Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday, March 17., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-17


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Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday March 17 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK SLOW The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best timo of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 21 1007 lOGM 3 97 97Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 41192 Tantalus 116 109 109X700 41300 J P House 104112 100 C95 40978 Byrne 103108 100 095 41321 Caraway 112108 101 G90 G904HKi7 4HKi7 EfHes Pride 102 109 101 090 4023 Mayor Galvin 104 COO 41320 Cocotte 110112 104 090 39197 Tyranny 109 CSS CSS3S072 3S072 Miss Orb 101 CSO 41058 Montague 112109 109 CSO CSOGrumbling Grumbling Ilia 1 f by Light o M MLife Life Imprint 104 Nick Klein cli c by Abe Frank Negligee IOC Nothing outstanding here hereSecond Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 21 1907 106 3 97 974157S3 108X72541r2t2 4157S3 Minnwnud 105 107 108X725 41r2t2 Logotal llljl07 10S720 10S7204M 4M 2 Milda 10ft 109 105 715 Ili2i Ringleader 112108 113X715 100X7104105S 100S Verity 112 110 100X710 4105S Christie Iloltcrs 112 105 108X710 41307 Sid C Keener 111 109 110X710 41370 The F McMalion110 105 110X705 40775 Kffic Randall Hmilih 100 I700 41287 Elizabeth Marie 107 108 103 700 700389IH5 389IH5 Shamrock GreenM 103 700 700Minawand Minawand may prove best here hereThird Third Race 34 Milo Milo4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 41455 Handsel Rose 112 115 fi 10SX725 41421 Barbara Shilling 102 115 4 111 720 41295 Flash of Steel 10G 114 5 118X715 Horse HorseOnwn Wt Rec Onwn 115 112 Liberty Star M MTom 105 110 Tom Caro 110 112 Sinai 1081115 Brown Favorite 123 115 Honiam 103 l17s Jane M 107 11G Robt Mantell 104113 Bolala 122 110 Handsel Rose is favorably weighted weightedFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 115Jttahe Jttahe 105JllGsy 4 110725 41505 Jack K 101 l14ys 4110X720 41572 Liberator 121 121112 112 7 7116X715 116X715 41578 Trusty 112 113 5 113X715 41490 Foxy Griff 114 114 7 115715 41393 Lady Luxury 104 115 4 1050710 106 112 C 113X710 415502 Key Mar 112 114 7 1180710 41479 Krmitana 103 113 4 100X705 100X70540S94 40S94 Lucius 106113 5118X705 5118X70540C05 40C05 II C Basch 108113 4116X700 4116X700Ettahe Ettahe is in good form formFifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MileSt St Patricks Purse Purse3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record April 4 1906 100 1 111 40980 BRADLEYS BRADLEYSCHOICE CHOICE 8 114X750 41334t 114X75041334t Top o th Morning120 101 7 114X740 41367 Top Coat llljl02h 4 114X740 40256 = Sherman A 106 l00sy 3 104 735 40485 American Ace 116 59 3 104 735 41645t Bars and Stars 113 103 7 114X730 tAV 114X730tAV 0 Weant entry Bradleys Choice is a superior race horse horseSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yoarolds ClaimingTrack 3yoarolds and upward Claiming Track record March 28 1018 145 5 122 41530 Honolulu Hoy 110148 4108X725 41509 Grumpy 101 145 7109X720 7109X72041423s 41423s Bajnzet 103152 4105715 41442 AVilldo 107147 6109X715 41529 Petit Bleu 105 147 7 99X710 6104X7104135S 41648 Semper Stalwart 102 148 6104X710 4135S Mali 107147 5104X710 41467 Tito 104148 5109X710 41589 Waterproof 111147 71120710 41548 Gleipner 102 146 6 101X700 41358 Jim Wakcly 111 146 6 104 X 700 41570 Ellison 113 146 6 103X700 Honolulu Boy raced well at New Orleans

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919031701/drf1919031701_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1919031701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800