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Bowie Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday April 9 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under tho heading Roc in the entries below show tho best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1 1917 no matter vhero it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 2 1917 107 3 100Todays Todays 100 Ind Horse Nt Rec AAVtHan AAVtHan4190S3 4190S3 Sister Emblem 105 1086 5113X725 5113X7254UW2 4UW2 True as Steel 117107 S lir720 lir72041HS 41HS Laura Millor 102108 4 10GX715 40338 Yankee Notions 3U9SS Tho Belgian II 5 iJZi9 41889 Satisfied 100108 p 108X705 41931 Bronco Billy 11G 1OS 51130705 51130705414Mi 414Mi Fronchv 0 109 4 111 700 41935 Miss FauntleroyM10S 111 4 101 00 Sister Emblem is racing in good form Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 11S Dr Campbell lli1 107 10711U18 11U18 General 110 107 9 1150715 41871 Scaramouch 108 111 111HG5t 7 115X710 HG5t Galaway 7 115X705 41035 Miss Sterling M107 l14s l14sH99SS 4 106 705 H99SS Thrift Ill l07s l07s1182S 4 111 705 1182S AVetona 105 109 4 100X705 10010 Knew 114 107 Ji JiVirginia 4 111 700 Virginia Tolls raoo should have iniprr i Third Race 5 12 Furlongs 4 yearolds and i ward Claiming Track record April April4l 1017 107 100 4l j Refugee 109 l07i G 118 725 419SG2 Kingling II 115 109 G 110 X 7110 41SI0 Korflmge 991107 8 10SX715 40S07 American 4HJ20 9Fenta Girl 101 107 H91X7W Today s Ind Horse AVt Roc AAVtHan 11870 Kewessa US 1M5 Jt 113X705 113X705i88Kl i88Kl Ccltabel G lli705 lli70541tl8 41tl8 = Comacho 107 100 5 10S0700 10S0700Refugee Refugee is racing in good form formFourth Fourth Race G 12 Furlongs Naval Academy Purse 3ycarolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Nov 19 1917 119 1 112 418SS HANKY PANKY 109 750 I1S0 AVisest Fool 115X740 111137 Frizeur M 101 41850 Romeo 109i i 419373 Mahony 112I730 112I730Hanky Hanky Panky may turn out to be a good one oneFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record Nov L3 191G 141 G 114 11441j8 41j8 = Firing Line 100 142 tf 5 105X725 110072041831s 41909 Sosius 108142 S 1100720 41831s Peerless One 110 l3SVi 410SX715 41938 Indian Chant 103141 G 110X715 41011 Pluviada 3 85 710 41911 Graphic 101 142 CN 5 105X705 105X7054193S 4193S N K Beal 115 l4m ne 5 1100700 e weights Firing Line should win Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4vearolds 4vearolds and upward Claiming Track record Nov 25 1915 148 1 110 11940 Fountain Fay 107 145 9 113J7 419122 Don Dodge 107 148 4 111X7 419133 Indolence 107 117 8 113X7 41912 Progressive 102 150 9 10S07 41872 Sleeth 113140 1011307 41913 Blue Rock 110147 G 110X7 41848 Baby Rasch M 97 151 5 110 7 741S4S 41S4S Matoaka M 4 101V7 418923 Miss McGiggle M 7 100 7 7Fountain Fountain Fay is in remarkable form for him himSeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Nov 30 1915 143 1 107 10711S90 11S90 Widow Itodotto 101 142 i 107X 11908 Harry Shaw 811207 41913 Inquieta 99 144 9 9S07 41912 Fairy Prince 3 91 7 41952s Flora Finch 102 l4Gh 5103X7 418G8 5103X7418G8 Frank Shannon 3 9SX7 WW9W 9SX7WW9W Peqotte iseuras JecJdciUy b st