Casey Restored To Good Standing, Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-17


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CASEY RESTORED TO GOOD STANDING NEW ORLKANS LSI March 10 The investiga ¬ tion in the race run by W V Caseys Ben Hampson hist Wednesday was concluded yesterday and the stewards smnounced that they had been unable to find that owner Casey had been guilty of any fraudulent practices Casey was therefore ordered restored to good standing standingGeneral General manager G D Bryan sind his associates are well pleased with the success of the Jefferson Park meeting and are already making plans for next year when a number of improvements will be made to the plant There plantThere was si scattering of officials last night Judge E C Smith departed for Lexington to spend a few days before returning to his home in New York YorkJoseph Joseph McLennan left for Bowie to begin arrange ¬ ments for the meeting sit that track trackJudge Judge Joseph Murphy will leave for St Louis on Monday MondayMost Most of the horses that have been racing here will be transferred to Bowie on a special train that is due to leave Wednesday

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Local Identifier: drf1919031701_1_9
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