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BOWIE FORM CHART BOWIE MD TUESDAY APRIL 8 1919 Prince George Park Seventh day Southern Maryland Agri ¬ cultural Association Spring Meeting of 12 days Weather clear temperature 50 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club E C Smith Judges Joseph A Murphy and J H Anderson Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of liorsu and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A lOViry FIRST EACE 12 Mile April 5 1013 48 2 112 Purso 700 2yearolds 2yearoldsnt nt JLtf dt J Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 500 second 125 third 75 Index Hprses AWtPPSt 4 sjStrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 4l8472KALLlPO lS wIi4 T43 lijlaklj G Corey J II Shrevo tl00l 0 0QUERCA QUERCA w 114 10 9 4l 2 2s J Butwell H P AVhitney J45100 41887 = MISS SHACKLETON w 114 34 3 33 33 T Rice S Ross 340100 340100COBWEBS COBWEBS AV114 910 5 4U AV J OBn H P AVhitney t 41847 HUSH v 114 86 G1 Gl 5i T Parton T Clyde 4645100 41887 = MISS STATHEM v 114 6 5 25 4l 61 AV Mnders A Neal 3940100 41867 DRUSILLA v 114 1 2 7S 71 7J AV Obert N D Smith t 9 = S S Sndman J Troy 3S95100 3S95100ESCARPOLETTE ESCARPOLETTE v 114 7 7 81 9 ° 9 ° J Metcalf J F Porrctto 15710100 41887 ALICE HAlGH v 114 5 10 10 10 H Ericksn C R Richards 20003100 20003100f f Coupled in betting us Jv 1L Shrove and N D Smith entry JH P Whitney entry entryTime Time 23 49 Track fast 2 mutiiols paid J II Shrcve and N D Smith entry 3200 straight 10 place 280 show H P AVhitney entry 240 pjuc l 210 show Miss Slmckleton 230 show showErjuivaleiit Erjuivaleiit booking odds 1 II SShrevi and N I Smith entry lOO to 100 straight 203 to 100 place 40 to lOO show H P Whitney entry 20 to 100 place 0 to 100 show Miss Shackletou lr to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br f by Glorifier or Celt Puritan Girl trained by N K Beal bred by Mr John II Shreve j AVent to post at 240 At post 1 minute Start poor and slow AVon driving second and tlrrd the same KALLIPOLIS off fast set a good pace ran gamely and true but tired and just lasted long enough to wiiu QUERCA began slowly but was vigorously ridden while forced to race on the extreme outside and made a game but tiring fliUxh MISS SHACKLETON ran a good race but tired when called on in the final drive COBWEBS began flatfooted but meed well on the outside and will improve HUSH ran well MISS STATHEM swung wide on the home turn Scratchedr418673Fanny Cook 114 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs April 2 1917 107 3 100 Purse 700 3year olds ami upward Claiming Net value to winner 500 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt 5iStrFiu Jockeys Owners Euuiv Odds Strt 41889 glBOLA v4107 S 7 51 4J 21 li J Metcalf G W J Bissell 418 yCOMACHO wli5107 OG OG4UO 3 3s 4l 21 A Itlchcrk H Dernhani 4UO KAURjy CILLER yr 4 107 2 i 6 5 51 R RpnVJll A ea1 410093GENERAL w D 115 3 5 T H Wilson 41 1 2 OLD B BENDER w 3 107 G S 10 9 7i rJ D Stirling W G Kennedy tG150100 4118 RISPONDE w 4 105 7 7i 71 G1 G J Staidcfii T AV OBrien 080100 080100I 10808 SIR HASTE w r 112 1 a5 10 O1 1 J Mooncy A AV Rainbo I I I if 157872 LADY WARD w r 107 10 2 25 2J Ii 8J II EricUsn E Lut LutS 415251NA K w 7 105 4 10 S SJ S1 IIs S Sndman C N Freeman FreemanIl 118U9 DR CAM PRELL w n 111 5 1 Il Gio 10 AV J OBn L Williams 41912 SEA BEACJtv wn fi 112 11 Left at the post AV Obert T E Crist 1355100 1355100tMutuel tMutuel Held Time 25 50 102 109 Track fast 4 2 imitucls paid Siliola 1740 straight 910 place SG10 show Comacho S2SO place 1820 show Laura Miller 1000 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Siliola 770 to 100 straight 3 to 100 place 20 to1 100 show Comacho 4040 to 100 place 810 to KM show Laura Miller 400 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ill f bv Kapid AVater Playground trained byT II Stotler bred by Air John K Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 312 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but SKA I5KACH Wi driv ¬ ing second and third the same SIBOLA well ridden and suddenly improved saved ground on the turns and was drawing clear at the end OMAOI1O away forwardly tdioweil improvement and made a game finish LAURA MILLER came fast through the stretch GHNEUAL set i good pace io the last eighth and tirtfd INA KAY was in close quarters throughout RISPONDK began slowly and lost ground on the turns turnsScratched Scratched 1193G = Kingling II 110 4193i Bronco Billy 112 41SG9 Gloaming 112 399SS The Belgian II 112 112Overweights Overweights Old Bill Render 4 pounds A t Of Q THJRD RACE G 12 Furlongs Nov 29 1917 119 4 112 Purso 700 4year i JLtf TC J olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 500 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt liStrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 2 = 1 1 = 1 J Butwell J E Griffith 419 11 2BROOM PEDDLER w 4 111 52 4 33 23 2s T Rice H S Koppin 155100 40020 THE MASQDER wu 7 111 1 5 1J 2nt S 3i J Metcalf J F Porretto 620100 62010041470PILSEN 41470PILSEN w 5 113 4 G 5 5 ° 53 4 J Mooney D S Fountain 375100 3751004182D 4182D SUNNY HILL wu 4 100 31 31 4 4J 51 S Sndman G E Hall 1235100 40480 DAN w 5 111 2 7 7 7 7 G3 G Corey J H Shreve G095100 G09510041890s 41890s AVOOD VIOLET wn 4 39 7 4 6s G ° Gut 7 R Denvse J B Dahlgren 9GO100 9GO100Time Time 2415 48 114 121 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Amackassiu 1400 straight 570 place 430 show Broom Peddler 320 place 200 show The Masquerader 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Amackassin 030 to 100 straight 185 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Broom Peddler GO to 100 place 30 to 100 show The Masqnerader 110 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B c by Sweep Radiance trained by H Rites bred by Mr Charles W Moore MooreAVent AVent to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AMACKASSIN followed the leader in closest early pursuit and passing him on the last turn drew away easily In the final eighth and Avon in a canter BROOM PEDDLER finished fast when THE MAS ¬ QUERADER tired and easily outstayed him for second place THE MASQUERADER set the early pace but tired as if short PILSEN pulled up lame SUNNY HILL showed speed WOOD AlOLET ran poorly DAN will improve improveOverweights Overweights Amackassin 4 pounds FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Nov 21 1916 126 4 116 Toboggan Handicap Purso 1000 3yearolds and upward Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt iStrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 4187211 BREIVOGEL w4 105 1 2 1J H I11 I5 II Ericksn S Louis 4155Sy COBALT CASS wn4 ICO 2 3 2 23 2i 2J A Richcrk J Arthur 41891DAN BRIGHT WB 4 107 44 3J 3 3 = 3 T Rico AV Raymond 1SO100 1SO10041035AVAUKEAG 41035AVAUKEAG w 5 110 31 4 41 41 4h AV TMndcrs P J Sullivan 420100 41891 KATIE CANAL wit 4 97 5 5 5 n 5 5 J McKvcr J E Griffith 4565100 4565100Time Time 24 48 114 l27 l27s s Track fast 2 intitticls paid Harry Breivogel 1G0 straight 530 place 290 show Cobalt Lass 370 place 250 show Dan Bright 230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Harry Breivogel 745 to 100 straight 1G5 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Cobalt Lass 85 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Dan Bright 15 to 100 show Winner B g by Master Robert Ida Kearney trained by AV A Bnrttschell bred by Messrs Jl D Carr Bro BroAVent AVent to post at 412 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but KATIE CANAL AVon easily second and third driving HARRY BREIVOGEL took an immediate lead and keeping it drew away in the stretch to win in a canter COBALT LASS was under restraint for the first half but tired in the final drive DAN BRIGHT raced prominently aiid fiuislied gamely AVAUKEAG lacked speed and ran much outpacedOverweights below his true form KATIE CANAL was always outpaced Overweights Katie Canal 2 pounds FiFTB RACE Mile Nov 23 1916 141 C 114 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming1 Net valuo to winner 600 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt V te StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 4 1010s HAUBERK WD 7 10G 4 4 2J 2 2 1S S Sndman J F Sweeney 41851BALLAST wn 4 109 2 2 1 J I1 1 15 2 = T Rico J E Griffith 418723LORD HEUBERTwr 4 103 G G G G G 41 38 A Richcrk T Francis 41891 AMALETTE w 4 113 5 5 3i 3i 3i 33 4 J Butwcll II S Koppin 22UO100 22UO10041590PRUNES 41590PRUNES w 4 99 3 3 4i 53 5 = G 51 J Mooney D S Fountain 1955100 41891 VALSPAR wr 4 109 1 1 5 = 4l 41 5 G D Stirling G AV J Bisscll 4125100 4125100Time Time 25 50 115 142 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Hauberk 410 straight 280 place 250 show Ballast 280 place 240 show Lord Herbert 2 70 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddrf Haulxrk 105 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Ballast 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Lord Herbert 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Martinet Druid trained by F Musantc bred by Messrs Williams Bros BrosAVent AVent to post at 441 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv jiln HAUBEItK followed BALIAST closely to the home turn where he came fast and taking the lead in the stretch won going uway BALLAST tired after setting a good pace to the last eighth LOUD HERBERT racingScratched closed up well in the stretch drive PRUNES tired AALSPAR needs racing Scratched 11911sAntoinettc 91 91Overweights Overweights Amalettc 4 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 116 Kiles Nov 25 1915 148 4 116 Purse 800 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPStt4 Vs 3iStr Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 418482GENEVIEVE B v41Q4 4 3 4 41 3 21 I3 AV Obert S PinKerton PinKerton418522SIMON 418522SIMON PURE w 4 10G 71 I11 1U 1J Ink 21 H Ericksn B Gray 41893 FLORA FINCH wi 5 10G G 2 2l 2l 2i 32 3 J Mooney AV L Maupin 41893 ALMA B wn 5 102 5 4 3 = 3 341912s 4 4 = 4 ° H AVakoff G AV Atkinson 41912s CAPT HODGE w 4 101 2 G 6 6 R Denyse S Louis 419393BILL HUNLEY w 4 10G 1 5 5 5n 5nk 7 GJ G G Corey II Herron 3S5100 41889 SISTER MARJJlIEw r 4 104 3 7 7 7 G 7 7 S Sndman C Buckland 1825100 Time 23 51 117 144 151 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Genevieve B 820 straight 370 place 330 show Simon Pure 370 place 310 show Flora Finch 870 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Genevieve B 310 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place G5 to 100 show Simon Pure 85 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Flora Finch 335 to 100 show showAViuncr AViuncr Ch f by Eyebrow Yodlcr trained by F C Frisbie bred by Mr A Johnson JohnsonAVent AVent to post at 511 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing GENEVIEVE B followed SIMON PURE closely to the final eighth where she raced into the lead and drisw away to win casing up SIMON PURE tired after setting a good pace to the final eighth tint finished gamely FLORA FINCH ran well but also tired CAPT HODGE was hard riddeii throughout BILL HUNLEY lacked speed speedOverweights Overweights Alma B 4 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Nov 25 1915 148 4 116 Purse 800 4ycar olds and upward Claiming Not valuo to winner 600 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 41908 KILMER WR 6108 G G 3 3414JONOUREDt 3i 2l 1 = Il I1 T Rico T E Crist 115 414JONOUREDt IN wr 7 106 277 77 77 2i 25 R Denyse F Hodman 12815ji 41893 = EDITH BAUMN wn 6 9S 5 35 3541002MISS 6s G5 5 = 33 A Richcrk J Arthur 400100 41002MISS FILLEY w 4 102 3 6 66 66418733BOXER 6s 4nk 4l 45 4 H AVakoff AV H Post 1515KlO 418733BOXER wn 7 113 112 1 2 35 35 3i 51 J Butwell J Duffy 210100 41930IIAZELNUT w 5 10S 7 4 I1 H ii 6l f Ji Mooro A Tempest 1SSUO100 418G9SA VILLA wit 5 93 4 2 41 5i G1 7 7 J Staplctn G Klucchl 11820iOO 11820iOOTime Time 25 52 118 145 152 Track fast 2 mutuols paid Kilmer 130 straight 350 place 2 0 show Noureddin 1930 place 2000 show Edith Baumann 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kilmer 113 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Notircddin 23G5 to 100 place 930 to 100 show Edith Baumann 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Plaudit Expressing trained by T K Crist bred by Mr John E Madden AVent to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing KILMER after following the early leaders took the lead in the linal half and was hard riddeii at the end to withstand NOUREDDINS challenge The latter away slowly closed up ground rapidly after rounding tho linal turn and ran a good race EDITH HAUMAXN saved ground on thehonic turn and finished fast MISS FILLEY ran fairly well BOXER quit badly in the final quarter HAZELNUT showed quitOverweights the most siwed for threequarters then quit Overweights Boxer 2 pounds