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BIG CROWD, BUT A BAD TRACK Jefferson Park Opening Spoiled by a Heavy Rainfall and Dangerous Going. NEW ORLEANS, La., March 5. An eleventh hour break in the weather favored the Jefferson Park track ami made the opening for the ten days spring meeting an auspicious :one, as a big attendance journeyed to the track. . The fact that it was ladies lav also swelled the patronage. During the morning hours a deluge visited these parts, the rainstorm beirig one of the hardest that lias been noted in this section. As a result of the Jiard drenching the track got it was left in bad order and was responsible for the numerous withdrawals from the dlffeent races, the card being pae-tieallv riddled, the features particularly suffering, as only three starters contented in each. The failure of some of the horse to reach the track in time from the Fair Grounds was also to blame for pome of the withdrawals. The recent drainage, system had a thorough test and was demonstrated to be perfect, for in place of the flooded condition that the course and surroundings used to show after a hard rain no un-; natural conditions were noted. Some of: the. former holes that were on the track were still noted, and some -of the starters blundered badly, but ho falls came, though in some instance?, tin? mishaps had a bearing on the results. Many of the Fair Grounds patrons stayed over to witness the opening at Jefferson Park and will probably remain for several days before going ou tf Hot Snrincs.