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SURPRISES ORDER OF DAY Opportunitys Defeat the Climax of Disappointing Upsets. Jefferson Track Shows Marked Improvement Drainage System Pronounced Success. :... 1 NEW ORLEANS. La., March 6. Marked improvement was noted in the going at Jefferson Park today, and fairly good time was recorded considering Uie condition of the track yesterday. The new drainage system is pronounced a qualified success., and with a continuance of pleasant weather it will only be a day or so before the track will lie at its best. Surprises were the order of the day. witli favorites as a general rule faring badly. Such was not the case, however, in the opening race, the Wilson-bred colt. Hello Pardner, the public choice, easily taking into camp Sain Rose. Rib and four other two-year-olds. Hello Pardner displayed a good order of speed in the going and was never in trouble. Tiie first disappointment of the afternoon came in the second race when J. M. Cranes Approval, heavily supported, fell a victim to Valerie West, the Bannockburu mare leading throughout by a safe margin and at all times holding the favorite safe. Approval might have fared better had lie not repeatedly stumbled and blundered in the early running. The big surprise of the day was the defeat of W- Woodards Opportunity over a track that was. apparently madeTo order" for hinr and agiilnst.oppo-" sition that he under the conditions outclassed. Surr prising as was his defeat, the fact that he finished absolutely last was a distinct shock to not only ills backers, but to everybody present. Jockey Buxton lias been advised to report to trainer W. B. Jennings, who is in charge of all the horses Uiat will be raced by A. K. Maeomber this year. Trainer T. M. Murphy, who had charge of the Kentucky division of the Maeomber string last year, has gone to France, where he will look after tiie horses leased by Mr. Maeomber from Mrs. Duryea. Vanessa Welles has been sold at private terms to J. C. Calm by W. Perkins. The Marshall Bros, horses were shipped to Hot Springs today. Mose Goldblatt departed Tuesday night for cinnntl for a brief visit. His horses will be shipped to Hot Springs Saturday. Racing secretary Joseph McLennan is framing tin; condition book for the Bowie meeting. There will be no purse of less than 00. A special horse train will leave here sometime next week for Hot Springs.