Doncaster Sales ,098,970: Falmouth Consignment Tops the List of English Horse Auction.; Prices and Totals Far Higher Than Those Sold One Year Ago., Daily Racing Form, 1918-12-28

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DONCASTER SALES 1098970 Falmouth Consignment Tops the List of English Horse Auction Prices and Totals Far Higher HigherThan Than Those Sold One OneYear Year AJQTO LONDON England December 2C On the third day of the Newmarket sales which closed yester ¬ day the star consignment was that of the late Viscount Falmonth These were advertised for sale in Daily Racing Form during November NovemberNone None of the horses were sold to American bidders of which there wore several There were thirty horses in the Falmouth consignment and all but four sold for 2000 or more The four failures were mi old nnrre Field Sable and three backward yearlings dams Courtesy Invicta and Arethusa The twentyseven others with their prices and pur ¬ chasers are as follows followsMerula Merula byLadas 1910 b m by Thrush Galsta by Ladas bred to Greenback H L Cottrill 23725 23725Seraphine Seraphine 1907 ch m by Cyllene Virginal by Ladas bred to Greenback II L Cot trill 20700 20700Doro Doro 190i b m by Cyllene Scene bv Springfield bred to Swynford Captain A de Rothschild 20200 Nonpareil 20200Nonpareil 1914 b m by Radium Quintes spnce by St Frusquin bred to Amadis Mr Wheatley 20200 20200Officious Officious 19 i br in by Isinglass Mcd clesomer b St Gatien bred to Amadis If L CottriU 18085 18085The The Stickler yearling ch c by Stedfast Officious by Isinglass William Clark 10100 Courtesy 10100Courtesy 190r b m by Isinglass Cortcgar by inllianl bred to Polymelus Sir E CacKf1 10100 King 10100King Harry yearling ch c by John o oGitunt Gitunt Seraphine br Cyone C Burns 14140 14140lay lay filly foal by St Amant Doro by Cyllene byCyllene W Clark 12120 12120Meriel Meriel yearling b f by St Amaut Mcrula Mcrulaby by Thrush 1 J Maher 11015 11015West West Countryman ch c foal by Polymelus Merry Maiden by Zinfundcl Sir It Jar dine 10GCO Invjcta 10GCOInvjcta llOS b m by Ix rd Bobs Galeta Galetaby by Ladas Col Boscawen 10103 10103Merry Merry Maiden 1909 b m by Zinfandel Wise Virgin by Wisdom Mr Wheatley 10100 10100Ciiestnat Ciiestnat colt foal by Greenback Seraphine Seraphineby by Cvllene Lord Marcus Beresford 7075 Krmiiia 7075Krmiiia 1912 b in by William the Third Field Sable by Bend Or bred to Picton W Murland 0310 0310Viola Viola yearling b f by St Amant Har ¬ monica by Isinglass Captain Brassey 3300 Panoply 3300Panoply yearling b f by John o Gaunt Panacea by Cyllene Lord Penrhyn 3S1C 3S1CBay Bay filly foal by St Amant Merula by byThrush Thrush Lord Penrhyn 3OS Paragon yearling b c by Radium Quin ¬ tessence by St Friisiiuin P P Gilpin 3035 3035Harmonica Harmonica 1900 b m by Isinglass Sona ¬ tina by Amphion bred to Clarissimus Sir E Cassel 3030 3030Isolde Isolde 1910 b m by Isinclass Alcmena Alcmenaby by Ladas bred to Picton II Williams 3030 3030Galela Galela 1900 b m by Ladas Galanthis by Galopin bred to Clarissimus Col Bosca ¬ wen 2r Sr Srllackbitcr llackbitcr b o foal by Greenback Offi ¬ cious by Isinglass W Clark 257 White Nose yearling b c by St Amant Invicta by Lord Bobs J J Maher 252 252Perfect Perfect Knight b c foal by Amadis Panacea by Cyllene Lord Marcus Beres ¬ ford 2220 2220Arcthusa Arcthusa 1014 b m bv Santry Ariadne Ariadneby by Orme bred to Pitton W Waugh 2020 2020The The sales of Dcccmbr 2 ind 3 witli their prices pricesmd md averages were reported in a former letter Pe ¬ tember 4 yielded 509085 and December 5 271925 271925each each The grand total for four days was 1U9S90 1U9S90about about SIOGOO in ezcess of the same days of 1917 Outside the Falmouth consignment the horses horsesfetching fetching over 2000 or more are as follows followsPort Port Sunlight 1911 ch m by Suudridge Wife of Bath by St Simon bred to Tra ¬ cery Professor Robertson 21715 21715Edna Edna 1913 br m by St Frusquin Marmite by Ayrshire bred to Ponimern Duke of Westminster 14645 14645Saintly Saintly Lady 1910 br in by St Frusquin Lcdy Linton by Ladas bred to Rock Flint W Allison 13125 13125Bay Bay colt foal bv The Tetrarch Bill and andCoo Coo by William the Third Michael Hughes 12120 12120Corn Corn Cockle 1910 br m by St Frusquin Cornfield by Isinglass bred to Golden Sun A B Pollok 11015 11015Orama Orama 1910 ch m by Orby Wcndource by byAyrshire Ayrshire bred to Sunstar Lord Wilton 11015 11015Gold Gold Wings 1915 ch m by Neil Gow Jew ¬ elled Wings bv Ladas bred to Willonyx Captain Dewhurst 10600 10600JScurie JScurie 1914 ch m by Radium Cheshire Cat by Tarporley bred to Hurry On Na ¬ tional Stud 9GOO 9GOOSpartan Spartan Girl 1914 ch m by Cicero Greek Girl by Trenton bred to Rivoli Sir William Cooke 9100 9100Dromio Dromio b c 2 by Bachelors Double Clara ClaraDesmond Desmond bv Desmond H S Persse 9100 9100The The Tylt 1909 b m by Spearmint Altcar by Persimmon bred to Stedfast Mortimer Singer 9100 9100Beubain Beubain 1910 b or be m by St Frusquin Beujamina by Bend Or bred to Swynford SwynfordZ Z G Michaliuos 9100 9100Money Money Moou 1913 b in by St Frusquin Meadow Rue bv Sainfoin bred to John o Gaunt A Taylor 85S5 85S5Grey Grey Fly 1910 gr m by Friary Officious by Isinglass bred to Cicero 2 G Micha ¬ liuos 8230 8230Baronin Baronin 1910 b m by Isinglass Baroness La Fleche bv Ladas bred to Hurry On S Beer 7825 7825Sweet Sweet Palm 1913 b in by William Rufus Palm Leaf by Martagon bred to The Tetrarch II P Brock 7575 7575Tantullon Tantullon yearling br c by Bayardo Alu Alumouth mouth by Gallinule Col Michael Hughes 7575 7575Ashpar Ashpar 1912 b m by Spearmint Baroness La Fleche by Ladas bred to Hapsburg W Allison 7575 7575St St Eloi ch h C by Torpoint Lily of the theValley Valley by Martagon P Heybourn 0310 Continued on second pace DONCASTER SALES 1098970 Continued from first page Chestnut colt foal by Polymelus Marsoviu Marsoviuby by Marco W Clark COCO COCOMirage Mirage 191G b f by Spearmint Mira by bySt St Frusquin British Bloodstock Agency 5550 5550Flight Flight Errant yearling blk c by Chaucer Birdswing by Flying Fox Captain Dew hurst 8050 8050Brown Brown colt foal by Bachelors Double Coora Cooraby by Robert le DIable S W Beer 4643 4643Lindore Lindore 1912 b m by Sundridse Loyal Cheer by Diamond Jubilee bred to Tor loisk Lady Fitzwilliam 4COO 4COORefugee Refugee ch f 2 by Roi Ilerode Aliena by byMackintosh Mackintosh W Parrish 4400 4400Marriage Marriage Gift ch f 2 by Marco Offer Offerby by Rightaway W Parrish 4300 4300Haiti Haiti br h 6 by Rabelais Hassaki by Grand Prior C Fox 4145 4145Chestnut Chestnut yearling colt by Sundridge Cy ¬ press by Cyllene Colonel Stobart 4010 4010Marybud Marybud 1910 by Martagon Queen Mari ¬ gold by Pietermaritzburg bred to Chaucer Z G Michalinos 4010 4010Lucky Lucky Star 1915 b m by Sunstar Glad Tidings by Gallinule bred to Flying Orb Sir T Dewar 4040 4040Tinspear Tinspear 1915 br c by Spearmint Tintara Tintaraby by Zinfandel Captain Weyland 4040 4040Polymnia Polymnia 1911 b m by Polymelus Royal Applause by Royal Hampton bred to Si ¬ mon Square IT Stratton 3733 3733Bunch Bunch Grass 1907 b m by Sainfoin Charm by St Simon bred to Greenback Hamilton Edwards 3733 3733Fealty Fealty cii f 2 by Chaucer Assurance by Count Schoniberg II Lucy 3083 3083Talavera Talavera 1911 b m by Carbine First Over by Pioneer bred to Rossendale AV Alli ¬ son 3533 3533Golden Golden Sauce 1905 ch in by Worcester Golden Oriole by Ncophite bred to The Tetrarcli W Donnelly 3533 3533Nancy Nancy Stair ch f 2 by Polymelus Chesh ire Cat by Tarporley E Fairweather 3o3j 3o3jSontana Sontana 1915 ch f by Sunstar Tangerina Tangerinaby by William the Third W W Hope 3233 3233Countess Countess of Desmond 1907 blk or br in by Desmond Favora by Himyar bred to Polymelus R Whitworth 3280 3280Chestnut Chestnut filly foal by Rock Sand Saintly Lady by St Frusquin W Clark 3073 3073Wife Wife of Bath 1904 by St Simon Canter ¬ bury Pilgrim by Tristan bred to White Eagle G Lambton 3030 3030St St Martin 1901 br h by St Frusquin Margarine by Petrarch British Blood ¬ stock Agency 3030 3030Brown Brown filly foal by Prince Palatine Santa SantaContessa Contessa by Santoi T Miles 2823 2823Touraine Touraine b f 2 by Swynford Bellavista Bellavistabv bv Cyllene R Brendon 2075 2075Chop Chop Yat 1912 ch m by Holiday House Floraline by Florentine bred to Birling ham F P Harrison 2023 2023Bay Bay yearling filly by Corcyra Mianola by bySantoi Santoi J J Manor 2C2o 2C2oStar Star Lily 1912 b m bv Martagon Perdona Perdonaby by Persimmon bred to Volta John Scott 25So 25SoSanction Sanction 1912 br m by Santoi Action by Tarporley bred to Golden Sun Colonel Stobart 2573 2573Nitrolim Nitrolim 1913 ch in by Roi Herode Sketches by Pioneer bred to Friar Marcus Capt Bower Ismay 2575 2575Margot Margot 1912 ch m by Orby mare by En ¬ thusiast bred to Santoi U Stratton 2523 2523Shenley Shenley Boy gr c 3 by Lemberg Tagale Tagaleby by Le Sancy W L Christie 2523 2523East East Wing 1915 b m by Lemberg Black Wings by Santry bred to Torloisk Donald Fraser 25 Wist 1913 ch m by St VIctrix Wise Saw by Love Wisely bred to Fairy King Donald Fraser 2523 2523Drym Drym 1913 ch m by Sir Archibald Beauty Sleep by Pride bred to Sunder H L Cottrill 2525 2525Polycreta Polycreta 1912 b m by Polymelus Im ¬ pulsive by Eager bred to Long Set Col Michael Hughes 2523 2523Best Best Wishes 1913 br m by Neil Gow Si monath by St Simon bred to Spearmint Lord Ranksborough 2523 2523Green Green Cloth 1909 b ni by Melton Lady Shamrock by Buckingham bred to Friar Marcus F Harding 2523 2523Brahun Brahun b f 3 by Bayardo Mianola by bySantoi Santoi British Bloodstock Agency 2523 2523Determination Determination ch c 3 by Cocksure II Stormfineh by Kings Messenger J W Watts 2473 2473Bay Bay yearling filly by Prince Palatine Nut Brown Maid by Veles R Clark 2423 2423Dame Dame Partlet 1914 ch m by St Amant Belle Poule by Gallinule bred to Claris simus John Scott 2175 2175Bay Bay yearling gelding by Black Jester Queensland by Desmond R AV Colling 2170 2170Tangerina Tangerina 1909 ch m by AVilliam the Third Lady Disdain by Bend Or bred to Roi Herode J A Jenkins 2073 2073Manuka Manuka 1903 b m by Eager Sempronia by Carnelion bred to Greenback II AVil liams 2070 2070Bapaume Bapaume b c 3 by Bayardo Scabieuse by Isinglass M B Saville 2070 2070San San Pol 1915 ch g by Santoi Polar Belle by Pioneer Colonel Stobart 2023 2023Sundrelia Sundrelia 1909 b m by Sundridge Ella Corderly by Salisbury bred to Call o the AVild W Newland 2023 2023Bay Bay filly foal by Hapsburg Talavera by byCarbine Carbine Sir A Bailey 2020 2020Bay Bay filly yearling by Marcovil Peach by byPrince Prince Hampton G da Fonseca 2020 2020Fair Fair Relative 1909 b m by Desmond Agnes Lowther by Symington bred to AVeathercofk Lord Durham 2020 2020Liku Liku 1908 ch in by Littleton Asulika by Marcion bred to Hurry On AV Allison 533

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Local Identifier: drf1918122801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: