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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Nov 23 1916 141 6 111 FIRING LINE blk g 5 By Star Shoot Royal Gun G W Forman wie Im20y l4Cgood 4 116 1122 2 2n J Butwell 7 Dolinti Kilts II Indian Chant 41911 Bowie 78 130 fast 31 118 1 1i I4 T Rice i B Peddler Antoinette Graphic 41S72 Bowie 1 l43fast 41 111 2 2GJ 52 4J3 F Robson HBreivogel Dolina LHerbert 41851 Bowie GJ f 121 fust 7 110 2 3 3 J Metcalf 8 Ballast BrmPeddler Crumpsall 4053G Bowie 61 M23hvy 4J 109 4 2s L Stalker 13 TDecision DrCmpbell SFace 40410 Bowie Im70yl51 hvy 710 103 7 5 5403CG 62 41 S Sndman 7 Doliiia Sea Beach Sis Emblem 403CG Bowie 78 l31slop 22 108 4 439Cfi3 1 1 ° H Myers 11 King Neptune Zouave Margery 39Cfi3 HdeGce 34 l13fast 19f 114 1 12s 13 = 4 A Collins li Murphy MasKarma HelAtkin 29208 Sartoga 1 310 205slop 20 104 3 2 2SOSITJS C5 735 A Collins 8 NKBeal LNearer Harwoodll HarwoodllBy SOSITJS br e B 110 By Solitaire H Aya C R Richards 41909 Bo wife 61 f l23 slqp 225 114 4 3U I2 H Ericksn 8 Tig Rose General Parlor Boy 41871 Bowie GJ f 122 fast 21 113 1 141G22 G3 33i R Pauley S Mumbo Jumbo Kilmer Napoli 41G22 Jefson 34 l15V fast 12 114 2 G 5ai L Gentry 11 RHAcrson Th Seven LSmall 41594 Jefson 34 116 slow 4 116 3 51 574 R Troxler 8 Langden Selma G General 41577 Jefson 34 l18mud 85 11C 6 31 2flt M Garner 9 Risponde General Miss Kruter 41551 Jefson 51 f l12hvy 31 116 5 2i 21 J Mooney 9 Ettahe Margaret N Pluviada 41509 FGnds Im70y l4Ggood 20 108 6 2 5 5t2 M Buxton 9 Grumpy Kilmer Romeo 41438 FGnds 51 109 hvy 12 118 6 62 G ° 2 D Connllyll Romeo Ettahe Thistle Green 41406 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 6 114 6 6PEERLESS 11 lk D Connlly 8 Margery Korfhage Parlor Hoy HoyBy PEERLESS ONE br g 4 108 By Jack Atkin Sans Pareil II D S Fountain 41831 Bowie 1 l44fast 41 107 1 1 4l 3 = 1 J Mooney 5 LHbert Antoinette HBvogcl 41537 FGnds 5V f 107 fast 15 113 S S 8 L Stalker y Li rely Onlco Port Light 40901 FGnds Im70y l46sfast 31 101 4 5 6 67i H Cassity 7 Irisli Kiss Paddy Dear Obolus 40S61 FGnds Im20y l49hvy 5 108 1 S 3 = 1 ° II Cassity 0 Cadillac Berlin Noureddin 40790 Jefson 1 l44good 5 106 2 1 6 613 J Rodgez G Warsaw Grayson Ken Boy 40T52 Bowie ImOy 150 slow 8 107 3 3 3 331 C Kummer 7 tin Bout Manoevre Bravado 40499 Bowie Im70y l47fast 4 107 2 2 1 21 C KummerlO JusquauBout Poacher KJohn 40397 Bowie Im70y l51hvy S 108 G 6 78 7 1 A Johnson 8 Bravado Valspar Piedra 40307 Pimlico 1 316 201 fast 3 108 4 4 4 4 H Lunsrd 4 GCock Ballymooney KBright 40244 Pimlico 1 18 l56slow 75 113 4 3 6l 471 H Lunsfd 7 Piedra Tie Pin Bar of Phoenix 40227 Laurel 1 116 I46i4fast 4 109 3 5 int 2 H Lunsfd 7 Jlonomoy Buckboard Celto 40193 Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 2110 107 13 13 1 J 1s H LunsfdlO WidHedotte Grouse Starfinch StarfinchBy INDIAN CHANT ch B 6 110 By Delhi Anthem W H Post 41938 Bowie Im20y l4G7igood 3 110 0 3 4 41 D Stirling 7 Doliiia Firing Line Kilts II 41852 Bowie 1 145 fast 7 109 1 4 Got 31 D Stirling i Kilts II Simon Pure I Dodge 40424 Bowie 1116151 good 45 110 1 1 1 21 L Stalker r PBtertty BofPnix HBther 40398 Bowie 1 116 l534hvy 85 105 1 2 2t 23 L Stalker 7 Gold Boy Kebo King Neptune 4023S Bowie 34 l13fast 235 113 8 61 4 = 1 L Stalker 11 Blazeaway June Bug Ina Kay 40054 Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 12 105 4 2 5 5 S Sndman 5 Smart Money Hauberk Ballast 40028 Laurel 1 11G l46fast 41 109 5 2 3 32 L Stalker 10 B Hpson EHenry JofSpades 39987 Laurel Im70y l44fast 32 111 1 1 Il Il L Stalker 6 Dan Fountain Fay Bierman BiermanBv PLUVIADA ch f 3 85 Bv Pluvious Aida Dunn W J Riley 41911 Bowie 7tf 130 slop 15 95 0 C O17 A Richcrk 5 FirLine BrPeddler Antoinette 41624 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 115 89 C 3 2h G32 J Stapletn 9 Rhymer Benefactor Indolence 41C02 Jefaon Im70y l47good 5 95 7 1 1 li J StapletnlO SGatewood Margery LCochran 41597 Jefson Im20y l4Gslow 3 103 1 1 li la G PreeceJr 8 Wa Willow Plureuzi JHealoy 41571 Jefson 34 l16tast 8 105 4 4 3 H Ericksnl2 Lngden Elynioru RStckland 41551 Jefson 51 f l12hvy 20 9S 3 41 4 J Stapletn 9 Kttahe Sosius Margaret N 41525 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 20 99 6 6 G71 J Stapletnl2 Poverina Estimable Approval 41274 FGnds 51 f l08fast 7 93 9 10J 101 C RobsonlU True as Steel Letn Liberator LiberatorBy GRAPHIC b m 6 105 By Glorio Picturesaue J D Misick 41911 Bowie 78 1CO slop S 115 t 5 4 J Butwell 0 FirLine BrPoddler Antoinette 41831 Bowie 1 l44fast 5 104 3 4 5 r l H Ericksn 5 LHerbert Antoinette PeerOne 41471 FGnds Im70y l51hvy 12 1021 3 C 7 7i S Sndman 7 Optunity KNeptune Seafarer 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 8 1011 3 6 31 1 S SndmanlO Orderly Sybil Kentucky Boy 41061 FGnds Im70y l51mud 6 112 1 4 21 22 A Johnson 5 Antoinette Margery M Kruter 40994 FGnds lllGl53hvy 25 103 1 2 3 3s J Mooney 3 Blue Rock Capt Hodge HodgeG 40941 FGnds 1 l43slow 12 100 6 6 G 44i S Sndman 9 Obolus Baby Lynch Paddy Dear 40902 FGnds Im20y l43Afa8t 10 1021 3 6 21 2l S Sndman 7 B Lynch MKruter Antoinette 40S48 FGnds Im20y l4Shvy 7 100 3 4 4 4 R Pauley 5 BabyLyuch MissKrnter Dolina 40630 Jefson 1 116 l59Jihvy 7 103 4 4 4 4 F Robson 5 Cadillac WadLast BMcDaweU N K BEAL ch b 5 110 By Glorifier Puritan Girl jr H Shreve 41938 Bowie Im20y l4Ggood 27 110 2 7 7 51 533 G Corey 7 Dolina Firing Line Kilts II IIS 41851 Bowio 61 f 121 fast 27 110 1 8 S 7 G Corey S Ballast Br Peddler Firing Lin Lin3i 40538 Bowie 1 14 217hvy 3710 110 4 3 3 34049S 3i 3 D Stirling 4 Ballast Valspar J o tMfVp 4049S Bowio 1 116 l50faRt 33 111 5 4 G G4015S 7 7 D Stirling 7 Obolus Bravado Aldnhnran AldnhnranSI 4015S Bowio Im20y H41fast SOf 111 11 7 8 SI 813 D Stirling 11 Ballast Graphic Jusqu UK Km KmG 40381 Bowie 11lB 1S3 hvy 3710111 666 G 420 A Johnson Imnes King John Graphic 40355 Bowie 1116150 fast 10 108 4 5 7 7 720 A Johnson 7 Obolus Q of the Sea Pruje 39431 Sartoga 1 516 2llfast 5 115 6 5 4 5s 41 J Bell 6 Little Nearer Dan Deckniati 39391 Saratoga 1 516 210 fast 135 105 1 1 7 7 7u Q Preeco 7 Little Nearer Conduit Dan