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RACING TO BE FEATURE AT DEL MONTE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Marcli 6. The holding of race meetings at Del Monte is part of the program of the now management to make the famous hotel and its area the "playground of the state," according to report yesterday among horsemen. Charles Boots, the breeder of thoroughbreds, said Uie first meeting at the Del Monte track was scheduled for the late summer or fall. John II. Rosseter, now director of operations of the United States Shipping Board, promoted a race meeting at Del Monte in the fall of 1917. The meeting was only an experiment, but met with such success Unit Uie new management decided racing should be a regular feature among the attractions at the resort. A. K. Maeomber, who races one of the largest stables in the United States, has purchased a site for a home in the Del Monte area. Maeomber, Rosseter and other Californians own some of the best horses in the United States.