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FOURTH RACE 1 11G Miles 4yearolds and upward Allowances March 28 1918 145 J HARVEST KING ch g 5 113 11341S37 By Soa King Mum J M Goode 41S37 Oaklwn 1 116 l46fast 165 112 3 3 3 341GS6 lh i i N Barrett Slip Elm Grey Eagle Obolus 41GS6 Oaklwn 1140 fast 115105 776 Sit 2ll M Garner 7 Troilus Barry Shannon Obolus 41617 Oaklwn Im70y l45good 910 115 5 2 2 Il I2 M Garner 7 DWilliams BMcDell Obolus 41369 FGnds 1 116 l51mud G5 115 2 1 1 1 1 N Barrett 3 Antoinette Lord Herbert 41152 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 1520 110 1 1 1 I1 2 M Buxton 5 Obolus Lord Herbert Prunes 41073 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 65 106 2 2 2 2t 22 II Buxton G Oprtunity DKright Amalette 41021 FGnds 1 116 l51hvy 21 111 2 2 1 11 I2 M Buxton 9 Irregular BMcDawell BPedlcr 40381 FGnda Im20y l41fast 41 109 3 3 1 11 11 M Buxton 8 Irish Kiss Jiffy Obolus 40914 FGnds 1 l47hvy 20 lOo 322 322UOSO 4 4 1 M Buxton 7 Warsaw Cobalt Lass Waukeag UOSO Latonia 1 116 l47slow 8 109 4 7 7 7SS351 62 6 J Gruber 7 Hocnir Sun God M Rose II SS351 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 10 110 6 G o 412 410 p Merimee G SuiiGod BabyLynch JHeffering 38797 Latonia 1 116 l45good 13 108 7 6 6 71 71 p Merimeell SmartMoney BFellow BLyntli BLyntliBy OBOLUS b K 7 1J5 By Oddfellow Kenmoro Queen H Field 41916 Oaklwn 1 l10fast 32 103 2 3 3 341S37 45 4 = i N Barrett S SilvLight MarsMouse EdStone 41S37 Oaklwn 1 11G l46Vifast 10 10a o 5 4 441GS6 4 4s G W Carl B liar King SlipKlm GrpyEngle 41GS6 Oaklwn 1 140 fast 10 10o J G G 41 4 G Moles th 7 Troilus Harv King BShannou 41647 Oaklwn ImTOy l45good 6 119 2 o 5 G 45S E Haynes 7 HKiug D Williams BMeDwl 41152 FGnds 1 11G l50 flivy 41 111 r 5 3 lh C Robson S HarKing LordUerbert Pniius 41101 FGnils 1 18 202fchvy 7 112 4 5 G 5 = 5 = 13 llaynes G UrlVddler 1nuiis KNoptiine 41021 FGnds 1 116 151 hvy S 114 o 7 G 6 B Ilaynes 9 llarKinj Irregular BMfUawoll 409SI FGnds Iin20y l41fast 75 110 G S S S40Jll 4 45 C Robson 8 Harvest King Irish Kiss Jiffy 40Jll FGnds 1 l43slow 95 lOr 4 S 7 11 I1 C Robson 9 BabyLynch PadDear Graphic 40901 FGnds lmpy l46fast 5 1111 6 6 5 32 s1 T Rico 7 Irish Kiss PaddyDear Graysou 40498 Bowie m16 l50fast 7 116 2 i 7 41 n T Rice 7 Bravado Aldebaran Babette 40438 Bowie lm70jPl49Jfast 0 114 686 6 5 G Walls 9 King John Bravado Prunes 40355 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 115 108 2 i G G1 ID D Stirling 7 Qof thoSua Prunes King John 40336 Bowie Jm70y lr8B agt W v 5 4 I1 P Stifling 5 K John Thorn Bloom Whimsy GREY EAGLE gr c 4 111 By Grey Leg Mcmoria II F Gering Jr 41917 Oaklwn Im70y l44fast 5 102 212 2 21 43i II Cassity r UnderFiro Drastic SlipElra 41837 Oaklwn 1 116 IMGfast 41 10J 2 1 2 3 3s 3 C Brown B Harvest King SlipElm Obolus 41799 Oaklwn Im70y 144 fast 7 99 2 2 2 3 3l lh H Cassity B SlipElm Reveler Bar Shannon 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 710 115 1 1 1 1 1 = I2 D ConnllylO Aldebaran Ellison Aug Ilcinze 41671 Oaklwn 3T4 114 fast 7 113 1 2 2 24 23 D ConnllylO Port Light Liberator CMaster 41321 FGnda GVf l09 good 20 119 4 6 G 71 7 D Connlly 8 Sabretash Squceler Blaisc 10753 Jefson 1 116 l55hvy 5 104 1 1 4 4tOGSG 4 4 4 II Stearns 4 Waukeag Franklin Diversion tOGSG Jefson 1 1 43 slow 4 98 4 3 4 4 4 22 H Stearns 4 BMcDawell KcnBoy Cadillac 40629 Jefson 51 f 113 hvy 135 116 4 4 3 31 21 F Robson 4 GreenGrasa JuneBug AlLouiso 40519 Bowio Im70y 157 slow 4 140 1 1 1 1 1 lk Lt Graner 11 Fountain Fay Mtlos Christie 40540 Bowie 1 116 l53hvy 41 110 1 2 1 2 21 3 L McAtee 13 BPeddler BTliistle KNeptune 404SO Bowie 1 11 212 fast 115 106 1 1 1 1 I2 I3 L McAlee 9 Genevieve B Monocacy Dalroso 0440 Bowlo 1116152 fast 7f 107 1 3 3 3 31 5s A Johnsonl2 lUtie Thistle SEmblcm Lutlier 1042G Bowie Im70y l49good 135 112 1 1 1 3 3SANDS 2 23 A Johnson 7 Babette Everest Dalwood DalwoodBy SANDS OF PLEASURE b g 6 112 By Fair Play Golden Sand H Field FieldC 41918 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 15 318 0 6 G G414C9 Co GU G W Carl 7 ANAkin Nopperhan BTromp 414C9 FGnds 1 147 hvy G5 109 2 4 2 2 I2 Il G Moles tli 5 AVar Mask Prunes Walnutnali 41391 FGnds 1 l43imi l 95 106 4 4 4 3 341S09 3 3 = 1 G Molcsth 4 Drastic KohiNoor Glasstoi 41S09 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 75 J01 4443 3 2l 22 G Moles th 4 Buford Kiiteliriglit FHandley 41276 FGnds 1 116 148 fast 4 1011 2443 3 3 2 = G Molcsth 1 FredtheGreat Buford Hanovia 41230 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 2 105 3 42 2 35 2 G Molcsth G ANAkin KBright KiNoor 41137 FGnds InVTOy l47mucl 8 10G 5 4 4 4 3A 25 G Molcsth B Slippery Elm Buford Waukiag 41151 FGnds 1116150 hvy 4 105 4 3 3 2 23 2s G Molesth G Bolster Dan Bright Doug S 41118 FGnds 1 150 hvy 8 107 6 5 G 5 G2 G G Molesth G FHandley DBright Waukeag 41059 FGnda 5J f l07mud 25 108 6 66 6 6 G8 G Molesth G Pickwick VinlctBonnic Pepper 40465 Latonia 1 l40slow 165 107 2 3 3 2 2s 22 C VnDun 5 BSnnon WMhine Optunity 10131 Latonia 34 llGhvy 31 103 6 41 41KOHINOOR 1 I2 21 J Hanover 5 G Queen Opptunity LLuxury LLuxuryBy KOHINOOR blk m 5 107 By Dr Leggo Priceless Jewel E Arlington 41917 Oaklwn Im70y l44fast 7 101 5 2 1 1 G 5s M Rowan B ITnderFire Drastic SlipKlm SlipKlmG 41511 FGnds 1 116 147 fast 7 97 2 1 5 G G G10 J Mooney G B Voter HnnkODay Amalitto 41440 FGnds 1 l11hvy 3 2 3l 4 = M Rowan 5 Diversion KBright FHandley 41394 FGnds 1 l43Vimud 8 1 U 21 J Mooney 4 Drastic S of Pleasure Glasstoi 41355 FGnda 1 l39fast 3 2 2s 3 J Rodgez 7 Diversion TheCBon K Bright 41297 FGndg 1 141 fast 7 2 3h 3 = i J Rodgez G WalHall BShannon DBright 412SO FGnds 61 f l10hvy 10 5 4 4 i J Mooney G ANAkin SofPsure KBright 411G4 FGnds 1 l41slow 41 6 6 G14 II Ericltsn G Royce Rools Grayson CobLass 40974 FGnds 1 l40fast 32 2 2 2nk G Walls S CobaltLass Amalette KBright 40S93 FGnds 1 143 good 41 3 32 3 ° G Walls 7 Diversion Cobalt Lass Dolina 40537 Bowie 1 146 hvy 6 6 5 G21 L McAtee G Kashmir Drummond T Bloom 40516 Bowie 61 f 122 slow 41 5 5 5 T Rice 5 ChLeydecker Kashmir Qetude 40409 Bowie 1 l44hvy 3 2 I1 3s G Walla G Salvestra DouglassS Bondage BondageBy RUFUS RILEY ch c 4 104 By Suffragist Dixie Dixon B C Bunbury 41683 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 1310 118 G 5 4 = lh B Ilaynes 8 Ed Stone J P House Omond 40914 FGnds 1 l47hvy 15 104 6 6403SS 6 6 613 G Molesth 7 Warsaw Cobalt Lass Waukeag 403SS Latonia 1 l44mud 22 105 4 4 4 413 G Molesth 4 LuckyB GipQueen WMachine