in saying that My Dear could have won tin poundsOne Camhridgchirc with 125 pounds One of tin mist popular horses in England Bramble Twig by Chaucer Bramble Jelly owned by Lady Nelson ran his last race Oetolnr 3 when he won the Hoiighton Hnidicap at seven eighths under 110 i ounds Bramble Twig goes to the stud studIn In the race for the Jockey Club Cup two and one innrter miles at Newmarket November 2 Mr Fairie Cox fine Chaucer Chere Heine filly Jnecns Square 107 pounds easily defeated Gains ¬ boroughs conqueror Prince Cliimay 110 pounds in 41S Queens Square was favorite at ii to 4 on and her nice justified her backers fajUi in her herWINNING WINNING OWNERS AND TRAINERS Fortyone owners won over SVOOO during the season which closed Novel mber 1 The winning list listAVon is isOwner Owner Kaces KacesIdy AVon Chief AAinner Idy James Douglas Ti TiS 73i7i Gainsborough S B Joel 21 21W 48825 Polygnotus W Cazalet 13 13Lord 48MU5 Prince Chimay Lord Deiby U UA 392 0 Ferry A W Cox 8 8Major 3r387 3Iy Dear Major W Astor ii iiIxird 23 r0 Buehan Ixird Glanely 13 13Sir 22140 Dominion Sir G Noble 4 4AV ir 9r Bruff Bridge AV IK Pledge 13SrO Greek Scholar J Watson 4 4Duke 13720 Aioloncello Duke of Portland T TC 12 Bombproof C Garland 1 1Kcid 12650 Sommc Kiss Kcid Walker S SLord 11430 Sir Desmond Lord Durham 1127 Callander Lord Anglesey 7 7E 10620 Polenta E Hultou 7 7Lord 9680 Blase Lord 31 Bercsford fi fiCol 949 Jutland JutlandM3r Col F Willey 3 3K M3r Knight of Blytii K Thorburn 9052 New Guinea Lady Nelson TwigS7SO 8900 Bramble Twig 31 Singer 3 3Lord S7SO 3Iilton 3IiltonSC2H Lord dAbernon 4 4Sir SC2H Diadem Sir A Black i iLord 8410 The Panther Lord Ixdidonderry 3 3D 8285 Coryphee D Kraser 4 41C 8275 Herself 1C Farqnharson 8260 Mount AVilliam AVilliam82TO Lord Kosebery 3 3Sir 82TO Itizzio Sir W Gilbey 15 15L 8095 Paper 3Ioney L Kobirison 2 2Major 8025 Stephen theGreat Major L Ilolliday 2 2F 8005 Monte Faro F Hardy 4 4A 7695 Not 3Iuch A Barton 4 4Z 7690 Earna Z Michalinos 2 2J 7545 Zinovia Zinoviai240 J A Dt Kothschild 3 3F i240 Galloper Light F Benson 15 153Iad 100 Mintleaf MintleafC035 3Iad Varipati C035 Perec Neige Lord Ellesmere 5977 Trespasser TrespasserH740 Sir A Bailey 3 3AV H740 Magic Prince Princer AV Dixon 5 5Capt r 240 Lady Farmer Capt G Davy 4 4Due 5190 Chuette Due Decarzes 1 5190 Kapidau Alec Taylor of the famous Manton establishment principally through Gainsbornugli again leads the winning trainers The 7500 list for the season follows followsTrainer Trainer AViuncrs Kaces Won WonA A Taylor Ifi 32 188870 188870Hon Hon G Lambton 14 Si 60225 60225S S Loates 9 21 48940 48940II II S Persse 9 11 29725 It Day 25100 Captain Dcwhurst 24125 S Pickering 23575 E G de 3Iestre 20040 F Leach 19231 K C Dawson 18695 J Rhodes 17430 F Hunt 16275 J AVaton 14745 If Lines 13085 AV Waugh 12705 F Hartigan 12330 T Rogers 11730 II L Cottrill 11360 It J Farqiiharsoii 9S10 K AV Colling 9595 K 3Iarsh 9375 Sir C Nugent 8900 A Sadler Jr 8445 D Waugh 8155 II Leader 8115 G 8 Davies 7725 T Hog 7095 J 7690J Manser 4 7690 J 7610G Dawson 7610 G Blackwell 7505 7505ENGLISH ENGLISH WINNING JOCKEYS OF 1918 1918The The jockeys to win ten or more races with their averages are areJockev Jockev Mts 1st 2d 3d Unn P C Balding CBalding AV 139 30 t 109 Carslake B 206 44 29 14 119 ui315 Childs ui315Childs 1 100 10 16 11 63 1000 Donoghue 1000Donoghue S 270 6t 41 32 132 2444 Fox 2444Fox F 30 18 23 181 1191 Hulnie 1191Hulnie G 03 25 24 15 145 n9 Leader J 1 S 11 12 15 120 823 Martin 823Martin J 11 1 16 19 8 163 740 Maddon 740Maddon O 1C1 1C 15 10 120 094 Smith A 236 3 5 17 30 35 154 7o0 AVhalley 7o0AVhalley A 3 129 1544 1544At At Newmarket October 30 a miscellaneous band f animals were sold the best with their prices being as follows followsJuvenile Juvenile 2 by Junior Sukcy Col Isaac 3075 3Ionntaineer 30753Ionntaineer b c 2 halflbrotlier to Cla Clarissinms rissinms by Polymelus Quintessence J JKliodes Kliodes 12600 Rowland 12600Rowland b c 2 halfbrothor to Arnndis Arnndisby by Picton Galeta Lady AVolvertou 15025 Ierion 15025Ierion b c 2 by Amadis Panacea Lady 10585Intruder IVnrhyn LadyIVnrhyn 10585 Intruder byKadium b c 2 brother to King Of fa by Kadium Officious Capt Dewhurst 5275 Lady 5275Lady Aictorine b f 2 halfsister to 3Iar 3Iarpsia psia bv St AniantMnvieta C Burns fi27r Klvera 2 iiy Lonawnhd Elopeth II Khodes 2873 2873Louis Louis Prate the wellVnown French owner was in Lille throughout the four years of occupation by the Germans GermansThe The Irish racing organizations which profit but little have contributed 55000 to the British war funds iu Uio last three years

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918112701/drf1918112701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1918112701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800