Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday, March 24., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-23


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Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday March 24 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec In the entries below show the best time of each horge at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter whero it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions ISiiciiic starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud rumipr X Good niud ruininr Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 20 1919 17 2 118 118Todays Todays Todayslnrt lnrt Hnrsc Wt Rec AWtHun AWtHun11I5S1 11I5S1 BOBBY ALLEN 116 52sh 107X725 4Cyr Blue Jeans 112148 1HZJ5 IKWl2 Clear the Way 118X lj IKW Inquiry M 102ZJ ° 41570 Nellie Witwer 100 50Hi 105 710 41404 Dandy Van 103X705 41705 Mary Mallon M 102 102Bobby 700 Bobby Allen is fast and suited by the Oaklawn going goingSecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maiden Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 ll iSj = Ed Stone 112 114 11 72 7240r 40r Xuleika 110 720 72041iSa 41iSa = J P House 11211 115 71 1170H3 Oniond 109 114 Vf 11 715 71541W2t 41W2t Rayonnaut 107 llT Hi 115 lu lu41US2 41US2 Queen of the Spa 107 117 110 710 7104K5S3 4K5S3 Sonzales II 112115 115 705 41718 Madrid 115 0o 41700 Gourmand 1021116 115 700 lUiSS Tom Brooks 112 115 115 700 41057 Montague 107 118 115 700 700Also Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched scratched4170f 4170f Queens Maid 105 115 110 705 705f f J II Rosseter entry Ed Stone ran well in his last race raceThird Third Race 1 116 Miles MilesFillies Fillies and Mares Mares4vearolds 4vearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 2S 1918 145 5 122 11722 Mab 107147 5 102X725 417073 Medusa 104 148 4 101X720 101X72041C9S3 41C9S3 Suiiflash 105119 li 107X715 107X71541C5 41C5 liarbara Shilliug 9S 147 4 103 715 Ind Horse Wt Rec 111598 Piiiila V S7 145 Jf 41505 May Maulsly 11C82 Ilutli Harrison M Mab has beaten better hoi Fourth Race 1 Milo and 70 Yards 1vcarolds anil upward Claiming 4 IDS 110X72H 41ii i Sayonarra 105 144 G 102X720 102X720417IM5 417IM5 H C Basch J3ilr2s 4 105X715 105X71541G73 41G73 Xoiniiiec 107 l4 i 4 10SX715 10SX7154ll 4ll 0 Jaik ODowd 1015143 G 109X710 lir101 Amelita 102149 4104X705 11117 White Slipper M 7 104 700 41 74 Opera Glass 113 110 JS G 100X700 100X700Kcmvard Kcmvard is good and seems best bestFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3rearolds ClaimingTrack 3rearolds and upward Claiming Track record April 2 1918 112 7 115 3 100X725 41139 Archie Alexander Ill l14i 3 97X720 41G915 Port Light 110113 11011341G9G i 1110715 41G9G Words o Wisdom 109 113 5 112X715 41291 Oenone 109 114 4 441G73 105 710 41G73 Gallant Lad 108112 5 114X710 41007 Cacambo 1081114 3 90 705 41573 Maud Bacon 125113 5 541GSG 1090705 41GSG lolite 108 1U4 G GMiss 109X700 Miss Howell b in by Horace 11 Mary Ellen 5 5Discussion Discussion is fast at this distance distanceSixth Sixth Race 1 316 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 27 1917 1 41708 = Saints Bridge 41710 = Aldebaran 10 113X720 41648 Semper Stalwart 6 103X715 41707 = AVaterproof 113 200 7 1080715 41598 Flash of Steel 5 108X715 41652 Grumpy 7 741GC2 113X715 41GC2 Willdo 104 159 G 108X710 41708 King Neptune G 1080710 41705 Pas de Chance 107 202 5 54170S 1030705 4170S Thanksgiving 109 201 6 5 103X705 41722 = Gleipner 100 100205 205 5 108X705 41 8 Adelante 5 108X705 41685 = Bajazef 110 110200 200 4 107705 41674 No Manager 104 203 8 1030700 41598 Insurance Man 9 10SX700 Saints Bridge is favorably weighted

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919032301/drf1919032301_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1919032301_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800