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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming April 2 1918 112 7 115 JACK ODOWD br g 6 104 By Peter Pan Lauretta Burke G J Lonstorf 41788 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 185117 4 44I7S9 3 22 21 M Garner 10 Trsty MBTman WoWdom 4I7S9 Oaklwn Im70y I45y5fast 4 109 4 1 IS 4J3 1 Garner 8 Nominee Sayonarra HCBascli 41180 FGnds 1116149 good 25 IOC 1 1 4l 45i M Garner 7 Baby Lynch Dolina Irregular 7759 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 5 114 3 1 Gi 9 W Waronl2 GreatDolly Bobolink Slumberer 7619 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 65 112 8 7 G1 81S L ConnllylO Eddie T Budweiser Baby Cal oOU7 FGnds Im70y Ii49 hvy 6 108 4 3 E2 5 M Buxton G J Reeves Psureville MRosell 3V011 FGnds Im70y l48 hvy 20 1071 3 1 3s 4s 31 Buxton 5 Qof theSea Pureville PrinceS CC9CS FGnds Im70y 144 fast 20 108 7 G 6s G12 F Merimee 7 GRscll Psureville Amlgator 2C90 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 14 107 6 2 710 7 j F Merimee 8 Syrian Tush Tush Ask Her SG2C9 Latonia 1 116 l49yshvy 52 111 8 8 8 S 3 F Merimee 8 Fly Home Dolina Little String SGCG8 Latonia 1 116 146 fast 28 110 6 7 7 7 B Martin 7 L Rotha Olga Star Sansyming 35912 Church 1 1 116 148 good 46 110 G 8 8 7 F Merimee 8 Franklin L Always E Cochran 2575G Douglas 1 116 l477islow 22 112 8 7 7 71 F Merimee 8 Franklin Q Apple SofPleasure SofPleasureBy ARTHUR MIDDLETON ch g 6 113 113Formerly By Disguise Lardella W V Thraves Formerly Dr Moore S3S50 Douglas 34 l13fast 1320 115 10 12 11s H11 J Howard 12 TGoose SAlysin MBThrman 895 Latonia 34 l12fast 6 IOC 7 4 61 C l E Sande 9 BlueParadise Ladylvan Dimitrl 5S900 Latonia 34 l12fast 45 108 G 4 lb 11 J Howard 12 CaneKun BParadise Rochester 2S533 Douglas 34 l10fast 6 114 9 9 9 8 J Howard 12 Troilus Boniface IchiBan 3S2SG Douglas 34 lllfast 10 9S 3 3 4 4JJ E Sande 4 Solly Bel Me Boya Pr of Como 2G542 Havana 51 f l06fast 35 104 3 1 11 1 J Howard 8 Bonnie Tess Alert Ormulu 36415 Latonia 34 lllfast 9 10G 7 G Bz 553 L Gentry 7 Atalanta Pan Zareta Solly S6373 Latonia 34 l12fast 85 113 3 2 2i 2 D Connlly Kinney Gipsey George Phoclon SC329 Latonia 34 l12fast 11 108 11 1 1s I4 J Howard 8 Impressive BJoe TMquerader 35935 Churchl 61 f l07good 10 108 3 2 I1 1s D Connlly 12 Kinney Amazon Mary Belle BelleBy SORT LIGHT b g 6 115 By Hamburg Morningside P A Houde 41740 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 710 111 2 1 It lt K Cassity 8 WoWisdom MBacon Cacambo 41G9G Oaklwn 34 l13fast C5 110 1 1 I3 2i A Schugr 7 Iwin Kirst Cub W oWisdom 41G71 Oaklwn 34111 fast 85 115 4 1 1s I3 M Garner 10 GreyEagle Liberator CMaster 41615 Oaklwn 34 l14 good 7 110 9 7 72 712 G MolesthlO MMouse Bringhnrst Serenest 41537 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 115 11C 2 1 11 3s D Connlly 9 Lively Onieo Mumbo Jumbo 41195 FGnds 51 i lOSmud 4 111 1 1 41 4 1 D Wishard 7 Gallant Lad Blaise Tom Goose 41017 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 85 113 2 1 I1 4 i D Wishard 8 SandyLad GalLad BHensley 40972 FGnds 51 I lOGMfast 6 113 3 1 11 l t D Wishardl2 W oWisdom Jack K Billie B 40S9S FGnds 51 f l07fast 3 113 11 11 II5 11 E Donhuel2 Star Baby Ophelia W Langden 40SGO FGnds 51 f 112 hvy 185110 1 2 21 5si E DonhuelO Pepper Key Mar Amelita 34676 Empire Ab34 l09fast 3 111 2 4 G1 1428 R Troxler 15 Basil MasMcGrath MMachree S4315 FortErie 34 llSihvy 2310 114 2 3 31 5 T Rice 5 Back Bay Anita Gipsey George GeorgeBy BOB A b g 5 104 By Meelick Boll Weevil B W Creech 41774 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 75 10S 1 1 11 l t c Brown S C Master S Shapiro Huffaker 41730 Oaklwn 34 l15M slow 8 113 1 1 23 2 H Cassity 7 This Green KirstiesCub Ettahe 41GS4 Oaklwn 51 f l07fcfast 12 107 2 a 42 2b C Brown 9 Eulogy Harry D B and Stars 224SG Oaklwn 51 1 108 mud 60 99 5 3 31 4 N Barrett 7 MarieMiller CaneRun GLegend S2018 Juarez 68 l01fast 102 6 Gray S G Favorite SBernito Crunkie 31415 Juarez 68 l00fast 44 106 2 2S12S9 6 71 6 R Feeney 9 Macmonde NWalcutt FstKays S12S9 Juarez 68 l00fifast 49 106 3 3JOLROMA 6 C 6 R Feeney G Deckhand Wareinore Mab MabBy JOLROMA b h 6 109 10940X05 By Polymelus Lacroma W Smith 40X05 Pimlico 1 116 l4SVsfast 2910 113 4 5 3i I1 L Lyke 12 Mose Bcllringer Babette 40293 Pimlico 1 18 l54fast C 105 5 2 4l 43i C Kummer 5 GmeCock TBloom Flittergold 101SG Pimlico 1 116 l47 fast 3710 106 8 2 21 33 W Kelsay 15 Serenest Air Man Cobalt Lass 40221 Laurel 114206 fast 85 108 3 5 41 43 A Johnson 10 Queen of the Sea Dan Valuis 40092 Laurel 1 14 205fast G 110 3 4 4 2 ° A Collins G KenBoy Pleas Drems Dalrose 40067 Laurol 1 1lG 148 fast 3 109 G 4 3i 31 A Collins 10 Silk Bird Ray o Light Dalross 40028 Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 145111 7 9 9 91 A Collins 10 B Hampson E Henry IChant 20967 Laiirel 1116 l46fast 8 110 3 7 7 G3 E Ambrse 7 WiseMan DouglassS Qof tSea 9920 HdeGce 34 l12fast 304 102 4 4 4 412 A Collins G BKelly DrJnson HamlltonA 381L7 Pimlico 1142 fast 31 113 9 4 31 3 = i L Stalker 9 Waukeag Flittergold Pullur PullurG 28132 Pimlico ll41fast 6 112 2 23S061 G 3l 21 L Stalker 10 Obolus J Wingfield Woodtrap 3S061 Pitnlico 1 l42good 76 111 3 1 11 IS L Stalker 3 Air Man Syrian 35013 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 19 107 4 2 31 3i L Stalker 5 GeoStarr Berlin King Neptune KUKLtTX b K By Broomstick Valkyrib H Perkins 41671 Oaklwn 31 1 irtffast 41 106 1 222 2 Jt J Burkell I ecutal Svlvaw NimihiiM 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14pood 15 113 S SCl 9 U SI S14 O Willis 10 MMousc Bringhlirst Snxiiist 4130S FGnds Cl f lllhvy 15 109 2 2341llfast 333 3IT J Rodgez 3 Blackie Daw Marie Miller 40315 Latonia 341llfast S 102 4 4 4 42 61 E Pool G Wai Hall PDrapeau CaneRun 3S875 Latonia 34 l12fast 2110 S3 1 2 1 U ink E Sande 9 Japhet Silk Lady Lady Ivan S8754 Latonia 34 l15imud 8 1091 6 6 6 6 6 L Mink G Plum Crvoyant WWHastings 3S677 Latonia 34 l12fast 88 1071 5 6 6 6l 6 L Mink 7 The Porter Quietude Korbly 36213 Latonia 58 l02mud 910115 4 46Jfl07fast 1 1 I1 I1 L Mink 12 St Jude Tippo Sahib Stevenson 34915 Saratoga 6Jfl07fast 7 106 9 8 10 101 88S L Mink 15 Gswork Memries II Fgonard S4273 FortErie 68 l00f ast 1410 100 2 2 2 2s 21 W Crump G TheoFair FernHandley Herald 33106 Wdbine WdbineBILLIE 58 I02good3710 108 1 1e 1 3 52 V L Mink 9 CLeydecker VirYell MMaud MMaudBy BILLIE B cil e 6 113 By Thicket Belle of Harrishurg Harvey Allan 41574 Jefson 34 116 fast 165 111 3 3 3 31 33 L Gentry 7 Onico John Jr llarryBtirgoynu llarryBtirgoynuI 41163 FGnds 51 f 108 slow 4 110 1 I 1 1 1 J Dursch 12 Sybil Jessie C Paul Connelly 40972 FGnds 51 f l06fast 5 111 7 3 3 41 4 1 J Dursch 12 Port Light WoWdom JackK JackKII 40928 FGnds 61 f lOSslow 8 108 7 II 11 1 J Dursch 10 Amelita RIIAnderson Pilsen 40S98 FGnds 51 l07fast 10 108 4 6 6 62 681 J Dursch 12 Star Baby OpheliaW Laugdca 40SGO FGnds 51 f 112 hvy 9 105 3 37 G2 65J J Durscn 10 Pepper Key Mar Amelita 40587 Jefson 3 3 31 11 A Johnson 7 Eulogy Gr Grass Bar ShUnni 40450 Jefsoh 4 3 3U 61 J Dursch 12 Blaise LPrincess NWalrutt 40043 Churchl 34 114 fast 10 113 5 4 21 4i F Jockson 10 Yorkvle Rochestr WoWisd WoWisdBy MAUD BACON ch m 5 106 By Tony Bonero Oviedo J B Goodman 41777 Oaklwn 1 l42slow 5 103 G 5 5 53 5 H Cassity 7 Baby Cal Eulogy Hondo 41740 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 8 109 G 4 3 41 3si R Troxler S PrtLight WoWdom Cacambo 41673 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 12 102 9 7 7 64 jii H Cassity 11 Legotal Kuklux Sylvano 41493 FGnds 61 f 111 hvy 15 115 7 7 3 3S 351 H Ericksn 7 WoWdom Sretash HBoyne 41321 FGnds 5 f l09good 20 115 7 6 4 41 4 H Cassity 8 Sabretash Squeeler Blaise 41141 FGnds 1 116 153 hvy 6 101 4 567 71 S Sndman 8 JReeves LltCottage Bomba t 41096 FGnds 51 f 111 hvy 10 108 6 5 1 I1 Ik L Ensor 11 Pilsen Lobelia W H Buckimr 40995 FGnds Im20y 146 hvy 15 106 3 4 M Rowan 8 Skeer Face Lucky R Einanale 40S09 Jefson 34 l17V good G 104 4 3 G G1 5T H Wakoff C Sayonarra MKruter SandyLad 40791 Jefson 34 l16good 3 105 4 4 6 31 3l H Wakoff 7 Margery OllieMartin FGriff 40764 Jefson 34119 hvy 9 101 6 64 41 24 H Wakoff G ThirtySeven KeyMar Blazonry 40738 Jefson 34 l21hvy 115 109 4 3 3 4l G10 A Johnson G Margery ParBoy DrCampbell 40309 Pimlico 1 l40fast 6 111 3 3WATER 7 9 10 1018 F RobsonlO Sunnyland Cob Lass Currency CurrencyBy WATER WAR b g 6 109 By Waterboy Lady Ilsley Wm Martin 41763 Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 8 111 1 141G73 1 4 G1 612 J Callahan 7 Docod Bob Hensley Paddy 41G73 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 7 112 5 3 3 7l 7 J Callahanll Legotal Kuklux Sylvano 39555 Belmont 34 st lllfast 3 123 1 3 3 3 310 J Callahan 3 Nightstick Currency 39349 Saratoga 78 l24fast 12 112 5 1 1 I2 1 J Callahanl5 LazyLou SndmanlL Bnevolent 39102 Empire Ab 4 l12good 10 113 4 43S906 377 718 J Callahan 8 Midnight Sun LouiseVi Meliora 3S906 Aqduct 34 l13fast 10 113 G 3 3 41 3 T Rice 16 The Decision Paganini Onico 37814 Oaklwn 51 flOGfast 4 HO 6 6 8 8 8 i J Callahan 8 Jule Kinney Billie B 37717 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 4 102 2 1 2 I2 1 J Callahan 9 Har Mason Manganese General 37683 Oaklwn 34 l15slow 1710 112 11 8 8 61 7 1 J Callahanll UncleHart Roadmaster Hwfa 37565 Oaklwn 51 f 107 fast 8 HO 7 5 4 41 4s J Callahanll Grundy David Craig Pilseu 37505 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 30 107 11 999 811 J Callahanll Troilus Partizan Petrovna 36385 Latonia 34 l12fast 6 IOC 1 1S6348 7 3 4 G83 J Callahanl2 Pilsen High Gear Sister Susie S6348 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 7 105 2 4 3 61 9 J CallahanlO Sayonarra Julia L Turco 36320 Latonia 1 116 l46f ast 9f 106 1 1 3 31 3 i J Callahanl2 Ormulu Waterblue Dr Barlow 36283 Latonia 34 l14hvy 10 101 8 8ORDERLY 7 10 91 9 J Callahanll Dimltri David Craig F Legend LegendBy ORDERLY b g 6 111 By Broomstick Sweepaway J Byer 41298 FGnds Im70y l45fast 3 111 1 2 2 23 2s E Haynes 9 SOliver Aldebaran MnryBollc 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 85 111 2 1 1 I1 2i E Haynes 10 Graphic Sybil Kentucky Boy 41198 FGnds Im70y 152 mud 7 109 1 1 3 3 3s M Garner 3 Queen Apple Lottery 40975 FGnds 1 116 147 fast 185 109 1 140S61 2 2 2B 2l E Haynes 9 BPeddler QApple B Jonathan 40S61 FGnds Im20y l49hvy 12 111 E 6 6 6 Gl B Haynes G Peerless One Cadillac Berlin 40596 Jefson 34 l15good 115 114 4 4405SO G 4 41 4T E Haynss 8 Kama Warsaw Sandy Lad 405SO Jefson 34 l16slow 10 117 1 1 i 22 2nk E Haynes 8 Blaise lolite Counterblast 40449 Jefson 34 119 hvy 8 121 4 5 5 41 424 E Haynes G Pilsen Warsaw Kama 40203 Empire Im70y l44fast 35 105 G 2 2 11 Il L McAtee G MKruter JckMoimt ChesTwo 40185 Empire 1 116 l47fast 45 110J 5 5BLUE 2 1 1 I2 E Haynea 9 Irregular H Lassie M Jumbo JumboBy BLUE PARADISE b f 4 108 By Helmet Bandello E R Bradley 4I7G3 Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 115 99 6 G G 41 4 ° S Boyle 7 Docod Bob Hensley Caddy 41721 Oaklwn 34 l125fast 6 101 2 9 6 61 633 S Boyle 9 Nepperhan Bringliiirst Kama 41G73 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 7 100 3 5 5 4i 533 S Boyle 11 Legotal Kukhix Sylvano 41607 Jefson 34 l14fast 10 112 4 4 5 5 5C L Gentry 5 II Btirgoynt Murphy John Jr 40893 FGnds 1 143 good 15 102 3 4 5 7 7 7 S Boyle 7 Diversion Cob Lass KiNoor 404S7 Latonia 34 I14good2110 102 3 2 3 E2 2 H Lunsfd 7 HighGear HamA Gunpowder 40333 Latonia 1 l37fast 19 101 5 2 2 5 72 8 C Brown 9 Grundy WMachine SofPsure 39789 Lexton 34 l13Mfast 7 102 3 1 1 I2 I1 H Lunsfd 5 Buford FauxCol Purdey 39427 Saratoga 34 l12fast 5 107 3 1 134112sIow 1 I1 21 H LunsfdlS Tchbearer Manganese HAtkin 39258 Saratoga 34112sIow 5 102 3 2 2 2 331 E Pool 9 Sweep Up II Jyntee Seafarer 39230 Saratoga 34 lllfast 10 104 5 6 6 81 421 E Pool 11 Midnight Sun Louise V Kama 39192 Saratoga 34 112 fast 7 103 14 14 15 13 122 E Pool 1C Panaman LInGrmier Pullux SCARPIA II b g 5 111 By Isidor La Tosca II Mrs E Arlington 41593 Jefson 34116 slow 41 llfi Left at the post M Rowan 8 Margery Risponcle Earlymorn 41550 Jefson 5i f lllhvy 4J 116 1 11 I6 1 M Rowan 7 Key Mar Korfhage TitforTnt 41479 FGnds Ei f 110 hvy 7 117 2 23 32 48J M Rowan S N Simplex Onico RHAndson RHAndson4140G 4140G FGnds 51 f lllhvy 115 118 2 11 E2 5 i JI Rowan S Sosius Margery Korfliage 41293 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 12 109 3 2 1 4 Cl 10 M Rowan 12 Philistine Tli Green JWakely 41209 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 15 114 1 11 1J 11 M Rowan 9 Bathilde Ermitana TzeLsi 41137 FGnds E f 110 hvy 12 115 3 22 2l 2s M Rowan 10 Bathilde Ina Kay HastyMabnl 41050 FGnds 51 f lOSVgood 10 112 3 64 E1 553 G Walls 12 MerLass OpheliaW TasStttfl 41006 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 10 111 1 33 3 3lu G Walls 12 Tom Goose GWington Ettahe 40972 FGnds 6 f l0flfast 20 113 5 5 G 61 6 3 G Walls 12 Port Light WoWdom JuckK 40859 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 20 110 2 88 810 8 J Metcalf 9 I adyLxury CMaster lJingd n nSS026 SS026 HdeGce Elf 107 fast 4G 11211 12 10 10 9 3 W Doyle 12 Adele Murphy Onico OnicoAlso Also eligible to start in order nnmed should any of the above be scratched scratchedPADDY PADDY b g 4 111 By Irish tad MintWia R L Bresler 41763 Oaklwn 31 116 hvy 5 109 4 4 3 3 2J A Johnson 7 Docod Bob Hensley 15 Paradise Paradise40GS1 40GS1 Jefson 51 f l09hvy 8 111 4 G 6 G12 C H Wakoff 7 Marasmus Kama OIlie Martin 40383 Jefson 51 f l10 slow 10 112 3 22 2 3l H Wakoff 7 Kama Sandy Lad Gallant Lad 40284 Pimlico 34113 fast 16 112 5 4 G 52 G i Lt Ensor 10 AGoOn LillianShaw Subahdar 40255 Pimlico 34 l13fast 14 110 1 2 3 2nk 3 F Robson 5 SSpangled ArrahGoOn Stiirdct 40201 Empire Ab34 l09fast 1310 113 2 22 21 3 F Robson G Turf Our Nephew Jane Mary 39212 Saratoga 34 IilOfast 7 117 8 9 9 10 10 M Buxton 10 George Starr DrJohnson Craulc CraulcSS512 SS512 Belmont 84113 fast 10112 5 44 4k 4 j M Buxton 5 Flags ODonovan George Sturr 38293 Jamaica 34 l12good 5 111 7 27 11 11 M Buxton 12 MotocTCop Flags Jack Hare Jr 36409 Pimlico 34 l12fast 18 106 7 6 4 41 4 M Buxton 14 High Lad Startling Naturalist 36339 Pimlico 34 l13fast 135 110 6 23 32 3i M Buxton 15 Nepperhan Cavan Boy Seafarer H C BASCH b g 4 104 By Marta Santa Caviet D J McDcrmid 41739 Oaklwn Im70y l4rfast 1S5 106 2 5 o 5 41 33 H Cassity S Nominee Sayonarra J ODowd 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 65 115 G 11 1141GCO 1 1 D ConnllylO Jack K Bathilde Eliz Marie 41GCO Oaklwn 34 l14slow 6 116 2 22 2240G05 2 2l D Connlly 7 Trusty Lucius Ettahe EttaheI2 40G05 Jefson 34 116 good 2 115 5 31 I2 U F RobsonlO Lib Star Capt Hodge Breezy 40308 Jefson 51 f 115 hvy 4 108 G 54 44 35 D Wlshrd G BShilling Camba Amazement 38349 Churchl 1 18 l54fast 11 97111 10 11 10 10381S4 9 8 E Donhuel2 Alda High Horse Clare 381S4 Churchl Im70yl49 slow 10 931 9 9 10 9 91 91 H Lunsfdll Old Ben Sosius Mount Rose II 37816 Oaklwn 1 116 l46fast 5 101 5 3 3 3 4 453 G W Carl 9 Blue Thistle Kingfisher Diadl Diadl3l 37758 Oaklwn 1 116 146 fast 2 87 4 3 4 4 3l 310 H Ericksn G Eulogy Old Broom Bell Boy 37735 Oaklwn 1 116 l4Gfast 185 102 2 4 3 3 337G89 21 2 W Obert 8 Austral Kingfisher Red Cross 37G89 Oaklwn 1 116 148 slow 10 101 3 2 3 3 3 37 G W Carl 7 Irregular Dolina Kebo Kebo7J 37615 Oaklwn 34 113 fast 6 106 5 57 7J 4B1 W Obert 10 Onieo Green Grass MarysBean S7555 Oaklwn 1 l40fast 85 104 4 4 4 4 4 21 H EricUsn 7 B Nestlehouse Thrift MsBeau LADY SMALL blk f 4 M By Jack Atkin Oriental Pearl G A Luckoy 41622 Jefson 34 l15fast 5 6 6 2h sh G PreeceJrll RHAndrson Th Seven Azalea 41584 Jefson 34 117 slow 4 41 105 1 1 1 Il 22 G PreeceJrl2 Conterbalance NewModel Clip 41354 FGnds 61 t 107 fast 2i 20 107 7 4 3 81 714 H Burke 12 MJmbo KilBoy RHAndson 11006 FGnds 55 f l10hvy 1 12 108 11 116J 12 12 12 12 F Murphy 12 TGoose GWington Scrpiall 40927 FGnds 6J f l09hvy Z 25 107 3 1 2 41 4 F Murphy 10 Blaise Sabretash Leta 40456 Bowie 78 129 fast 71 70f 107 12 12 12 122 12 G Walls 14 CAComiskey SkeerFace Loftns 40380 Bowie 78 l31hvy 2 27f 107 U 11 12 14 14 H Hanmerl4 SEmblem Starfinch Bbannock