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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Mux P., Richmond, Ind. Nib was scratched from tiie fourth race at Havana March 1. W. W. C, Chicago, 111. See correction of the matter inquired about in this issue. J. J. E., Lackawanna. N. Y., Grumpy paid 31 to 1 straight and li to 5 place Saturday, Marcli 1. Henry B.. St. Louis. Mo. Matter investigated. Post time in race 41537 2:00 p. m. At post one minute. G. E. T., Cincinnati. O. In such cases the time of running the race also counts, and the matter Inquired about was in time. C. A. B., St. Louis, Mo. Errors in weights or distances are always at the backers risk They are as likely to favor him as not. Daily Racing Form reaches Hot Springs the day after publication.