H. H. Hewitts String for This Year: Seven Older Horses and Three Two-Year-Olds in the Stable-Two Kentucky Derby Candidates, Daily Racing Form, 1919-02-18


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H. H. HEWITTS STRING FOR THIS YEAR Scv:n Older Horses and Three Two-Year-Olds in tho StaWc Two Kentucky Derby Candidates. LEXINGTON". Ky., February 1". Trainer John I. Smith today brought to the Kentucky Association track from Forkla ml Farm nine- racers belonging t i his employer. II. H. Hewitt of New York, who "breeds and races his own," and gets more fun out if it than a lot of folk who go into the market for their runners. The string for the 1919 campaign in Kentucky and the east is made up of Ginger, Sam Reh, Jap, Thirteen. Herald, Thrills and three two-year-olds as yet unnamed bay colt, br Ballot, dam Coy Maid; bay filly, by Hessian Hazaza, and chestnut filly, by Iataud, dam Lucky Wave dam of Ginger. It is trainer Smiths intention to put Skeptic into training again about April 1. He will hf prepared for weight-for-age and long distance races. "For n time I was fearful that Skeptics racing days were at an end." said trainer Smith, "hut we now know that a splint which had been i Unlimited was all that was bothering him. I now feel that he will prove himself a useful five-; -ar old." Trainer Smith says Ginger and Sam Itch will I "Hi be entered in the Kentucky Derby and the Lntouia Derby, and both are eligible for the La-t mli Championship Stakes, which is to have its first running next fall. Jap is to be entered in Hie Ashland Oaks at Lexington and the Kentucky Oaks nt Churchill -Downs. Of the two-year-olds the colt by Ballot Coy Maid is the star. He possesses more than ordinary ouality. It is trainer Smiths intention to let hint develop slowly. The other two. however, will begin their racing with the oiening of the season at Ixxington April 24. At Forkland Farm Mr. Hewitt has five yearlings, i II chestnuts in color, four of them colts; three by I.allot and two by Trap Itock. The filly is by Trap Itock Lucky Wave. The Trap Hock colts :im is Hun o Luck. The three Ballot colts are ins of Hazaza, Inspiration and Avistou. The rider for tiie Hewitt stable is Henry J. Burke, a local Iwy, and the only boy of the many l e has employed that Mr. Hewitt ever took a con-.rct on.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919021801/drf1919021801_1_12
Local Identifier: drf1919021801_1_12
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800